How did I gain 6lbs just eating 2 meals today??



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Is anyone else able to predict their weight fluctuations? I have to admit that I was surprised this week to see minor losses on days with DOMS. There were bigger losses the following days. That was new.

    OP, lots of things cause weight to fluctuate. Read the forums and learn about them. If you're going to weigh yourself frequently, you should become familiar with them so you don't freak out every time the scale goes up.

    I usually can, though was a total fail on that front today. I suspect I've lost some weight and it's being slightly masked by fluid retention. It will be interesting to see what the scales say tomorrow!
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    This is why I don't chart my weight until I've had three consecutive weigh-ins at the same weight. And I make sure to weigh myself on the same scale (at the gym) in the same clothes, same time of day, right before I start my workout, right before I start guzzling water.

    Weight can fluctuate so much hour-to-hour and day-to-day. Don't be a slave to the scale.

    Besides, body fat percentage is really all that matters in that regard.
  • pmg2000m
    pmg2000m Posts: 44 Member
    Of course you will weigh more after eating & drinking. It's best to weight yourself in the morning after using the bathroom, before you eat anything. Also, don't panic with the day-to-day numbers, as they will fluctuate based on water retention... weekly might be better timing for tracking progress.