Headaches from green tea?



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's not tea, it is a diuretic packaged in tea form.

    Stop cheating, diet in a healthy way and you won't have this problem.
  • shoni2122
    shoni2122 Posts: 7 Member
    shaumom wrote: »
    I get headaches from it, yes.

    For me, it's a histamine issue. Green tea can trigger a release of histamine in people with certain conditions, and some seem prone to it for unknown reasons. The increased histamine often causes headaches, including migraines. If it's not triggered by an increase in IgE, however, most run of the mill tests won't detect anything wrong, and most docs only do the run of the mill tests, you know?

    I have a disorder where I'm prone to excessive release of histamine and it took over 20 years before they did the right test, even though it was basically a blood and urine test. Doctors not finding anything wrong doesn't mean there IS nothing wrong. Considering that you have continuing pain, I'd say their statement that nothing is wrong is a good sign to get a new set of doctors.

    With a lot of headaches like you have, Shoni2122, and the problem with green tea, you might want to check out something called a histamine intolerance. It's where the body doesn't seem to be able to break down histamine like it should, so certain foods and activities that increase histamine levels can end up triggering symptoms, like headaches. If it's severe, there are many more symptoms, but for those with a mild version of this, it can sometimes just be headaches, essentially.

    This gal below has the same condition and has done a lot of research. Her blog has some good information, some informative interviews with doctors who study this in the UK (in the USA, it's relatively unstudied and unknown), and ways to help cope that might be relevant. Wishing you good luck - the headaches all the time are just crushing sometimes. i hope you feel better soon.


    Wow... You know that might be my problem. I will go and ask my docs about this. They have done so many different test on me and still say there is nothing wrong with me.