Brand Spankin' New

aftenjessie Posts: 1 Member
Okie dokie, let's do this. I've committed myself to following the keto diet tomorrow morning (I didn't want to suffer through memorial day weekend). Haha. I've read soooo many articles and reports, so I feel comfortable with the requirements. I'm currently at 275 and would like to get down to 120. I want to hear your experiences. What to expect, good and bad. I've read "you might be a keto dieter," so I know not to trust a fart. ;) What should I prepare for in the beginning? How bad were your carb withdrawals? Any secrets you've discovered along the way? All responses are greatly appreciated!


  • Artemis68
    Artemis68 Posts: 67 Member
    Check out our low carber daily forum group. Plenty of LCHF, Atkins, Keto peeps there to ask your questions.

    Carb withdrawals can be pretty sucky in the beginning, plus you can sometimes feel sick or tired. It's called Keto flu... but stick through it and shortly it will pass. I find I don't crave sweets or carbs anymore which is awesome because I really am a carbaholic. Right now I'm 3 weeks in and have lost about 10lbs. I'm sure it's a lot of water right now as I am SOOO thirsty!! But heck, it still feels good to see the movement on the scale. Quite a few years ago I lived LCHF and maintained it for over two years... but then junk food eating hubby and children happened and I found it too hard to do while there was a house full of sh!te. Hubby's more supportive now that he wishes I was as slim as I was when we met (70lbs ago).

    That's all I have to share for now, hope to see you in our group! Friend me if you like.