Huh? Soy is bad for you?



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    You are late...been out for a while. Ya know, Western medicine and the food industry do not have mush to offer the Human Being, so why not just stick with the basics and let the fads pass by...kinda like always having a blue, grey and/or black traditional suit. And don't compare the way "we" use soy with the way Asians use soy...totally different, also the genetic factors.

    ETA: And if you think some foods are fine in moderation...keep on eating soy and soy based products and 10-20 yrs let us know know where you are health-wise (males and females). If you are un-sure of a food or beverage simply check the pH scale of how it burns in the body. For a legume, soy has a very low pH, which tells Me it is UNNATURAL. BUT beyond that 95% of ALL soy in the USA is GMO (Monsantonized)!!!!!!!!!!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Yeah most of the eastern world has been eating soy for only a few thousand years and we know what fertility problems the have. If you like soy enjoy it. Remember thousands of plants have estrogen like compounds including parley which was once used to induce midcarriage.

    I've found in general that soy milk has a higher protein content than nut or rice milks. However it still needs calcium fortification
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, there are differing opinions out there. I have the same issues as you. By the sounds of it, you are only having a small amount so I would not worry. My nutritionist said that I should have either rice or almond milk over soy. Reason - soy causes similiar issues with me as normal milk but I would have to a lot more soy than milk for it to affect me. He did give me all kinds of reasons and facts but I really did not listen to much of it. I think I took from it that Rice and Almonds are easily more digestable than soy.

    Personally, I like rice milk and I use it on cereal and with baking. I prefer the Genetically modified rice milk that I can get in Australia. It looks like milk and it tastes like milk with a strong sweet brown rice flavour. (I know it sounds strange but to me brown rice has always been sweeter that white. So that is why I said brown rice).

    Anyway, we are going to die from something. You may as well die from something that you enjoy and does not cause too many issues. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed.

    I am in Australia! What brand rice milk do you get? I might check it out. I will get both rice and almond see what my taste buds prefer BUT I do like brown rice!

    Vitasoy Rice Milk is the one I found that I like. The others tend to separate the milk from the water and does not tastes as good.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Everything in moderation. Sadly things like soy and wheat are hard to get in moderation now days, what we think of in western societies as "balanced" usually isn't. Just don't have any food daily for 10 years, and try lots of things. :)
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Soy is winding up in everything these days. If you live in the US even most of the canned tuna contains some! Crazy.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    You can replace your soy milk with almond/hazelnut milk. Those sound healthier to me.
  • MJ_Watson
    MJ_Watson Posts: 180 Member
    I'm no expert, so I can't say how it is for the average Joe, but I do know that people with thyroid disorders tend to be really sensitive to it. I have hypothyroid and I noticed a dramatic improvement to my health after I took it out of my diet (very hard to do since I live in Asia). As another poster said, my awful, weeks long, heavy periods regulated themselves as well, but that could be a result of increasing exercise and water intake too...

    BTW, as someone who lives in Asia, I will say that the Western perception that everyone over here is thin and healthy is totally off, especially the second part. As for the "Asian men don't have moobs" comment... I'm not going to ask any ajushi to take off their shirts to find out, but I'm betting that's not the case. ;)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    You are late...been out for a while. Ya know, Western medicine and the food industry do not have mush to offer the Human Being, so why not just stick with the basics and let the fads pass by...kinda like always having a blue, grey and/or black traditional suit. And don't compare the way "we" use soy with the way Asians use soy...totally different, also the genetic factors.

    ETA: And if you think some foods are fine in moderation...keep on eating soy and soy based products and 10-20 yrs let us know know where you are health-wise (males and females). If you are un-sure of a food or beverage simply check the pH scale of how it burns in the body. For a legume, soy has a very low pH, which tells Me it is UNNATURAL. BUT beyond that 95% of ALL soy in the USA is GMO (Monsantonized)!!!!!!!!!!

    I've been eating it consistenly for over seven years, and my health is better than it ever was when I ate meat according to my doctors. My cancer indicators are lower, my blood pressure is lower, my choleserol is down and I have had zero issues with my hormone levels. For people with sensitivity, such as thyroid issues, the estrogen-like element of soy will cause problems and is best avoided. I know a lot of women who have eaten soy consistently for 10-15 years and have had no issues with cycle regularity or severity, nor with fertility issues. It is hardly a panacea, and it is certainly possible to be fat while eating it (I was proof of that), it is not the demon some are making it out to be either. In reasonable amounts, it is a perfectly acceptable, healthy food for most people (again, not all). It is not unnatural, nor is all soy GMO (I buy plenty of products specifically labeled as non-GMO soy, including my soy milk). As for the question about the alkilinity of soy, it doesn't burn at any different pH than other foods. Your stomach acid is at a pH level of approximately 2 (very acidic), while your small intestine tends to be around 8 (slightly basic). Your stomach can handle a wide variety of alkalinities (lemons have a pH of about 2.2 to 2.4, are they "unnatural"?) and soy milk tends to have an alkinity of about 7 (neutral) while milk varies from about 6.7 to 7.1 depending on purity and freshness. They do not in fact have an extremely low pH or they would be acidic, like oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits.
  • NatureChik1985
    I have to avoid soy because I have hormonal issues. For me soy products completely mess up my hormones. I stop ovulating and have horrible mood swings, severe water retention and breakouts, severe migraines and cramping. I think for some people soy causes problems, but I don't know that it translates to everyone should avoid soy. I sure do, but that is only because for me it causes health problems.
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    You're probably better off not eating more than 5 servings of soy a day, but unless you have an allergy, there is no reason to limit soy beyond that. The claims about the dangers of soy are not based on the scientific studies about soy, despite the fact that soy is very heavily researched.