How much weight did you lose before people started to notice?

So far, I've lost about 25lbs (and 3 inches from my waist!) and although I can see changes in my body and how my clothes fit, none of my family or friends have commented that I look like I've lost weight. I'm a self-motivated person so I don't necessarily need outside validation or praise for my weight loss, but it would be nice if people noticed! So I'm curious, how much weight did you lose before people started commenting that you looked smaller?


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I lost 20 to 25 (maybe even 30) of my 63 total before folks were comfortable commenting or asking if I had lost weight. Along the way I'd get comments like, "Did you get new glasses?", "Did you get your haircut?". "You look nice today". "You look nice in that outfit". I think the mention of weight for/to some is a sensitive subject so while folks may have noticed a difference, they didn't really pinpoint it or want to mention it.
  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    The three people who knew I was losing weight said they noticed after about a stone (or they were just trying to make me feel good!). I've now lost 1 st 7 lbs and one other person has noticed. If you haven't already, I reckon it will become much more evident when you start wearing the next clothes size down.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    i agree that people often do notice they just don't always know if they should comment. i have lost 20lbs of the 35 i had to lose and i am now getting a few comments. sometimes it can be tough to notice the changes in ourselves so it's nice to know that others can see it.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    about 15lbs
  • hosijoe
    hosijoe Posts: 15 Member
    I have lost 43 pounds and not one person has said anything.(Other then my wife) I am okay with that, I am doing this for me not my ego. I also think some of my customers notice, they just do not know how to say something.
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    I've lost 24 lbs of the 157 lbs I plan to lose (a long way to go!) but only a few people have mentioned anything. One random person at work asked me very shyly if I was losing weight. A few of my friends and my sister say that they can tell. My boyfriend is totally We are together (as we live together and also work in the same building) A LOT and I just don't think he notices. He knows the amount I've lost, but has yet to really "see" it I suppose. I saw my dad for the first time in a few months over the weekend and neither him or his girlfriend mentioned anything about it. Since I have a lot more to lose I don't really expect for anyone to outright say anything until I am at the 40-50 mark. I don't really notice it a lot in myself. Sometimes, here and there I notice something. However, I am the one that sees the scale every Monday morning and I do notice it in the way my clothes fit and how I feel. Just have to keep plugging on! I agree though, it would be nice to be noticed!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I think people noticed on me pretty quickly. I lose in my face first. I do agree with others though, some people probably notice and just don't say anything. They don't want to offend you in anyway. I had the discussion with a male co-worker who finally said something to me at 45 pounds lost. He said he noticed a while before that but didn't want to come off sounding like a jerk.
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    For me, it took about 30lbs before anyone really noticed. As a frame of reference. Started at 192. I am now at 135, total is about 57 lbs and I am in maint now. It took one year. So I guess that people noticed about 1/2 way through. I think it depends on how much you lose vs where you started. Also, I agree, some people don't want to say anything. They certainly didn't say anything when I was putting on the weight!
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    I didnt notice until I lose 30 pounds lol
    But my friends and family noticed after the 10 pound mark
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    Honestly I was probably close to 50 pounds down before anyone said anything (of people that I saw on a regular basis) but people I didn't see as often noticed when I had less of a loss.
  • NikkiNerdy
    NikkiNerdy Posts: 7 Member
    None of my friends have commented on my weight loss (lost about 22lbs so far) but my family comment all the time because they live far away and knew about me wanting to lose weight from the start, so they feel safe so comment on it. I think (hope) that for a lot of people I know it just doesn't seem like an appropriate thing to comment on.

    Apart from family, one co-worker said I looked like I'd lost weight.
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    21 Pounds :-)
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    I lost about 30 pounds before people at work noticed. I purposely didn't tell anyone but my boyfriend about me trying to lose, so that if someone came and told me they've noticed a weight loss I'd know it was the truth instead of them just trying to be nice and encouraging.
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    I've lost 19lb so far and no one has noticed other than my misses and I, but then I still wear my bigger clothes as I
    1) Need to buy a new pair of jeans
    2) Am too big for a medium but too small for a large... doh! so still in my large clothes
  • mogobam
    mogobam Posts: 25 Member
    I have lost 20 and have about 60 to go, and the people I see every day have not really been able to notice. But I just saw a bunch of family for the first time since losing weight, and they all said they could definitely see a change.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    LenaGracie wrote: »
    So far, I've lost about 25lbs (and 3 inches from my waist!) and although I can see changes in my body and how my clothes fit, none of my family or friends have commented that I look like I've lost weight. I'm a self-motivated person so I don't necessarily need outside validation or praise for my weight loss, but it would be nice if people noticed! So I'm curious, how much weight did you lose before people started commenting that you looked smaller?

    You need to understand that there very well could be people that notice but feel it's not wise to say anything so that it doesn't come out as being offensive. To some hearing "Hey have you lost some weight" can easily sound like "Hey, you're not as fat anymore".

    Very much what he just said.

    But anyway, I was around the 20-25 pound area when people started to take notice, but when I got to 35 pounds is when I really started to hear things. It could be in proportion to where you started too. I started around the high 240's and even then it was only my really close friends that took notice or others that were at the gym.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about people taking notice, that will come.
  • MimiMayRR
    MimiMayRR Posts: 19 Member
    I also think sometimes people don't say anything because they don't know WHY you've lost weight (and honestly, I wish more people were sensitive to this--it was infuriating for people to tell me "you look great!" when I was rapidly losing weight because I was seriously ill). If there are people you want to let in on your weight loss journey, I think just mentioning something like "I'm trying to watch what I eat" when the situation comes up can open the door for the kinds of comments you are looking for. Then they know any weight loss they notice is intentional and hard-earned rather than indicative of some kind of problem, and will feel much more comfortable complimenting you on it!

    As for me, I think it's usually in the 15 pound range when people start noticing it, but I agree with the other people who have posted saying it probably depends a whole lot on what your frame is like and how much you have to lose. Either way, congrats on your impressive loss and I'm sure others will take note (if they haven't already) very soon!
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I've only lost 4 lbs but people have definitely noticed which was very surprising to me. I'm one of those lean people trying to get leaner and didn't think anyone would notice but they sure have. Even tho the scale hasn't moved much for me I have lost a lot of inches, especially in my thighs.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    5lbs, but I'm really short!
  • Jurra13
    Jurra13 Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost about 10 pounds in the past couple months after really going hard at the gym and changing my calorie intake. My boyfriend is always commenting on noticing my weight loss. I'm not sure if he truly sees the difference or if he just keeps saying things to keep me motivated. But it's definitely helping. It's always nice to hear encouraging words from someone you love.