Alcohol and Dieting



  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I haven't noticed that a few glasses of wine or a cocktail during the week has affected my plan. But I certainly do plan for and log it.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    haggs88 wrote: »
    What are everyone's thoughts alcohol and dieting?

    I gave up drinking because it didn't seem worth it. I drank scotch and coke so that's a lot of calories and if I need 10 cans to feel it, adds up fast.

    Plus alcohol leads to pizza.

    I think I have had alcohol 3 days in the past year.

    But I also can't see any reason why you can't have a few drinks as long as it fits into your day.

    But in the other side if you feel you can't give up alcohol maybe you have a problem.
  • lisacic28
    lisacic28 Posts: 6 Member
    I like to keep healthy snacks around if I'm drinking. Making air popped popcorn is kinda fun with a little buzz. Munch on some carrots, or cucumbers. I enjoy my wine too much to give up. So I just try and plan around it.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited May 2015
    I don't drink, but I remember when I was about six years old asking my next door neighbor, Miss Mickey, why she and Mr. Fred were fat. She wasn't offended, but laughed and said it was because they drank alcohol. That made such an impression on me.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Large amounts can decrease testosterone. It also blocks fat oxidation so your body preferentially burns the alcohol off before it can burn fat.

    In small doses it can increase insulin sensitivity and decrease appetite. So it has its benefits. I would stick to one or two drinks a week and not drink to the point where you'll get a hang over
  • Stressedby8
    Stressedby8 Posts: 53 Member
    I enjoy my drinks! As long as I calculate them and stay within my calories, I still lose!
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    I've cut down but still have a few glasses of wine over the week. Usually one on a couple of days and 2 or 3 on one weekend day. Probably a maximum of six small glasses a week.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I have found that there is a very negative pattern to drinking and my weight loss. Once I have had a couple of glasses all control goes out the window and a massive binge is the result. I have regularly wiped out an entire weeks weight loss in one night. I know it's not fat but I can gain large amounts of weight that take a whole week to loose again. I drank on Friday night last week and I literally gained 7lbs over night. I've lost 2 back but I know I will be heavier this Friday morning than I was last Friday morning. when will I learn? I think, for me, the answer is all or nothing. I have decided several times to stop but come Friday night I feel the sence that I deserve a 'treat'. It's the last part of my old hedonistic 'I want it so I'll have it' lifestyle that go me so overweight in the first place.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    edited May 2015
    I try to save drinks for proper nights out or celebrations, rather than having one after work with colleagues or with lunches out on weekends just out of habit. Then I do what others have suggested and make 'room' for it in my calories during the week preceding it (assuming I have notice!). I'm a lightweight so I also have to factor in a big stodgy meal before it, and a snack when I get home to stop being buying chips to eat in the taxi >:)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm for both. I typically don't drink more than one beer or G&T per night and if I do, I make up for it by eating less for a few days afterward. I also tend not to drink unless I've "earned" it by getting my step count above 10k.
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    I'm all for it. I tend to have more success when I don't drink at all but sometimes an occasion or meal just calls for a good quality beer, glass of wine, or cocktail. I definitely stick to the "good stuff" when I do imbibe.
  • Smashleypants027
    Smashleypants027 Posts: 17 Member
    viclrstew wrote: »
    I like my 2 martinis in the evening. I just save enough calories for them. Still losing though perhaps not as fast, but one has to live, right?

    That's me and wine. I enjoy my wine after a long day so if it means I'm walking home to help offset, so be it.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    My first year, I rarely drank alcohol. Like many others, I would much rather eat my calories. Since I started exercising more, I needed to up my calories a little several days a week but I really am eating enough so the easiest way to get 100-200 extra calories in on those days is to have a nice glass of wine before dinner.

    I always allowed myself a drink or two on special occasions and family holiday dinners.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    depends what your goals are. Just losing weight, sure fit 1-2 in here and there. Bulking and adding muscle, have to be more careful
  • CoriannMichelle
    CoriannMichelle Posts: 8 Member
    I always like to include a drink of wine or beer in evenings. I do include it as part of my plan. One of the biggest motivator to exercise! I think wine or beer is more reasonable to have part of your daily life versus hard liquoer as one serving is 1 oz and this can easily rack up caloric intake. So I do hard liquoer occasionally. Everyone has their own thing that they need to relax/chill with such as coffee in evening, can of pop, etc. This is my "coffee/pop".
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    I have a glass of wine with dinner most days. Only 125 calories.... and current thinking is that red wine in moderation is actually good for you.
  • eibhlinpayne
    eibhlinpayne Posts: 1 Member
    Beer and wine tend to make me gain weight so when trying to lose I stick to Gin or vodka with diet drinks . Vodka and soda with a twist of lime is sugar free , refreshing and only about 60 cals
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I used to kill a 5th alone or 2 bottles of wine every weekend when I was obese. When I decided to lose I cut out liquor and wine for 6 months. Now I may have a drink once a month if that. I can't wake up early to train if I drink after work. I would rather eat my calories and avoid the bloat I get from drinking. Everything in moderation tho. if you can make it fit then do so. I wouldn't advise people to cut it all the way out.

    Cutting it out was helpful to me bc I was abusing it IMO. I was drinking bc I was sad and consuming way too much.
  • radonskies
    radonskies Posts: 24 Member
    viclrstew wrote: »
    I like my 2 martinis in the evening. I just save enough calories for them. Still losing though perhaps not as fast, but one has to live, right?

    Same for me - I allocate it into my calories. I know I'm not losing as fast as I probably could, but I'm looking at this as lifestyle change, not a diet. For now, I can still enjoy a drink or two and continue losing

  • radonskies
    radonskies Posts: 24 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I also tend not to drink unless I've "earned" it by getting my step count above 10k.

    That's a great suggestion!