What foods do or did you have trouble giving up?



  • NikkiiiT
    NikkiiiT Posts: 34 Member
    Chocolate and cake! I literally used to have it every day but I have a small amount every few weeks now but it's torture haha. I went out for lunch yesterday and was so proud of myself for not ordering dessert.

    I thought giving up my stuffed crust pepperoni pizza every Friday would be difficult but I haven't craved it once.

    We won't go into my love for jagerbombs though. I refuse to give those up. I have them with sugar free energy drink now so that's something.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I haven't had to give anything up.

    I have had to cut back on bacon, which sucks, because I would like a heaping plate of it.
  • oubaa
    oubaa Posts: 7
    Skittles... oh wait! I haven't given them up yet!
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Wings and alcohol
  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    I haven't given up much, with the exception of dairy (which ended up a good thing). I do miss the quantity of beers I used to drink. I love good beer and used to drink 6 or more in order to try all the different ones. Now I would have to drnk shots of beer to achieve the same outcome, and that makes me sad.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I haven't given up anything, but if I start eating something salty I have a hard time with portion control. It's almost impossible for me to stop eating pretzels.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    I used to eat the smart price chocolate bars from asda, now, if you don't live in england, you won't know that asda doubles the sugar and fat in these smart price products, and I was eating 1-2 a day.

    I live in England and I have bought those smart price chocolate bars from Asda and I didn't realise they had double the sugar and fat in.......
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    I used to eat the smart price chocolate bars from asda, now, if you don't live in england, you won't know that asda doubles the sugar and fat in these smart price products, and I was eating 1-2 a day.

    I live in England and I have bought those smart price chocolate bars from Asda and I didn't realise they had double the sugar and fat in.......
  • amybervig
    amybervig Posts: 2 Member
    Chips and crackers
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I know there's some foods where if I just feel like having them but as soon as I have a taste I NEED MORE. So better to just say no before it starts. Nothing is out complely but there are now things I turn down far, far more than I once did.
    French fries
    Butter... it's obscene how much I can put on a piece of toast.
    Sweet pastries, preferably with tons of whipped cream
    Ice cream. No kidding, I can't remember when I've stopped because I'd had enough, not because there was none left

    Best to stop it, I think just giving myself a mental slap and asking if I actually really need it helps. Most of the time the answer is no, I just feel like it.

    Occasionally I do go weak at the knees in front of a patisserie. Only human...
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Getting rid of coffee creamer and drinking it black was tough at first but I'm used to it now. (Helps of course to use quality freshly ground beans).

    Also I LOVE potatoes (but not at all a fan of sweet potatoes). Haven't cut out spuds all together, but not try to limit them to a few small portions a week. (Used to be I easily could eat 2 large baked spuds with a meal).