How many times have you tried to lose weight?



  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    This is my third time. The first time, I lost 63lbs on Weight Watchers. I gained back 30 after deciding to do the "cheat day" thing, which turned into cheat weekends, then cheat weeks, etc.
    Second time was for my wedding and I lost 40lbs. I went about it all wrong...I ate as little as I could get away with, and exercised as much as my body could handle. I came crashing off the wagon pretty much the day after my wedding, and gained it all back fairly quickly. (I was also doing weight watchers then too). Then two pregnancies, with lots of weight gained.
    This is my first time really giving mfp a real try, and this is the first time I feel like I've got it right. I'm sticking to my calories, which are a healthy amount (1800), exercising regularly as well as lifting heavy. I'm repairing my relationship with food, and I feel like I'm finally in control.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    How many times have you tried to lose weight?
    I can think of three periods in my life prior to my most recent attempt: once in middle school, once during high school, and one summer a year or two before this go-around
    How many times with MFP?
    This was my first time with MFP
    What has caused you to fail/stop in the past?
    Too restrictive with what I ate, didn't understand CICO / weigh out my foods, never actually enjoyed any physical activity I did, couldn't wait for it to be over and go back to overeating
    What is making this time different for you?
    Tracking and CICO
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I've tried a million times since I was in high school. Usually I give up after the first few weeks. When I was 21, I made my first very serious attempt and was able to lose about 50 pounds and kept that off for quite a while. Then gained it all back (plus more) throughout all my pregnancies.

    I joined MFP in the spring of 2013 and tried it for about 2 weeks but lost motivation while on vacation. Then started again in Winter of 2014, lost 35 pounds (was highly motivated this time around), and then got pregnant. So this is MFP attempt #3, I've lost 37 pounds so far, with 37 left to go.

    In the past I gave up because I love food and I basically deprive myself of everything whenever I tried to lose weight. MFP has taught me that I can still eat the foods I enjoy and lose weight. I feel like I have more control over my weight loss now.
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    edited May 2015
    How many times have you tried to lose weight?

    Around 427 times now (warning, post may contain mild exaggeration)

    How many times with MFP?

    Two or Three times. (There are auto-posts in my news feed going back nearly 5 Years)

    What has caused you to fail/stop in the past?

    Got bored/made excuses/laziness/lack of belief in myself.

    What is making this time different for you?

    Getting actively involved in the community (didn't even know this side of it existed before) Having the support of an amazing bunch of "virtual" friends and encouraging them which really helps me.

  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    How many times have you tried to lose weight? This is the first time.
    How many times with MFP? This is the first time.
    What has caused you to fail/stop in the past? I haven't failed nor do I plan on it anytime soon.
    What is making this time different for you? I am 100% motivated and I know I can do it.

    156 pounds lost in 15 months, with 30-35 to go.
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    How many times have you tried to lose weight?
    If you mean drop a 3-4lbs - more times than I can count but I find that fairly easy! But efforts to lose large amounts of weight/total life change? once
    (maybe twice as I have about 8 to lose this time I guess)

    How many times with MFP?
    Once about 8ish years ago, lost over 100lbs give or take logging on here. Left mfp, I'm back and mfp has changed alot!

    What has caused you to fail/stop in the past?
    Never failed, was becoming obsessed though so left the Internet diet community for few years/logged on paper/other apps, had forgotten mfp to be honest.

    What is making this time different for you?
    I'm older and wiser, my goals are no longer just my weight. I use this mainly for fitness advice tbh.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Jenny9000 wrote: »
    How many times have you tried to lose weight?
    How many times with MFP?
    What has caused you to fail/stop in the past?
    What is making this time different for you?

    I'm interested, as I am currently trying to answer these questions for myself :)

    I lost 30 - 40 pounds after having each of my children. Got back to 110, and stayed there both times. Once I got up to 125 when I was working in a restaurant, and stopped eating their food; got back to 110 and stayed there. I quit smoking in 2004, gained a ton of weight, and have started and stopped losing it about five times. Closest I got was 125. This is the last time, and I'm not stopping until I see 110 again. 27 pounds lost, 33 pounds to go. I'm so grateful for the experience and discipline it has given me.
  • Hannahp1402
    Hannahp1402 Posts: 85 Member
    4252652 times
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 402 Member
    I am 34. When I was 17 I went on a low-carb diet at around 320 lbs. I lost around 100 pounds very quickly, mainly because I didn't eat at school so my calories weren't very high. I gained it all back. When I was 27 I lost over 100 pounds doing Weight Watchers. It took less than a year. I gained it all back plus another 35 pounds. This time I have lost 112 pounds in 5 months using MFP. I will not gain it back. Why? Because I will keep logging when I hit maintenance and I will hold myself accountable for all that I eat. I failed in the past because when I hit my goal I thought I could go back to my old eating habits and maintain. I was wrong. I have the tools this time to keep the weight off and I will keep this weight off. I currently eat 1400 calories and at my goal weight (185), for my height (6'5/male), my maintenance is 2300 calories. There is no reason why I cannot eat 2300 calories and not maintain. So this is my final journey. This is where I succeed when I failed in the past. I am doing this for my family and myself.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    edited May 2015
    How many times have you tried to lose weight:
    I've been at least overweight for most of my adult life. I've never been happy about it, so I've tried to do something about it way to many times to have a guess at. I'm another one that's tried everything going, there's been WW, Atkins, 5:2, Supplements (yes, I tried acai, green tea pills, some weird Chinese herbal thing, raspberry ketones etc), Alli, Military diet, some plan I read in a trashy magazine. Some of these have featured repeatedly.

    How many times with MFP?
    This is the third time. The first time I came here straight from months on weightwatchers - I was so sick of feeling hungry at this point that I was ready to completely throw in the towel. I didn't last long here.
    The second time I faired better - I lost a good chunk of weight (not enough - but still a good amount). I hit the dreaded plateau point, got injured, and basically felt a bit sorry for myself. I decided that I would give myself some time off, and try to maintain the weightloss I'd managed so far. I did for a few months, but the number on the scale started to creep up, so I come back to finish what I'd started. I'm still here.

    What has caused you to fail/stop in the past?
    Believing / desperately hoping that a fad diet would work;
    believing / desperately hoping that it didn't matter how many cakes I ate - the raspberry ketones would magically burn away the calories;
    believing that it didn't matter what I did, I was always going to be fat;
    feeling like a failure for not being able to stick to the ridiculously restrictive diet I was following and giving in.

    In all honesty - not really understanding what I needed to actually do to lose weight. I mean - I knew I should eat less than you burn, but when it came to it I couldn't actually work out how to get that right. So it was easier to buy into a miracle supplement / fad diet that would do it for me.

    What is making this time different for you?
    My fitbit and MFP combined has taken a lot of the guess work out of calories in / calories out for me. It's easy to see what I'm doing, and what I need to change to keep going. This the combination worked for me last time I was here too. And I trust it to work for me again now.

    Oh - and accepting that I don't have to lose half a stone a week to be doing well! I'm here for the long haul - as long as the scale number / measurements are going down I'm happy with that.
  • matt88uk
    matt88uk Posts: 96 Member
    Few times reason of failing was believing to much bs that you read in magazines and diets now I know about nutrition it's helped loads along with this app 90days going strong so far just over 2 stone down and I'm getting more motivated each day plenty more lbs to go aimed for December for my target weight and body fat percentage.forgot to add this is not a diet it's a change in lifestyle you don't want to go back fat and that's what diets do believe in yourself keep consistent and you will be there soon enough
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,658 Member
    This time isn't different, since it's the only time.
  • MoonCatKDT
    MoonCatKDT Posts: 33 Member
    This is my third 'try'
    First - I did Herbal Magic. Lost 40lbs before my wedding. I have successfully kept most of it off not including my pregnancies. I stopped because I realized I'd be able to pay for a brand new SUV with the amount of money I was spending at HM. No brainer there. Oh and I ended up with gall stones which the doctor attributed to losing too much weight too fast/the pills I was taking (and almost died a week before my wedding when one of those stones got lodged in my pancreas)
    Second - After my first pregnancy, when my daughter was about a year old, I just tried to make better choices with no help. Got to my lowest adult weight at 209, but quickly gained it all back when I got pregnant with my son.

    This is my first time with MFP.

    The main things that have caused me to stop in the past were the mental idea that I'd be getting pregnant or I was pregnant so what was the point. If I was just going to get fat again there was no point in trying now.

    This time is SO different. I'm done having kids, so pregnancy is no longer an excuse for me. I'm motivated to become a new person before my children are old enough to remember the fact that mommy couldn't keep up with them all the time. If I can stick to my goals I CAN do this. I will do this. It helps to surround myself with people of the same goals, and since I'm seeing the weight come off really helps too. I'm not cutting any of the things that I love out (other than chocolate, I love it so much and know I don't have full control of my impulses yet to be trusted with chocolate in the house - I proved that theory when I made cupcakes a few weeks back) so I'm not feeling deprived of anything either. It just seems... easy this time.