Proper eating?



  • JimmyD2003
    JimmyD2003 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow thank you all for the advice... Up until about a month ago I have only been snaking through out the day then having a dinner with the family, now that I am deployed I am eating 3 meals meals a day as the food at the Dining facility is free and already made I just have to go get it. I have discovered that they just pile on the food so I only eat what I feel is satisfying and leave the rest. I have been eating 2 bananas a day and usually have a cup of pineapple to go with it or I have 2 Kiwi and a banana, I hear any fruit is better than a candy bar. I have limited my self to 2 Gatorade a day and try to drink 5-6 bottles of water a day. the water consumption may rise as the temperature rises right now it is only 118 here in the next couple of months it will be 130+ daily so water is a must. Thank you all again for the tips. I have only been using walking as my exercise, but I am going to start adding push ups and sit-ups into that routine, I have a goal of at least 5 miles a day and have been good at that so far. I weighed in today at 196.8 clothed in my street cloths rather than work out gear as I was on my way to lunch and I had not had anything to eat other than a meal supplement bar and a bottle or two of water with in the first 6 hours of my day. Today was my day off from work so it is kind of my relax day or as some call it a cheat day fro a diet plan and I still took in 1600 calories and burned 750.I have started using a Whey protein powder today that I will be using 2 X daily as well as my pharmacy of vitamins.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    pecyr1 wrote: »
    It's not necessarily about calories in and calories out as most of the would would have you believe. It's important to take in adequate calories. It's the quality of calories that matter most. For starters take in 1 gram of protein per lb of desired body weight. Make sure your getting plenty of healthy fats, and limit your carbs to under 100 grams per day, NO SUGAR, if your intention is to lose body fat. II guarantee you'll feel better than you ever have after you get past the sugar addiction. Getting past the sugar addiction usually takes about 3-5 days, and it's not that easy. You will go through the usual addictive withdrawal symptoms, like lack of energy, headache, not sleeping well, etc. After you get through this tunnel of darkness you will be amazed. Go this route for about 21 days, and then ramp up the cabs by adding sweet potatoes, berries, plantains and avoid the really sweet fruits. Good luck

    Not true.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    JimmyD2003 wrote: »
    So I have been using this program now for 1 week, I have managed to log all my food consumption with a little extra as I do not usually eat everything on my plate. Last night when I got done logging in my food and exercise for the day the program yelled at me saying I am not eating enough. I have been eating 3+ meals/times a day and trying to eat the healthier foods as my lighter meals such as fruits. I have never been one to eat more than 1-2 times a day if that depending on the day's activities. I figured a while back that my eating habits were the cause of not being able to loose the desired weight. I am not trying to bulk up my muscles I want to loose my belly and all that before I work on muscle toning. I am averaging 5-6 miles a day walking even though that only accounts for an hour or two of the day. Currently I am working in a hot desert environment and have found that drinking 8-10 bottles of water a day is keeping my pretty full. Any one have any ideas on how I can eat more with out over doing it?

    fruits are good and all...but you need more than fruits. you should eat a balanced and varied diet. you should eat plenty of veg, some fruit, some whole grains, get your healthy fats and lean sourced protein. you do have to cut calories to lose weight, but you still have to feed your body.

    your body is a machine...that machine requires energy to run properly...calories are a unit of energy. you need XXX amount of energy daily to operate that machine optimally...when you eat in excess of what is required for operations then that excess energy is stored as fat...body fat is simply your energy reserves. when you eat less than is required to operate optimally, that deficiency of energy has to be made up you burn fat. you don't have to crash your diet here...not getting enough calories is just as bad as overeating. you have a calorie goal given to you by MFP as per your stats and the rate at which you said you wanted to lose weight...hit that goal.