C25K week 2 comments and questions

betsij Posts: 299 Member
Hey folks,

I will start week 2 tomorrow and I am scared! RIght now I just wait for that little voice on my phone to say Start walking! I dont know if I have it in me to go another 30 seconds! Should I stay on week 1 or move on? I guess that kinda defeats the purpose...I am doing this early in the morning, should I eat something first? I really want this program to work!! any suggestions are welcome! Also my right knee is starting to ache a little, my first thought was I am too heavy to start this and should lose more weight first, then I thought uhhh wont this help me lose more weight. ( I am 193 now). My 2 goals and reasons for wanting this are of course to keeping losing and I really wanna be a runner! (or jogger at best).

Thanks Yall!



  • IamDoe
    IamDoe Posts: 24
    Hey Betsi! Welcome to c25k!!!
    I am in week 7 right now. Here are a few things I've learned.

    Even if you aren't sure you can do it, try. I have read about people who repeat a week because they don't think they can do it. I refuse to repeat a week. I slow my pace if I need to, but I keep going. TRY the next day's run... if you can't do it once you start, ok... I have found that I may have to decrease my pace a bit or focus more on my breathing, but I have not had to repeat anything.

    It gets easier! I promise.. it really does. Just keep pushing through.

    Rest days are important..especially at the beginning and especially if you are new to running (like me!).

    Your bp will be lower as you get into running.

    Your heartrate will also lower as you get into running.

    My left knee ached and so did my left ankle. I found that if I moved to the outside of the road it helped the ankle. If I kept my knee a little more bent it didn't hurt. Two days ago I got fitted for running shoes at Fleet Feet. Yesterday my run was amazing! NO PAIN! At the end, I was a little achy, but I had increased by pace AND my body is having to adjust to being in alignment after 7 weeks of running out of alignment.

    As far as weight.. I started c25k at 295. I wanted to be a runner so I may be the biggest one out there, but at least I'm running. I'm lapping everybody still in the bed...or still on the couch. I might run slower than most, BUT I won't call it a jog. I am working HARD to carry my weight those few miles...and every stride has a time where both of my feet are off the ground. That means I am RUNNING. to heck with anything else.

    My first week, I felt like I would puke after my runs if I put anything in my stomach. Now I have a soft peppermint while I put my shoes on. That's not much, but I don't want to throw up. I also know I need a little energy boost now that I am running 20+ mins at a time. I get up at 5 - 5:10 and am running at 5:30.
  • nvrgvup12
    nvrgvup12 Posts: 51 Member
    I agree with getting some properly fitted running shoes! Even though you are not running far right now, starting with the right equipment will help! Keep up the good work:)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Week 2 is not a whole lot different than Week 1... I'd go ahead and try to push through.

    As food goes, I prefer to run on an empty stomach.

    I am on Week 6 right now, btw.
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
  • suzaleigh
    suzaleigh Posts: 2 Member
    Wow this is so inspirational. I'm 236 and wanted to start the c25k but was afraid of being to heavy. I will try it thx!
  • suzaleigh
    suzaleigh Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Bets I have all the exact same questions thanks for asking and I will look for the answers also
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    I started C25k two months ago and love it. I'm heavy and not a runner so it was work for me. Keep going....it gets easier I promise and feels amazing when you complete each run/walk session they ask you to :) Shoes are essential so make the effort to get fitted properly...if $ is a concern then find what fits you and go online to find it cheaper...whatever works. As for eating sometimes I do and sometimes I don't....for me a banana before I run gives me what I need to get through it. If you need to repeat a day then repeat it...doesn't matter if it takes you 9 weeks or 16 weeks to do it; the point is that you do it :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I would just try it. You will constantly amaze yourself with what you can do if you push yourself. If it really is way too hard, then there is no shame at all in repeating a week. There were a few weeks I added a day or two to since I was struggling.

    Good luck!
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    Don't ever repeat a day just because you THINK you won't be able to do it. That's just like quitting before you start. Surprising yourself with what you are able to accomplish on each run is the best part of the program! Good luck!
  • eggyeaster13
    eggyeaster13 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm going onto W2D3 tomorrow and I wasn't sure about being able to increase my running time, but I gave it a go and was actually surprised that I managed to do it! I've mostly been running outdoors although yesterday I ran on a treadmill for the first time because the Great British Weather was awful!
    I'd also agree with the others about getting fitted for running shoes, and if you don't have one already invest in a good sports bra too!

    I would recommend having a shot at week 2 if you find it too difficult, then by all means repeat week one and try again, but don't repeat a week until you've tried the next week, because if you don't try you'll never know. I have problems staying motivated and so I started blogging, that way people know I'm doing the C25K Program and are expecting updates to the blog meaning I can't just give up!

    I found my run yesterday quite difficult on the treadmill because I got far too warm, I'm used to having a nice breeze and my aunt's treadmill doesn't have fan's built in so yeah I had to work out while literally cooking! I completed the workout none the less and improved my distance and time, so I always recommend having a go!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    Don't ever repeat a day just because you THINK you won't be able to do it. That's just like quitting before you start. Surprising yourself with what you are able to accomplish on each run is the best part of the program! Good luck!

    Good Stuff! :smile:
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    I'm going onto W2D3 tomorrow and I wasn't sure about being able to increase my running time, but I gave it a go and was actually surprised that I managed to do it! I've mostly been running outdoors although yesterday I ran on a treadmill for the first time because the Great British Weather was awful!
    I'd also agree with the others about getting fitted for running shoes, and if you don't have one already invest in a good sports bra too!

    I would recommend having a shot at week 2 if you find it too difficult, then by all means repeat week one and try again, but don't repeat a week until you've tried the next week, because if you don't try you'll never know. I have problems staying motivated and so I started blogging, that way people know I'm doing the C25K Program and are expecting updates to the blog meaning I can't just give up!

    I found my run yesterday quite difficult on the treadmill because I got far too warm, I'm used to having a nice breeze and my aunt's treadmill doesn't have fan's built in so yeah I had to work out while literally cooking! I completed the workout none the less and improved my distance and time, so I always recommend having a go!

    would love to read your blog
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    I'll be doing Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow. I felt the exact same way when I got up the morning I was to start week 2, but thought, "what the heck!" and plugged in Week 2. It wasn't as bad as I had feared, and definitely not as bad as Week 1 Day1!!!! Nothing could be as bad as that, and if I could survive Day 1 I can survive anything!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    reallly good stuff here....I will see what happens in the morning, I will move foward. I love MFP family
    Thanks Again!
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    I did it!! I ran 90 seconds!! it was hard but I did it!
    Thanks everyone!
  • IamDoe
    IamDoe Posts: 24
    GREAT! I knew you could do it!
    I started a blog on here about my runs, but I quit blogging a little bit ago when my husband got sick. I need to get back to it actually, but I guess I'm just afraid of what might come out when I start writing LOL
    At any rate, you can see how the first few weeks were for me.
  • psuhorseshoe
    psuhorseshoe Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats on doing week 2!

    I am doing a slightly different C25K programs. Its Zombies! Run! 5k training program. I am starting my 7th week this weekend. It is an app on the phone. But in doing it I learned some things that might help. Feel free to friend me and read it.

    Get fitted for running shoes early on! They are a little pricy but totally worth it. I am in love with mine. But, I waited a while, maybe too long, until I got them. I wanted to make sure I was committed and able to run a mile before I purchased them and they were my reward for being able to run a mile. However by then I had already developed leg pain from running in my cruddy old Target sneakers. The leg pain persisted for a few weeks while running in the new shoes as well because the damage was already done.

    Also, I learned that there is a big difference between what you can do, and what you think you can do. I found a lot of times I held myself back because I honestly didn't WANT to run that extra minute or two, so I convinced myself I couldn't. Now I know I can, so I just suck it up and do it. My program has what is called "Free Form Runs" which encourages you to run/walk at your own pace for a certain amount of time (between 5-15 minutes). I used to treat these as optional, I can run for a bit, then walk for a bit. Now, I push myself to run the whole free form run.

    Also, go slow. In the past when I tried C25K, it was often on a treadmill and I was trying to run fast, at at least 6 miles per hour. Now my typical running pace is between 4.5-5 miles per hours. Its not fast, but I am more focused on endurance and distance than speed. Right now I don't care if will take me 45 minutes to run a 5k. I can work on my time later but first I have to be able to go the distance.
    Its a lot easier and enjoyable to run at your pace. Last year, I used to try to run with my boyfriend who is pretty tall and has a faster running speed than me, and I was dying trying to keep up. Then one day I ran without him and went double the distance because I was running at my pace, not trying to keep up with his.

    Best of luck!
  • mandylgibbs
    mandylgibbs Posts: 185 Member
    First, KEEP GOING! I finished the program last week and I feel awesome. Your wait is not a problem. I started at 285 and I finished it without repeating a week. Let me tell you though, that if you're experiencing pain that gets to the point that it is difficult to run, you need to rest until it stops hurting. You will be surprised what you can do with this program. You will be amazed how far you can actually run! You can do it!
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    Keep going! I'm using runkeeper to train for a 10k.

    I'm on week 4 and yesterday was the best run I ever had. I'm super slow (i'm a bigger girl), but when I started I couldn't run more than 30 seconds and now I can run through 2 songs (6-10 minutes). Not only that but my legs are starting to change. They have so much more shape to them. My bf can't keep his hands off them! :wink: :smile: :love:

    Running is so much fun. Like I said I'm slow but I also haven't ran since grade school! So to me I'm doing great, I feel great, I have more energy, and I love exploring my neighborhood and finding places I've never seen before.

    Press through it! It's so worth it!
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    I have Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow and I have to admit I had some doubts heading into the program. I have problems with my feet (flexible flat foot, arthritis, gout, bunions, etc) and my feet ache most of the time but I have found that most of the issues go away when I am running. I have had been sore the day after but I bounce back quickly and have not had to skip a day or repeat a workout yet.

    I found that the local specialty shoe store doesn't carry much in the way of wide width running shoes so I got fitted there and then found a pair on-line that has been awesome for me. And as a bonus, I don't have to use my orthotics with them.

    Keep a positive attitude, listen to your body, crank up some good music and do whatever you can. Just being active and getting out there is a victory for each of us.

    I am always looking for friends to help keep me motivated and hold me accountable so if anyone wants to add me, feel free. I am also on Nike+ so friends can connect there too and see the results of my workouts.