June 2015 Running Challenge



  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    I love hearing you guys jest in friendly competition. I wish I could join in ( @WhatMeRunning @shanaber @skippygirlsmom @Harpin_Maddog @autumnblade75 and probably @briebee7 ) However, I just made it over the 100 mark for the month. A few more to meet my goal tomorrow.
    Maybe, just, maybe I could join in with you all next month!


  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    "Ohhim wrote: »
    This challenge is not a competition (as I don't think most folks could keep up with @isulo_kura anyhow). Still, it is getting tempting to try to sneak in a few extra miles in the next 2 days with the glut of 6 of us ( @WhatMeRunning @shanaber @skippygirlsmom @Harpin_Maddog @autumnblade75 and probably @briebee7 ) all in the 120-140 range at the moment :smile:
    I love hearing you guys jest in friendly competition. I wish I could join in ( @WhatMeRunning @shanaber @skippygirlsmom @Harpin_Maddog @autumnblade75 and probably @briebee7 ) However, I just made it over the 100 mark for the month. A few more to meet my goal tomorrow.
    Maybe, just, maybe I could join in with you all next month!

    I'm just as surprised as anyone that you can even include me in the "high mileage" group. This is insane! I'll be glad when I'm finished with that half-marathon and I can drop it back down around 100 miles per month. My shins are really looking forward to it. Stupid shins.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    2 good miles yesterday morning before my son's soccer game
    2 tough miles last night. I should not have gone back for seconds on that pizza, even though it was 4 hours before my run. Lesson learned.
    Rest day today. I have a 10K on the 4th and I'm getting a bit concerned. Since Saturday I've had a dull pain in my right knee, which was scoped about 8 years ago. In the 7 weeks I've been running it hasn't given me a lick of trouble until now.

    Thanks everyone for the congrats on my 5K!

    For June I have 71 miles down with 3 more to go Tuesday.

    @cdpm congrats on hitting your target!
    @Aresende90 , what my vet told me is that my dog can handle any distance I can *IF* I let him work up to it, just like I had to, with the cautions about temps being too high and the pavement being to hot. I only have experience with running dogs with Kody, and I didn't get him running until he was a couple of years old (when I'd go biking). Since your pups are still young, and of a different breed, I'd encourage you to talk to your vet about your plans, expected mileage, etc, and get his or her input. They may not understand just how many miles you were going to run every week. Dogs are very durable animals but when my vet started talking to me about what happens to a dogs brain when it overheats, well...I get a bit conservative.
    Another thing I suggest is to check your dog's pads after each run to look for any problems. Kody is a hunting dog and after 4 days of hunting in South Dakota, his feet are quite raw, but so far we've had no issues with running.
    Something I thought about last night, is that the Husky is a dog that was bred for pulling heavy loads. They may have a natural tendency to pull harder on the leash than a typical dog...I'm not sure. but something to consider. I'm a big fan of the prong collar. It worked wonders when Kody was a pup. Some folks look at it and thinks it's inhumane, but that's not the case at all. It's much better than having a dog pull against a standard collar. Where a standard collar puts pressure all across the throat, a prong collar spreads that pressure out around the neck, preventing the airway from being crushed. If you put one around your arm and pull it tight, you'll see what I mean. Let us know how it goes, and congrats on the distance PR!
    @ohhim, Sub 25min 5K's? I would be thrilled with that!
    @smotheredincheese , yes, the July 2015 challenge thread will be posted soon by @Stoshew71 .

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    I'm just as surprised as anyone that you can even include me in the "high mileage" group. This is insane! I'll be glad when I'm finished with that half-marathon and I can drop it back down around 100 miles per month. My shins are really looking forward to it. Stupid shins.

    have you tried stretching the shin? here's my go to video when I have extreme shin soreness.


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Just posted the July Challenge.

    Great job everyone. I am close to my goal but may fall short this month because of my glute and hamstring issues.

  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    ^^^Just what I was looking for.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    I was thinking the same thing about the couple of extra miles :smile: but then my tired legs and common sense kicked in this morning ha ha! though there is always tonight no no I'm going to resist like @whatmerunning :triumph:

    I am projecting being about 3-6 miles shy of my 200 mile goal for the month. I am tempted to run a double in the next 2 days to make up the difference just to hit goal. But that voice in my head and my right leg tells me that is a very bad idea. LOL
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    I'm just as surprised as anyone that you can even include me in the "high mileage" group. This is insane! I'll be glad when I'm finished with that half-marathon and I can drop it back down around 100 miles per month. My shins are really looking forward to it. Stupid shins.

    have you tried stretching the shin? here's my go to video when I have extreme shin soreness.

    Yeah, thanks. I've tried lots of things. It doesn't hurt when I run, thank goodness - but my cats will step on them later and they're tender as though they're bruised. I saw a sports doctor for it, about 2 years back. He said it was shin splints. I was sure it was a stress fracture, or maybe an avulsion. There were x-rays. Nothing obviously wrong. He suggested I see a Physical Therapist for a gait analysis, but the PT didn't want to do an analysis until after she'd fixed my "weak hips" and I couldn't really afford 12 weeks of therapy before we even tackled the problem I was actually trying to fix. Perhaps it even is a hip issue. I still haven't really tackled that. The shins tend to straighten themselves out if I don't add any mileage, but it's tough to train for stuff without running more miles. So I push through. Someday I hope to get to the point that a 13 mile run isn't even a big deal - at which point I'll consider a full marathon. Ha!

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    6/02/15 - 6.25 miles
    6/03/15 - 3.3 miles
    6/04/15 - 6 miles
    6/05/15 - 3.55 miles
    6/07/15 - 4 miles, and 6 miles
    6/08/15 - 12 miles
    6/10/15 - 5 miles
    6/11/15 - 2.9 miles
    6/13/15 - 3.1 miles
    6/14/15 - 9.1 miles
    6/16/15 - 13 miles
    6/20/15 - 3 miles
    6/21/15 - 3.25 miles
    6/22/15 - 10 miles
    6/24/15 - 5.34 miles
    6/25/15 - 6.26 miles
    6/26/15 - 6.42 miles
    6/28/15 - 6.56 miles
    6/29/15 - 6.63 miles


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got through my last 6 with a handful of friends at the usual mid-day run. Lots of sun, but very little humidity made for a nice run. Now to finish off my last biking & swimming miles for those challenges... I'll play tomorrow by ear.

    6/2 - 5 miles
    6/3 - 4.5 miles
    6/4 - 5 miles
    6/6 - 0.5 miles
    6/7 - 10 miles
    6/9 - 4.5 miles
    6/10 - 7 miles
    6/11 - 6 miles
    6/12 - 6 miles
    6/14 - 15 miles
    6/15 - 8 miles
    6/16 - 6 miles
    6/17 - 4 miles
    6/18 - 1 mile (pre lifting treadmill)
    6/21 - 6.5 miles (1.5 treadmill + 5 outdoors)
    6/22 - 10 miles
    6/23 - 6 miles
    6/24 - 6 miles
    6/25 - 6 miles (including 8x400s at 6 min/mile pace)
    6/26 - 5 miles
    6/28 - 12 miles
    6/29 - 6 miles

    Total: 140 miles
    Goal: 140 miles
  • KOW75
    KOW75 Posts: 92 Member
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I won't be able to make my goal this month. My knees were giving me some issues so I decided to go to the doctor. I'm currently seeing a physical therapist. I have three more weeks to go and I've only been cleared to run 15 minutes once a day. The good thing is the pain is gone. It was my glutes. Who would have thought of that?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - it is like having a virtual running partner! You and @WhatMeRunning may resist but I had my rest day yesterday and had to hustle to get a run in early this morning before my early early meetings (hate being 2 hours behind corporate!).
    @Daisy471 - Your trail half sounds like a lovely course! Do you roll out your hips and IT bands? I find it helps.
    @7lenny7 - I would ice that knee! I tore the meniscus in my left knee a couple of years ago (not running related) and when it flares up I go back to icing it several times a day like I did during my rehab. I have never had it get to the point of having to take days off for it other than my normal rest days.
    @Aresende90 - I second what @7lenny7 says about the prong collars. I used one with Hobbes when he was younger as well and still use it in high excitement situations like going to the dog beach where I know he is going to get excited and want to pull. We also stop a lot in those situations, he doesn't get to move forward until he doesn't pull. It makes him crazy (he whines at me) but eventually realizes if he moves with me he will get there faster.
    @karllundy - Great that you can get some running in while on vacation!
    @autumnblade75 - The Sports Ortho told me your hips and glutes impact everything below them. So if they are weak, tight or lazy it can result in injury/pain in your quads, hamstrings, knees...etc.. that could very well be part of the reason you have shin pain. Pushing through the pain can result in stress fractures because the calf muscle and tendons are pulling on the bone - that is why it hurts and becomes inflamed and tender.
    @tdbernrd - glad you were able to get the cause of your knee pain sorted out!

    06/01.....5.49.......5.49 - +Agility
    06/02.....4.71.....10.20 - Race pace +Strength training
    06/04.....4.15.....14.35 - Sprints +Strength training
    06/05.....4.89.....19.24 - Easy
    06/06...12.43.....31.67 - Hard fought long run
    06/07.....0.00.....31.67 - Rest
    06/08.....4.67.....36.34 - +Agility
    06/09.....5.81.....42.15 - Race pace +Strength training
    06/11.....7.78.....49.93 - +Strength training
    06/12.....5.76.....55.69 - Easy
    06/13.....6.85.....62.54 - Was supposed to be my long run but was feeling sick. Terrible run
    06/14.....0.00.....62.54 - Rest
    06/15.....5.48.....68.02 - Feeling great again
    06/16.....4.85.....72.87 - Race pace +Strength training
    06/17.....0.00.....72.87 - Rest
    06/18.....6.60.....79.47 - +Strength training
    06/19.....5.08.....84.55 - 'Easy'
    06/21.....0.00.....97.75 - Dog Beach Father's Day Sunday
    06/22.....6.40...104.15 - +Agility
    06/23.....4.73...108.88 - Race pace +Strength training
    06/24.....0.00...108.88 - Rest
    06/26.....6.49...120.16 - Easy - GOAL!!
    06/27...10.60...130.76 - Lovely long run!
    06/28.....0.00...130.76 - Rest - Dog beach run
    06/29.....4.72...135.48 - +Strength training and Agility

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member

    01-Jun: 2.65 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    02-Jun: 5.05 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    03-Jun: 3.02 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    04-Jun: 3.68 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    05-Jun: 3.24 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    06-Jun: 3.77 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    07-Jun: 2.38 miles
    08-Jun: 3.20 miles
    09-Jun: 2.26 miles
    10-Jun: ; 4.00 miles (walk)
    11-Jun: 3.19 miles
    12-Jun: 2.93 miles; 2.12 miles (walk)
    13-Jun: 3.16 miles
    14-Jun: 2.28 miles
    15-Jun: ; 3.75 miles (walk)
    16-Jun: 3.18 miles
    17-Jun: 2.45 miles
    18-Jun: 3.18 miles
    19-Jun: 3.01 miles
    20-Jun: 3.20 miles
    21-Jun: 3.01 miles; 4.01 miles (walk)
    22-Jun: 3.21 miles; 2.55 miles (walk)
    23-Jun: 2.87 miles; 2.57 miles (walk)
    24-Jun: <rest day - or just lazy>
    25-Jun: 3.20 miles
    26-Jun: 3.18 miles
    27-Jun: 3.71 miles; 3.32 miles (walk)
    28-Jun: 3.18 miles; 3.16 miles (walk)

    Nope - ain't gonna make it this month.... Maybe it was a too-long stretch goal, from the previous months.

    But it's gonna happen!
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    Gettin hotter, so I run less EARLIER
    Keep it going everyone, @Stoshew71, @skippygirlsmom ,@shanaber , @JimCrackinDandy, et. al; the pix, posts, and dogs are inspiring :)

    Sandbagging miles; I'll be on vacay in July and unlike some people (yes, you, @9voice9 ) will not be doing a lot of running :)
    • 01 - 1.8 mi (rainy)
    • 06 - 7.4 mi
    • 08 - 6.8 mi (hill climb)
    • 10 - 8.2 mi (rain/humid..gack)
    • 12 - 4.3 mi (zigzagging through the tourist like halfback)
    • 15 - 7.3 mi
    • 17 - 3.3 mi PR fastest route 5K
    • 20 - 6.5 mi PR fastest route 10K
    • 23 - 5.4 mi (break'n in no shooz)*
    • 26 - 3.5 mi (too hot..like Kool & the Gang)
    • 28 - 7.5 mi
    still room for one last run....!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 - The Sports Ortho told me your hips and glutes impact everything below them. So if they are weak, tight or lazy it can result in injury/pain in your quads, hamstrings, knees...etc.. that could very well be part of the reason you have shin pain. Pushing through the pain can result in stress fractures because the calf muscle and tendons are pulling on the bone - that is why it hurts and becomes inflamed and tender.

    Yeah, I've heard that, too. I keep meaning to do something about it. If I push MUCH too hard, it does start to hurt when I run, too. I don't even feel close to that point. I think I need a more *real-world* exercise, instead of clamshells. I can do those stupid things all day and not feel them. As bad a rap as those abductor/adductor machines at the gym get, I think they're more useful to me than the clamshells - unfortunately, my husband bought me a treadmill and had me cancel the gym membership because he was sick of me dragging him to the gym. I think that was a mistake.

  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    02/06 - 8.5km
    16/06 - 6.01km
    24/06 - 6.2km
    30/06 - 6.03km

    Not my best month.....


  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 - The Sports Ortho told me your hips and glutes impact everything below them. So if they are weak, tight or lazy it can result in injury/pain in your quads, hamstrings, knees...etc.. that could very well be part of the reason you have shin pain. Pushing through the pain can result in stress fractures because the calf muscle and tendons are pulling on the bone - that is why it hurts and becomes inflamed and tender.

    @shanaber, Thanks for sharing this..I hadn't made the leap from glutes/hips to knees before. That bears looking into.

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    6/3 - 3 miles
    6/5 - 3 miles
    6/6 - .75 mi.
    6/7 - 2.55 mi
    6/8 - .5 mi
    6/13 - 3.1 Run and Ride 5k
    6/15 - 1mi before my strength session with my trainer. Not the best idea since she wanted to focus on legs and core this week LOL.
    6/17 - 2.0 mi
    6/17 - 2.4 mi
    6/20 - 3.15 Virtual 5k complete but not happy with the time so may do over Monday or Tuesday. Results are not due until Friday.
    6/22 - 3.1
    6/28 - 1.55 Took time off for my vacation so don't think I will make my goal but I should be close.
    6/29 - 1.65 Made up some miles today by running before my session with my trainer. Big mistake LOL. Didn't know her plan was legs, abs and arms. Oh well. I will try to finsh off tomorrow before my yoga class.

    Total 27.45 2.55 to go