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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Will you have sweet dreams of I tell you to?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Might I? Might it be about cupcakes? Ha ha?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    edited January 2019
    Why is it so cold?
    Did you see Mr. Shirtless deleted his account? Why do you think people use a random internet pic and try to pass it off as their own?
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Do you know caffeine dehydrates your body?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    edited January 2019
    Wouldn't that be because it's a diuretic?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    AliNouveau wrote: »
    Why is it so cold?
    Did you see Mr. Shirtless deleted his account? Why do you think people use a random internet pic and try to pass it off as their own?

    Might have I seen that?
    Might I wish I know the answer to it? If it was for inspiration would you not choose a celebrity or at least say that it's not you?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Might that have been why I asked if his pic was for inspiration? Why misrepresent yourself? Mustn't it be horrible to be so unhappy with your appearance that you try to pass another's off as your own?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Might I misrepresent on here? I potentially am funnier in person? 😜😂 but that is a different story, is it not?
    They must be unhappy with their lives that they need to create new ones I suppose? If you are unhappy, why not change?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Do you think maybe for them it's a game? Like perhaps they are proving people will be drawn to a pretty face or nice body and not look deeper?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Might I think you are on to something? Might we be even more accepting and inviting if they'd show their true selves? As we all are human I believe? I could be an android?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Maybe they don't want to be accepted? Maybe it's just a game? See how many they can lead on? Didn't you notice when we showed we were onto him he didn't come around those threads? We didn't play the game, shouldn't we try next time then?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    If we play the game, won't that be a waste of time? We know it's not them but at the same time think we think it's them? Then what?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Wasn't that just confusing?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    It was very confusing, wasn't it? Shall we change the subject? How is your day going? Boy ok?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Did you know this sometimes happens when he hasn't had his meds the day before? Might he often get anxious?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Did you know that a consistent schedule may help him? Did he forget yesterday?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Isn't it good to taken him off them from time to time so he'll eat?
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    Does the medication take away his appetite?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Would you believe it does? Maybe he's just not feeling well?
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,850 Member
    Is he feeling any better?