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Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,366 Member
    edited February 2022
    Doesn't the OP check in (although not lately) from time to time? @srazamora, care to chime in?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    edited February 2022
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    Can I request you hunt and gather more by then, please? And do you hear me laughing with you that you looked up which day of the week it will fall on?

    Do you doubt I will ever stop hunting and gathering ice cream? 😂

    Wasn't I at first going to say "I doubt it will fall on a Tuesday, although it's got one chance in seven", but it's not really a random probability is it, and don't "inquiring minds want to know"? 😂
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,366 Member
    Didn't most of our snow melt? And aren't we expecting a fresh 3" tomorrow?
  • MadRee87
    MadRee87 Posts: 227 Member
    Will this work day everrrrrrr endddddddddddddddd?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,366 Member
    What time did it start?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    Did I really miss earning my Frosty badge by only 3°F this morning?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,366 Member
    How are you earning all these badges?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,829 Member
    Are you a Senior Citizen Scout?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,563 Member
    May I get a badge for -5°C this morning? 🥶
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,829 Member
    If she gets a badge for -5°C, do I get a bigger badge for shoveling snow at -5°F (or -20.5°C)?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,563 Member
    Does it have to be a bigger badge? Perhaps just a different one? Although, aren't I sure glad that I didn't have to shovel snow in -21.6°C?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    edited February 2022
    nossmf wrote: »
    Are you a Senior Citizen Scout?
    Aren't I actually entering my second childhood, so haven't I decided to rejoin the Cub Scouts? Don't I think I should already be a Wolf or a Bear, based on how I've progressed (or regressed?)?
    cmsienk wrote: »
    How are you earning all these badges?
    Doesn't Garmin give me badges for all sort of activities, like:
    • Pilates 1/2/3/4/5 - badges for recording 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 Pilates activities
    • Yoga 1/2/3/4/5 - badges for recording 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 Yoga activities
    • similar badges for Strength, HIIT, kayaking, etc.
    • distance badges for walking, running, and cycling
    • badges for 15k, 20k, 30k, 40k and 50k steps in a day
    • 60-Day Goal Getter - Hit your daily steps goal 60 days in a row
    • 10K a Day Challenge - Get 10,000 steps/day for 30 days in a row
    • Toasty - Record an activity when it's 100° F or hotter (this one was easy peasy)
    • Frosty - Record an activity when it's below freezing
    Won't I try for the Frosty badge tomorrow morning, with a pre-dawn walk, when the low is supposed to be 27°F?
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    May I get a badge for -5°C this morning? 🥶
    nossmf wrote: »
    If she gets a badge for -5°C, do I get a bigger badge for shoveling snow at -5°F (or -20.5°C)?
    At those temperatures don't you deserve more than a badge, like maybe a hot tottie or something similar?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,563 Member
    Maybe not first thing in the morning? Isn't drinking at work generally frowned upon?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    edited February 2022
    Wouldn't I just prefer a hot cup of cocoa?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,366 Member
    Or an equally hot cup of coffee? 😋
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    How did this get back around to coffee again?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,563 Member
    Are you surprised? 🤣
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    Wasn't that a silly question? 😉😂
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,462 Member
    edited February 2022
    Should my name be not Brian or Brandon but Frosty!? 😂
    (Wasn't it 28°F at 7AM this morning, when I took my walk?) 🚶‍♂️
    ((Didn't I wear long pants for a change, plus a third layer on top?)) 👖👕👕👕
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,366 Member
    edited February 2022
    👏 Were your extras layers enough to keep you warm?