I'm so hungry!!!!!!!!!



  • Shan0Marie
    Shan0Marie Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. There's some really great advice in here. I went ahead and changed my goal to 1lb/week and I'm planning more healthy fats and protein into this upcoming week.
    As far as the carbs vs no carbs debate this isn't a diet I'm looking for, is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life, so I vote carbs. Not AS MANY but it's unrealistic for me to say cut carbs. I won't stick with it, I know me too well.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Day 6 of using MFP and staying under my 1.5lb goal calorie intake...
    And I am so so so hungry! :(
    I really need help, filling foods that are good for me, ways to defeat the hunger, any bit of advice.
    I'm so determined to do this, but this hunger is too much!

    Try pickles. They are super low calorie. Up protein, like eggs, or chicken sausage, stuff like that. Also do not stress. It will pass. I remember feeling the same exact way when I first started. Beginning of my weight loss journey was miserable but I stuck it out and am like 30lbs lighter.