Before Bed - Something Sweet



  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Captain and coke or maybe just a yogurt.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    My go to dessert in the evenings is a Fiber One brownie (my personal fave is the Mint Chocolate) warmed up in the microwave for 10 seconds then topped with 1/2 cup edy's slow churned vanilla. You could always swap the ice cream for a sugar free ice cream and the fiber one brownies are around 17 g of carbs with 5 g of fiber.

    I also love the strawberry cheesecake jello temptations, Ghirardelli dark chocolate, outshine fruit popsicles and peanut M&M's, but depending on your carb goals, those may not work.

    I am an evening sweets eater and tried the low carb thing for a while. Swapped out my favorite treats for lower carb options, but it was just never the same. So, I started eating my sweets again just in moderation and I fit them into my daily calorie goals.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Frozen grapes or dark chocolate!

  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    I have a square of 90% dark chocolate if I need a treat. Sometimes with a spoon of almond butter. Ever since doing the 21dsd back in December, I don't crave sweets or "carbs".
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    rak173 wrote: »
    I eat skinny cow ice cream treats. They are typically under 200 cals. Probably not low carb but they do wonders for keeping my sweet tooth in line.

    MMMMMM I LOVE skinny cow chocolate truffle bars!!!! they're my nighttime treat.
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    i have a tough time eating ice cream when my kids have theirs at night... they are all so satisified on one small scoop in a cone while I could eat the contianer so I have turned to greek yogurt cups. Not low carb but its 160 cals and I add 2 tbsp of light cool whip for 200 cals. and bonus is 10-15 gr of protein depending on the brand

    I can't do ice cream out of a container and keep servings in check. i have zero self control. it's just something i know about myself. that and pizza, so i don't keep it around. i get skinny cow bars instead, they're wonderful and very satisfying!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    cheesecake, brownies, chocolate.....oh yes.....I LOVE carbs!