Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Sure sign me up
  • PowerAJS
    PowerAJS Posts: 25 Member
    Looking to add more friends as I close in on my first major weight goal!
  • jclist1
    jclist1 Posts: 87 Member
    Always looking to add more friends. Feel free to add me
  • bcschulz
    bcschulz Posts: 95 Member
    Add me
  • Chrystalynfaery
    Chrystalynfaery Posts: 1 Member
    I would love more friends on this! I need the motivation!

  • flockofhamsters
    flockofhamsters Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me, giving this another go and most of my other friends from before aren't active on here anymore
  • RunTheMoon
    RunTheMoon Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to get in shape for my first marathon and would love any new friends:). Add me if you want!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Add me! I need people to help me stay motivated and drop this weight once and for all.
  • Aussie_in_PA
    Aussie_in_PA Posts: 100 Member
    Same here.. back in the app for the summer time weight loss.

    im looking for a few friends to share the motivation. let's do this!
  • raregem99
    raregem99 Posts: 88 Member
    anyone who is an ACTIVE friend and not just a collector lol, feel free to add me if you need support :)
  • s4beck
    s4beck Posts: 2 Member
    Everybody add me (:

  • VanessaF419
    VanessaF419 Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for more friends! I like showing support!
  • coldmolasses
    coldmolasses Posts: 12 Member
    Been out of the loop for a bit but looking to get back into it! I love reading motivational statuses :D
  • newtothishelp
    newtothishelp Posts: 50 Member
    yes please, could always do with more friends :)
  • m3dreamer2014
    m3dreamer2014 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm back again after using MFP successfully in the past. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • ClydeLewis785
    ClydeLewis785 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi peoples, I'm "newish" to Fitness pal...Want to get a bad *kitten* 6 pack, so bad *kitten* that I can wash my clothes on it, like a washing board! I'm going to try be diligent with this app, hold me accountable.
  • starreeyed
    starreeyed Posts: 10 Member
    Would love some more friends! The more the better!
  • saiyashvanth
    saiyashvanth Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! That would really help and love to make new friends. Have a nice day! :)
    Kelven2330 wrote: »
    PS. I am totally starving right now and could eat my computer.

    PSS. Thanks for listening.

  • Double__Tapp
    Double__Tapp Posts: 83 Member
    More friends please! I currently have 5. Cycling, running, mountain biking, lifting I do a little of each, master of none.
  • DBVA222
    DBVA222 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like some friends, especially if you have a public diary, always looking for ideas on what to eat, I eat a lot of the same things for breakfast and lunch during the week. I still learning the ropes of my fitness pal, I love it though! I used to be a weight watchers fanatic many years ago and was very successful, but like all things if you don't work it ....and life happened, lots of changes personally and as far as weight watchers; the program became very frustrating, after Winning Points is was down hill. I tried WW again earlier this year and it was so hard to lose anything after the first week, I gave up. This is working much better for me. I have lost 29 pounds in almost 11 weeks, and I have 90-100 more to lose.