Eating after midnight - next day?



  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    I use to blow my diet by waking up in the middle of the night and eating something like ice cream and tons of sugary crap. I felt ravenous and could eat over 3,000 calories a day like that.

    I counted it for the next day if i woke up closer to my waking time, and counted as that day if it is closer to the time when I fell asleep. It's simple.

    i finally found out what was causing the middle of the night cravings, it was consumption of simple high GI carbs spiking my blood sugar and my sugar was crashing in the middle of the night as a result. When i started doing low carb, my middle of the night cravings stopped. Yet in the morning i feel hungry as hell, I just delayed it by reducing my carbs and types of carbs, but my calorie deficit is also causing hunger.

    your problem is not enough calories and probably consuming high GI carbs causing your blood sugar to crash.

    This is really helpful to me - thanks for sharing! :smile:
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Good for you for choosing to be vegan, it's a difficult lifestyle to follow and takes discipline. Because you eat a vegan diet, it's likely that you're not consuming enough vitamins to nourish normal metabolism from food alone. This will result in a form of malnutrition that may cause your belly to become distended and is not necessarily because of fat accumulation (ex. enlarged liver).

    Seriously, enlarged liver? And you went to Med school, where?
    OP Stick with your MD not mfp's ok? Good luck to you :-) Hope your belly is feeling better soon!
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    If it were me I'd stick my finger down my throat so I could eat two packages of crackers before midnight.

    This comment sickened me. I cannot express my disgust at saying this, even as a joke. Eating disorders can be triggered even by (ridiculous) comments such as these.

    LOL! But you'll overlook the fact the OP is worried about eating CRACKERS because it will put her OVER her 1000 calorie intake for the DAY. Right? Gimme a break.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    don't feed after midnight and don't get wet. I bet you don't like bright lights as well !

    ^^Lawls. You're awesome.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Eating after Midnight- next day? ....... :yawn: I thought you were going to ask if we turn into gremlins!!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If it were me I'd stick my finger down my throat so I could eat two packages of crackers before midnight.

    This comment sickened me. I cannot express my disgust at saying this, even as a joke. Eating disorders can be triggered even by (ridiculous) comments such as these.

    LOL! But you'll overlook the fact the OP is worried about eating CRACKERS because it will put her OVER her 1000 calorie intake for the DAY. Right? Gimme a break.

    Joking about EDs is and enough. Doing it on a weight loss site in a thread started by someone with a problem is just ignorant and sad and selfish.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    People have eating disorders on this site? Say it isn't so!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ahhh yess the "I can't eat over 1000 calories dead horse thread" in for the sh$t storm to come...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in my experience anything after midnight is the next day ...smacks forehead!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I was told never to eat after midnight.

    Mind you, I am a Mogwai.

    I like the way you think....
  • carmenb39
    carmenb39 Posts: 5
    Thanks for asking, I'm actually a doctoral student with a thesis in the topic of Nutritional Science.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you sound as though you have an issue with your adrenal glands --> body is producing more than the normal amount of the stress hormone cortisol...


    Internet doctor will diagnose you over the internet with no actual examination or medical training!

    LOL hilarious..
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Let's see, 5'2" and 103 lbs is BMI of 18.8. The range for underweight is 18.5 and under. You most certainly don't need to lose weight, you probably need to lose fat. At this point you need to go to a bodybuilding forum and learn how they get rid of fat and build six-pack abs. The short version: eat more protein and less carb, also lift heavy.

    Edit: also check with your doctor, just in case you have a medical condition.
  • FunnyBunnyHunny
    FunnyBunnyHunny Posts: 102 Member
    Eat more. And look into a gluten allergy for the tummy if it's that bad.
  • chandana421
    chandana421 Posts: 8 Member
    eat 1500 cals and burn 500 calories doing exercise , don't eat so less..Think long term
  • Rawzy
    Rawzy Posts: 4
    Alright here chica, listen up. One: you are eating 1000 calories a day, I don't care how tall or short you are, or how much you weigh that is a no no, your body is in starvation mode at this point, so it will hold one to every ounce of fat that you put in it, because your metabolic rate starts to slow down. You need to be eating every three hours at least and small snacks since it takes about 3 hours for the average person to empty their stomach. Your body is like a fireplace, you need to keep throwing logs in for the flame to shine! and keep going strong, Same goes for food. Two: you are probably holding fat around your stomach and your bloated because you are eating salted foods, like crisps?. Take a look at your nutrition, are you getting enough protein? are you eating to much salt ( retains water), are you eating lots of fruits and vegetables, are you drinking enough water?. You need stop focusing on the calories, and focus on healthy non processed foods that are naturally grown from the ground. Your body recognizes healthy nutrition not toxins. You are very small, that is for sure, but you are probably not doing any muscle related exercises am I right? To have a proper body composition and to increase your metabolism you need to do weights! you need to gain a relative good amount of muscle. That way you can tone your body, and make it look the way you want, as well as feel better, stronger, have a healthier life etc.. In the morning: Try to have a some protein, have a fruit smoothie with vegan protein powder, and if you don't want the protein powder, then put some almond butter in the smoothie, add some Greek yogurt to your fruit smoothie and bam a great breakfast, with protein, good fat and good carbs, you will feel less hungry during the day and not be hungry at night: Lunch: try a big salad with loads of veggies, oil and lemon/vinegar, some mixed nuts on top some mixed berries, and a baked potato. You can do something similar for dinner, and try to snack as much on fruit and veggies and nuts and seeds as you can. Also drink at least 2 litres of water a day. I guarantee if you do this, you will feel better stronger, and you will lose the bloat. Now hunny, please no more talk about this 1000 calories of starvation hell please. Be safe and healthy, cause that is dangerous, and you could seriously hurt your self. You could lose lean muscle tissue and bone tissue even, nutrient deficient your self, and cause your self lots of diseases. Good luck ;)
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    ^ the above..Great advice. Also average out your calories over a total week for a base daily total. Some smart phone Apps for myfitnesspal do this, I was told. Too bad the Computer app does not. Time to make my own Excel spreadsheets on that subject myself.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Unsurprisingly, OP hasn't logged any food in quite a while.
  • don't feed after midnight and don't get wet. I bet you don't like bright lights as well !
    lol- not Gremlins rules! i love it