Eating after midnight - next day?



  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    You need to strength train. It doesnt have to be heavy lifting - just lift a one lb dumbell if you have to. You are probably too weak to lift because you have basically no muscle tone. Im not trying to insult you - If you are really thin and starving yourself with that few calories, not only is your body eating your muscle like candy, but your body is both 1) in starvation mode which causes you to gain more fat and 2) stressed which produces cortisol, which causes your fat to be stored around your organs. This is what causes that pregnant look (I suffer from it too and it sucks). To lose fat, you need to build muscle. One strength training workout will boost your muscle building process for up to 48 hours, which makes everything you consume (sugar fat and all) go straight into your muscles. Your body still needs energy, that your muscles are stealing, so it draws that energy from your fat stores around your organs. Building muscle literally burns fat.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I'm 5'2 and weigh 47kgs ... I need to eat at least 1800 (most days 2000 +) kcals to maintain my weight ... I am very active ... I've been strength training and eating at maintenance ... Guess what my waist size is ... guess ...

    Answer: 22.5 in

    Oh, and did I mention that I'm also hypothyroid ... (on T4/T3 replacement) ...


    ETA: The scale will go up about 3-5lbs ... don't sweat it, it's just your glycogen stores being replenished ... Trust the herd, EAT MORE (Your MFP maintenance calories, plus exercise calories)!