Getting bored with food....



  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited June 2015
    Eat a less sugary cereal and add some fresh fruit and nuts. Instead of sandwiches, try low cal wraps with pickles, cucumbers tomatoes lettuce and avocado and whatever other veggies you like. You can add some turkey or lean ham if you like. Make egg salad. Make tuna salad. Make soups. Make any meal and portion leftovers for lunches. And sure have some salads.

    Eating should not need to be be boring for weight loss. If you are gaining weight it is not because of what you are eating, it is because of how much you are eating. Get more conscientious about your weighing and logging.
  • Stella014
    Stella014 Posts: 20 Member
    It's strange how when you're not on a diet or tracking your food you just eat the same thing no problem. But when you're paying attention suddenly it all has to be new, non-boring, interesting etc.
    I used to eat bread with Nutella daily as long as I can remember for breakfast, didn't bother me. But now for some reason it needs to be different every day. So I've decided to stop doing that and I just eat low fat yoghurt with some granola every day. Just makes it easier again like before (but with less calories ;-))
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    For breakfast:

    2 eggs daily, but I will mix it up with either pico de gallo or diced up ham. Every so often, I'll crumble turkey bacon into the eggs and scramble. For my treat, I'll go to Panera Bread and order their egg white and cheese on ciabatta. 350 cals or something like that.