Does turning vegan helps with weight loss

did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited June 2015
    I went vegan in high school. Went from 190 to 140 without counting calories. If you do it you need to pay special attention to protein and resistance training. 10 years later and I'm still trying to undo the damage my vegan diet caused because I neglected those things.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Newp. What matters for weight loss is eating fewer calories than you burn.
  • haitham789
    haitham789 Posts: 3 Member
    Caloric deficit is always the key for a successful healthy weight loss plan. Thanks guys.
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    Just be mindful on what you eat. Animal cruelty is indeed terrible. Going vegan can take a lot of dedication, try going vegetarian first or at least have more vegetarian meals. Step by step.

    If you go in cold turkey it may be harder on you, but everyone is different. Try not to eat a lot of "nutmeats" because those can get pretty high in calories and are better when you want to maintain a healthy weight.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    haitham789 wrote: »
    did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.

    It won't necessarily make you lose weight, and it will require more planning and preparation than a typical omnivorous diet. That being said, if you don't want to eat animal products, you can certainly lose and maintain weight without them.

    I agree with the above poster that step by step is the way to go for most people. In my experience, people who go from zero to vegan overnight have trouble dealing with the change and with planning a balanced diet without animal products. Most of them end up quitting pretty quickly.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    As far as weight loss goes, the only thing that matters is a calorie deficit. If you feel that you have a moral imperative to go vegan, than that's another issue altogether.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    Absolutely not

    Vegan diet makes it far more difficult to ensure adequate nutrition and you would have to focus hugely on hitting your nutritional goals's an ethical stance only

    I am an omnivore but I try to make moral choices in my food purchases in terms of free range, farm reared and knowing the provenance of foods ..this is far easier when not massively budget restricted

    So look to your beliefs, decide on your appropriate diet and work from there

  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    Also going vegan isnt necessarily guilt free. Veg farmers have to control animal pests too. I'm not vegan but eat vegan often as eat a lot of South asian meals - tasty and have a lot of pulses. It's easy to cook therefore easy to sustain over long term...
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    haitham789 wrote: »
    did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.

    I was a 333 pound vegan. I'm now a 196 pound vegan. Eating as a vegan is no miracle way to lose weight it is however imo a positive ethical choice for animals and the environment
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    haitham789 wrote: »
    did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.

    Animals are risen?
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited June 2015
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    haitham789 wrote: »
    did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.

    Animals are risen?


    My mind just event off on an entire "and yea verily ..." skit there

    I won't share
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    That is a ridiculous statement... But hey ho! Whatever makes you feel better! ;)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    That is a ridiculous statement... But hey ho! Whatever makes you feel better! ;)

    I note you didn't explain why the statement is "ridiculous". I guess that made you feel better.
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    That is a ridiculous statement... But hey ho! Whatever makes you feel better! ;)

    I note you didn't explain why the statement is "ridiculous". I guess that made you feel better.

    I could be here all day giving reasons. I hear the line about "what would happen to the animals if we didn't eat them" all the time - from people trying to convince me to eat meat or that being vegetarian is wrong. I would like to point out I have been vegetarian since I was 2 (I'm now 31), am the only one in my family and have never tried to 'convert' anyone to vegetarianism or told anyone eating meat is wrong. Plenty of people think it's fine to question and undermine my choices though and that ridiculous argument is their first (and often only) reason they give me for why my choices are apparently ludicrous.

    The fact you feel the need to justify why you eat meat is silly and would suggest you do still feel guilty. Don't. Eat what you want, no justifications needed. :)

    There's more on why it's ridiculous here, if you're interested:

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    That is a ridiculous statement... But hey ho! Whatever makes you feel better! ;)

    I note you didn't explain why the statement is "ridiculous". I guess that made you feel better.

    I could be here all day giving reasons. I hear the line about "what would happen to the animals if we didn't eat them" all the time - from people trying to convince me to eat meat or that being vegetarian is wrong. I would like to point out I have been vegetarian since I was 2 (I'm now 31), am the only one in my family and have never tried to 'convert' anyone to vegetarianism or told anyone eating meat is wrong. Plenty of people think it's fine to question and undermine my choices though and that ridiculous argument is their first (and often only) reason they give me for why my choices are apparently ludicrous.

    The fact you feel the need to justify why you eat meat is silly and would suggest you do still feel guilty. Don't. Eat what you want, no justifications needed. :)

    There's more on why it's ridiculous here, if you're interested:
    I have no issues with vegetarianism or veganism it is totally up to the individual

    But a 2 year old choosing to be vegetarian in a non-vegetarian family? What on earth?
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    That is a ridiculous statement... But hey ho! Whatever makes you feel better! ;)

    I note you didn't explain why the statement is "ridiculous". I guess that made you feel better.

    I could be here all day giving reasons. I hear the line about "what would happen to the animals if we didn't eat them" all the time - from people trying to convince me to eat meat or that being vegetarian is wrong. I would like to point out I have been vegetarian since I was 2 (I'm now 31), am the only one in my family and have never tried to 'convert' anyone to vegetarianism or told anyone eating meat is wrong. Plenty of people think it's fine to question and undermine my choices though and that ridiculous argument is their first (and often only) reason they give me for why my choices are apparently ludicrous.

    The fact you feel the need to justify why you eat meat is silly and would suggest you do still feel guilty. Don't. Eat what you want, no justifications needed. :)

    There's more on why it's ridiculous here, if you're interested:
    I have no issues with vegetarianism or veganism it is totally up to the individual

    But a 2 year old choosing to be vegetarian in a non-vegetarian family? What on earth?

    I had to have all my teeth removed so I couldn't chew it, and refused to eat it. As I got older I found I couldn't bring myself to. We lived on a farm and when you've helped hand rear a lamb it's difficult to think about eating it! I saw from an early age where it all came from and it put me off. I used to watch my nan plucking chickens in the sink - chickens that had been running round the yard just hours before.

    When I was 7 I got hold of a copy of a book by the Vegetarian Society and then started cutting out all animal fats, making sure eggs were free range etc. I infuriated my mother, but she always supported me. Never tried to make eat things I didn't want to. :)
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    edited June 2015
    haitham789 wrote: »
    did anyone turned vegan to lose weight?? In your opinions would it helpful?? In same time maintaining a caloric deficit of course. When I see how animals are risen to be on our tables. It makes me sick. Your opinions please.

    I think the bolded part should be the reasoning behind your choice to be vegan.

    Calorie deficit is what is required to lose weight, doesn't matter what your dietary preference is you will always gain weight at a calorie surplus.

    From my personal experience I have been an overweight vegan and an extremely in shape vegan, it doesn't guarantee success in weight-loss. Examples below...

    I had been vegan for quite some time but didn't pay attention to how much I was eating or my nutrients...


    Still vegan but had learned the value of CICO and macro/micro distribution and lifting...


    It is possible to have success at having a vegan diet and meeting your macro/micro nutrients you just have to pay attention and at times and supplement your diet when necessary. Protein shakes are extremely useful as there are plenty of vegan options out there. Also a vitamin B supplement as this is the most difficult vitamin to get from a plant based diet. But most health food stores carry vegan options.

    Maybe look at this group for support...

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited June 2015
    I agree with Cryptonomnomicon. OP, the primary reason for becoming a vegan should always be ethical. You seem to undertstand that weight loss is about energy balance, so that's good. Just pay attention to nutrition, and you should be set. Good luck.

    BTW, awesome results, Crypto!