Foods/drinks you don't log



  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    I log coffee, but I often use it as transport for milk, adding 1/3 c dry skim as part of my daily calcium. Teas I don't log, tho I would include them as "water" if I had trouble getting eight cups a day. Don't measure, let alone log the cinnamon I add to hot cereal. I log sandwich veg, but like to pile them on because a half cup of leafy greens make a single slice of chicken look so much more substantial.
  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    I set my calories 100 lower than allocated and save time by not logging milk for two coffees each day, things like lettuce, cucumber, celery, etc, and thin scrapings of spreads on sandwiches/toast. Must be working as it's not affecting weight loss.
  • DrunkInAGolfCart
    DrunkInAGolfCart Posts: 57 Member
    Much like everyone else, I don't log diet drinks or spices. I do log the milk in my coffee but it's really a rough estimate most oft the time.

    Also - sometimes - I can't be arsed logging the broccoli.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I don't track diet soda, sparkling ice, water. otherwise it all goes in the tracker.
    or a swig or two of milk, I don't track that
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Are there any foods or drinks you don't log the calories in.

    I personally don't log things like diet coke or flavoured water and I'm curious to know if others do similar

    EVERYTHING gets logged for me, even water. I'm not just adding up calories but nutritional content. When you are loosing weight, toning up, getting fit, it is important to know how much protein, sugars etc. you are dumping into your body. Even the amount of water you drink will affect your performance.

    I've learned so much about my body by seeing how I react and where my energy levels are from the foods (nutritional Breakdown) I eat that day/week.

    I would log it personally.

  • Yorjay1983
    Yorjay1983 Posts: 6 Member
    If you want to be able to look back and see exactly what you have drank in a day you can count it but personally I don't track anything without calories.
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    I log everything I put in my mouth. There is a place to log water, so why not diet green tea, or soda? If I drink green tea, I log it as green tea, even though the only "nutrient" is sodium. I am curious as to extra shots of protein, recovery, bee pollen and stuff that smoothie stores can put in a smoothie, but there is no nutritional info on most of them. I have seen a few listings on MFP food list, though. Nothing for muscle recovery...
  • RBracken34
    RBracken34 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't log water, herbal teas (unsweetened), salt, spices, lemon wedges (1/8 lemon per day squeezed into my afternoon tea) or vinegar. I use spices sparingly, vinegar only on my lunch salad (about 1-2 Tbsp.), and I'm one of those rare types who needs to constantly add salt to my diet just to keep my blood pressure up to barely normal levels.
  • cmoll520
    cmoll520 Posts: 60 Member
    I don't log medicine, calorie free/diet drinks, spices, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, coffee (I do log the cream)...

    I've lost nearly 40lbs and an am a perfectly healthy weight (5'5" and 138)- so I don't see the need to be that thorough if what I'm doing is working.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I don't log:
    1. coffee (with cream, but I drink a consistent amount every day and I'm still losing, so it's clearly not a problem)
    2. watery veggies like cucumbers, lettuce, tomato, etc that are appearing in small quantities as in on a sandwich
    3. mio water
    4. supplements and meds I take every day (again, consistent daily intake including fish oil, which has calories, but I'm still losing, so not something I need to look at yet)
    5. spices and condiments that are mainly salt (hot sauce, soy sauce, vinegar)
    6. I also don't bother to log quantities of M&M's under 5 in a day. I often eat just two, because that's what my daughter and I do when we're having a treat.