Calories vs Nutrition

So what do you do when you work out and earn more calories that you can eat, but you're having to choose between eating more food (that you deserve) or eating food that maintains and is with in your, for instance, sugars or sodium for the day. So, for instance, I worked out today and got back a lot of calories, but I know that whatever I eat for dinner is going to exceed my daily goal for sugar. Can I go over because I would have gone through some sugar while working out, or should I still keep my daily allowance?


  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    In my opinion, absent any blood glucose issues, you can always ignore the sugar limit. There is no basis for limiting total sugars (including fruit and dairy sugars) for healthy adults. Some agencies advocate limiting free sugars, but the aim of those limits is to lower overall calories (which you are doing already), or ensure that people have sufficient room within their calorie requirement to meet their nutrient needs (which presumably you are doing as well).

    As for sodium, you lose sodium when you sweat, so going over on workout days should not be a problem (again, unless you have a medical condition pertaining to sodium intake)
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    As long as you're below your calorie goal for the day... going over on sugar (or carbs, or sodium, etc) doesn't matter.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    As long as you're below your calorie goal for the day... going over on sugar (or carbs, or sodium, etc) doesn't matter.

    This. I've never tracked sugar/sodium and I've had no problem losing weight or maintaining the loss. The only thing I've really focused on has been CICO and eating at the correct calorie amount for my goals :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Make sure you have already eaten your nutritious food, and then have a treat. I eat too much sugar (IMO) yet my fasting glucose is only 79. If you don't have blood sugar or blood pressure issues, don't worry too much about going over a little.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I burned over 800 calories according to my Fitbit. Had 600+ left over after dinner. Ate an ice cream sundae, and when it syncs after midnight I should be at my fat goal and just below protein.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't worry about sugar, and add salt to my food.

    The only sugar I half care about is added sugar, but as most of my sugar comes from vegies, fruit and dairy I'm not overly concerned by that number...
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    I might be the odd ball, but iv we always tracked my sugars and sodium. Sodium especially because of the inverse relationship to potassium and the way we waste potassium in urine when daily sodium is over the recommended limits, regardless of how much we sweat out during exercise. Potassium is already my hardest nutrient it achieve and I don't want my excess salt messing that up.
    Also, excess sodium in the diet can encouage hupertension of you're susceptible over time. The American Heart association does have a lot to say about added sugars, and does make a recommendation of about 100 cals for woman and 150 cals for men in the link below. Also check out the research in the link toward the end of the info.
    I honestly don't see the need to limit natural sugars in fruits and veggies, as long as they fit into my desired macros for the day. I am one that doesn't think anything that grows is bad for you in moderation.
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    edited June 2015
    Playvet12, do you know that you can go to Home->Goals->Fitness and specify how you want your workout calories allocated to your nutrients?

    For example, I have 65% of my workout calories added to carbs and 35% to protein - I do not increase my fat intake even if I workout. We need carbs to fuel the recovery process and, obviously, we need protein but fat requirements stay the same regardless of fitness activity.

    This way, your workout calories will be added to carbs (including sugar) and proteins - giving you proportionate daily adjustment.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited June 2015
    I might be the odd ball, but iv we always tracked my sugars and sodium. Sodium especially because of the inverse relationship to potassium and the way we waste potassium in urine when daily sodium is over the recommended limits, regardless of how much we sweat out during exercise. Potassium is already my hardest nutrient it achieve and I don't want my excess salt messing that up.
    Also, excess sodium in the diet can encouage hupertension of you're susceptible over time. The American Heart association does have a lot to say about added sugars, and does make a recommendation of about 100 cals for woman and 150 cals for men in the link below. Also check out the research in the link toward the end of the info.
    I honestly don't see the need to limit natural sugars in fruits and veggies, as long as they fit into my desired macros for the day. I am one that doesn't think anything that grows is bad for you in moderation.
    I go over my sugar levels every day!!! Had heart disease and now no longer do!!! ;)

    ETA: Just to add, I am in excellent health per my doctor and my blood work. B)
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    If you really want to have sugar, have it. But if you feel fine, don't eat back your exercise calories. My jazzercise instructor is 60 and ripped. She says she never eats back exercise calories.
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    I might be the odd ball, but iv we always tracked my sugars and sodium. Sodium especially because of the inverse relationship to potassium and the way we waste potassium in urine when daily sodium is over the recommended limits, regardless of how much we sweat out during exercise. Potassium is already my hardest nutrient it achieve and I don't want my excess salt messing that up.
    Also, excess sodium in the diet can encouage hupertension of you're susceptible over time. The American Heart association does have a lot to say about added sugars, and does make a recommendation of about 100 cals for woman and 150 cals for men in the link below. Also check out the research in the link toward the end of the info.
    I honestly don't see the need to limit natural sugars in fruits and veggies, as long as they fit into my desired macros for the day. I am one that doesn't think anything that grows is bad for you in moderation.
    I go over my sugar levels every day!!! Had heart disease and now no longer do!!! ;)

    ETA: Just to add, I am in excellent health per my doctor and my blood work. B)

    Can you elaborate on the heart disease. What was the indicator for heart disease that you erased?
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    If you really want to have sugar, have it. But if you feel fine, don't eat back your exercise calories. My jazzercise instructor is 60 and ripped. She says she never eats back exercise calories.

    That's not a very good suggestion to make not knowing the particulars. We don't know if the OP using TDEE or not. It appears that your instructor is using TDEE with activities already accounted for in which case eating back exercise calories would be totally wrong. But we dont know these details about the OP.

    I don't use TDEE and prefer to adjust my daily calorie budget based on activities - it entails more work but gives me more granular control
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    Sugar is always on the label, its a carbohydrate. Easy to track.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Barring a medical condition, or a special diet like keto, there is no basis for counting sugar. If you're in a deficit and lifting, make sure you get adequate protein. The fat/carb ratio matters a great deal less, except that you do want to ensure you eat some good fats for satiety and digesting fat-soluble vitamins.
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    I just finished reading a book called Diabetes Epidemic from a very respected doctor in Chicago (Dr. R. Kraft) and he wrote a book documenting his research on almost 15,000 people from ages 3-90. He found out the fasting blood glucose does not find those who have insulin resistance and therefore those who go to get diabetes. There is a huge number (20%) undiagnosed. So, he recommends getting your fasting insulin at a minimum to see how you are doing handling carbs in the diet. He is very concerned and says this problem is why there are many undiagnosed diabetics out there as well as the millions more that will become diabetic in the near future. Just pointing this out, don't beat me up because of the sugar issue. Look him up and maybe read the book!
    JTGJTG Posts: 52 Member
    edited June 2015
    Why are you tracking sugars? (Honest question.) My doc has me tracking carbs instead. "Eat what you want, but stay in 90 carbs/day and no more than 40 per meal.") So, if I want ice cream, it has to fit those parameters. Also, I don't get to add carbs for exercise - that helps with the weight, not as much as I thought it would with the blood sugar.

    This method works when I stick to it :).
    T2 dx 15 years ago
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    unless you have a medical condition there is no reason to worry about going over on sugar.

    as long as you have hit your micro/macro needs for the day, I would suggest eating something that you want/like...
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    edited June 2015
    Wow, yeah I haven't even attempted to "count" at that level - Just calories.
  • goaliesmate
    goaliesmate Posts: 49 Member
    Work towards balancing nutrition over a week. Doing it 'correct' daily is almost impossible. And it is so easy to adjust future menu plans to add more of the 'short' nutrients and decrease the 'long' food groups.