Calories vs Nutrition



  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    I might be the odd ball, but iv we always tracked my sugars and sodium. Sodium especially because of the inverse relationship to potassium and the way we waste potassium in urine when daily sodium is over the recommended limits, regardless of how much we sweat out during exercise. Potassium is already my hardest nutrient it achieve and I don't want my excess salt messing that up.
    Also, excess sodium in the diet can encouage hupertension of you're susceptible over time. The American Heart association does have a lot to say about added sugars, and does make a recommendation of about 100 cals for woman and 150 cals for men in the link below. Also check out the research in the link toward the end of the info.
    I honestly don't see the need to limit natural sugars in fruits and veggies, as long as they fit into my desired macros for the day. I am one that doesn't think anything that grows is bad for you in moderation.
    I go over my sugar levels every day!!! Had heart disease and now no longer do!!! ;)

    ETA: Just to add, I am in excellent health per my doctor and my blood work. B)

    Well that's excellent! There is a great post on the blog today that you should check out on added sugar. Just to keep in mind. I just saw and read it.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    what about fat (and saturated fat)?

    running a lot pretty much every day, this happens to me as well, I have lots of calories back that I want to consume but struggle to stay below my macros, especially fat and saturated fat

    is there a sort of % where going over is ok / it really doesn't mind?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    what about fat (and saturated fat)?

    running a lot pretty much every day, this happens to me as well, I have lots of calories back that I want to consume but struggle to stay below my macros, especially fat and saturated fat

    is there a sort of % where going over is ok / it really doesn't mind?

    what about fat? dietary fat is no bad for you should aim for about .4 to .45 grams per pound of body weight….
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    what about fat (and saturated fat)?

    running a lot pretty much every day, this happens to me as well, I have lots of calories back that I want to consume but struggle to stay below my macros, especially fat and saturated fat

    is there a sort of % where going over is ok / it really doesn't mind?

    what about fat? dietary fat is no bad for you should aim for about .4 to .45 grams per pound of body weight….

    my recommended MFP is 71g fat /day - in very active days, I can see ~100g fat after exercise adjustment

    this obviously is paired with a lot of calories that I must consume otherwise I'll keep losing weight

    is 100g too much? any recommendation on saturated fat?

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited June 2015
    Don't worry about your sugars unless a doctor told you to. Even many diabetes specialists tell their patients who are not on insulin not to bother tracking sugars, just keep the total carbs under a certain limit. You might do better by switching out the sugars and track fiber instead. Too many people don't get enough fiber and not getting enough of that can be worse for your overall health than getting too many sugars (within reason, of course).

    As far as eating back exercise calories, how you distribute them depends on your percentages and your goals. I generally eat most of them as protein or fat because I am diabetic and need to watch my total carbs. This is where a glass of wine comes in handy. An 8 oz glass of a dry red wine (yes, I know standard is 5-6 oz) gives me close to 200 calories and 5-8 g carbs. Nice low carb treat to up my calories on workout days in the pool where I earn an extra 800 calories from laps and aerobics.
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    edited June 2015
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    what about fat (and saturated fat)?

    running a lot pretty much every day, this happens to me as well, I have lots of calories back that I want to consume but struggle to stay below my macros, especially fat and saturated fat

    is there a sort of % where going over is ok / it really doesn't mind?

    patrikc333 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    what about fat (and saturated fat)?

    running a lot pretty much every day, this happens to me as well, I have lots of calories back that I want to consume but struggle to stay below my macros, especially fat and saturated fat

    is there a sort of % where going over is ok / it really doesn't mind?

    what about fat? dietary fat is no bad for you should aim for about .4 to .45 grams per pound of body weight….

    my recommended MFP is 71g fat /day - in very active days, I can see ~100g fat after exercise adjustment

    this obviously is paired with a lot of calories that I must consume otherwise I'll keep losing weight

    is 100g too much? any recommendation on saturated fat?

    Found this as an interesting read, which holds true to the recommended ranges already in place for even non athletes. And then another article I was reading stated the dangers of going below 15% fat consistently, as fat is essential in the diet.
    So for the average 2000 calorie diet, a person could plan on having 44 to 67 grams of fat per day.
    This article doesn't address saturated fats, but as a general rule I understand that they shouldn't exceed 10% of your daily calories.
    Hope this helps a little.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Dont worry too much about macros, focus primarily on your deficit. Make sure you arent deficient in things like fibre 18g+ per day and protein a min of 46g the rest will take care of itself, especially if you eat a balanced diet.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Playvet12 wrote: »
    So what do you do when you work out and earn more calories that you can eat, but you're having to choose between eating more food (that you deserve) or eating food that maintains and is with in your, for instance, sugars or sodium for the day. So, for instance, I worked out today and got back a lot of calories, but I know that whatever I eat for dinner is going to exceed my daily goal for sugar. Can I go over because I would have gone through some sugar while working out, or should I still keep my daily allowance?
    Not quite sure I understand the notion of "foods I deserve"... When do you not deserve to eat?
    I think you are overthinking it. Train hard, eat a wide variety of food that helps you hit your macro/micro nutritional requirements. If you have calories left over, fill them up any way you like...
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Dont worry too much about macros, focus primarily on your deficit. Make sure you arent deficient in things like fibre 18g+ per day and protein a min of 46g the rest will take care of itself, especially if you eat a balanced diet.

    The usual recommendations are at least 25 grams for women and closer to 35 grams for men. As you age, the recommendations go down to 21 for women who are over 50 and 30 for men over 50.

  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Dont worry too much about macros, focus primarily on your deficit. Make sure you arent deficient in things like fibre 18g+ per day and protein a min of 46g the rest will take care of itself, especially if you eat a balanced diet.

    Hey there, just a quick reference stating the recommended fiber intake on a daily basis as in accordance with the Institute of medicine, which regularly sets standards for health and nutrition.
    Also, protein is a formula based on body weight. The 46 grams is a minimum set by CDC I believe, to prevent malnutrition. Men would be in the mid fifties, again for preventing malnutrition, not working out on.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    As long as you're below your calorie goal for the day... going over on sugar (or carbs, or sodium, etc) doesn't matter.

    If you are talking fat loss, this is true.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited June 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    Dont worry too much about macros, focus primarily on your deficit. Make sure you arent deficient in things like fibre 18g+ per day and protein a min of 46g the rest will take care of itself, especially if you eat a balanced diet.

    Hey there, just a quick reference stating the recommended fiber intake on a daily basis as in accordance with the Institute of medicine, which regularly sets standards for health and nutrition.
    Also, protein is a formula based on body weight. The 46 grams is a minimum set by CDC I believe, to prevent malnutrition. Men would be in the mid fifties, again for preventing malnutrition, not working out on.

    That protein intake is for sedentary individuals and isn't considering requirements when training is involved which make minimum requirements higher.

    Not just training, just eating at a deficit makes protein requirements higher too, if I've looked into all of this correctly.

  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    I eat a lot of fruit, so I typically ignore the sugar limit. I do try and keep an eye on my protein (to make sure I'm getting enough) and my sodium (to make sure I'm not eating too much). So long as you take the CICO approach, you should lose or maintain your weight. With that said, on most days I'd rather eat 500 calories in something that's really going to stick with me, rather than 500 calories worth of candy that will just cause me to carb crash.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I have no problem citing that because I said a minimum, obviously there are higher levels to hit, especially if you are lifting, but its a good enough starting point and is aimed at people being seriously deficient. Some peoples diets are poor enough to fail to meet those tragets. A balanced and varied diet will tend to take care of itself in any event i.e I dont think macros should be stressed about, especially compared to hitting the deficit target.