Low carb diet help!

Hi all, i want to lower my carb intake and this is my first low carb diet, currently (before the low carb) my macros are - 1200 calories per day Carbs - 127g Protein - 98g Fats 33g.
i wanted to drop my carbs to around 70g to start with (i know it should be around 50g but id like to ease myself into it for a week or so first). I was wondering how i should distribute the extra calories? I was thinking 60% to protein 40% to fats? So id be at Carbs - 70g Protein 132g Fats 56g
Does that seem ok? Any input would be great thanks


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Why do you want to drop your carbs? Outside of a medical condition it is completely unneeded.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Why do you want to drop your carbs? Outside of a medical condition it is completely unneeded.

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    60% to protein is in the wrong direction, leave your protein where it is and swop the carbs for oils and fats.

    Say 50g C, 100g P = 600 cals and 600 cals of fats & oils. So 50% calories from fat.
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    60% to protein is in the wrong direction, leave your protein where it is and swop the carbs for oils and fats.

    Say 50g C, 100g P = 600 cals and 600 cals of fats & oils. So 50% calories from fat.

    So what would you recommend my macros to be? If i were to put my carbs at 70g? Having trouble working it all out
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    70g * 4 = 280 say 25% (steps of 5% on MFP)
    100g * 4 = 400 say 35% (or 30%)
    Fat = 40% or 45%
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    70g * 4 = 280 say 25% (steps of 5% on MFP)
    100g * 4 = 400 say 35% (or 30%)
    Fat = 40% or 45%

    Does this sound ok (i have the plug in so i can change my goals in 1% increments)

    Carbs - 69g - 23% - 276 cal
    Protein - 99g - 33% - 396 cal
    Fat - 59g - 44% - 528 cal

    Thank you for your help btw!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    good starting point yes.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If you wish to go low-carb is this something you are going to stick with for life

    If it is join the low-carb group

    If you're thinking quick fix then avoid it .. because low-carb can be one of the most frustrating ways to hit a calorie defecit .. you lose water weight quickly but as soon as you snap it comes back equally quickly and that can absolutely make you throw in the towel and end up fatter than when you started

    *voice of experience*

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Water weight is a few lbs and as almost all (if not all) diets restrict carbs the reduction in water weight is not unique to low carb. "Stick with for life" is hyperbole.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Water weight is 10-15lbs

    My diet had me at around 350g carbs ... which I doubt ate into my glycogen stores

    and please explain why 'stick with for life' is hyperbole in relation to what I actually said "as soon as you snap it comes back equally quickly and that can absolutely make you throw in the towel and end up fatter than when you started"
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If you wish to go low-carb is this something you are going to stick with for life

    If it is join the low-carb group

    If you're thinking quick fix then avoid it .. because low-carb can be one of the most frustrating ways to hit a calorie defecit .. you lose water weight quickly but as soon as you snap it comes back equally quickly and that can absolutely make you throw in the towel and end up fatter than when you started

    *voice of experience*

    Yeah to be honest it is something id want to stick with, but i dont want to go straight into less than 50gs so thought id ease myself in at around 70g first, what do you think of my macros above?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    fferbz wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If you wish to go low-carb is this something you are going to stick with for life

    If it is join the low-carb group

    If you're thinking quick fix then avoid it .. because low-carb can be one of the most frustrating ways to hit a calorie defecit .. you lose water weight quickly but as soon as you snap it comes back equally quickly and that can absolutely make you throw in the towel and end up fatter than when you started

    *voice of experience*

    Yeah to be honest it is something id want to stick with, but i dont want to go straight into less than 50gs so thought id ease myself in at around 70g first, what do you think of my macros above?

    What's your current weight .. because that determines what your protein and fat macros should be set to as minimums and then you can choose how to slot in the rest

    as a minimum you should aim for your protein at 0.64-0.82g per lb of bodyweight and fat at 0.35g per lb of bodyweight
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh 8.7st not too sure what that is in pounds
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    edited June 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    fferbz wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If you wish to go low-carb is this something you are going to stick with for life

    If it is join the low-carb group

    If you're thinking quick fix then avoid it .. because low-carb can be one of the most frustrating ways to hit a calorie defecit .. you lose water weight quickly but as soon as you snap it comes back equally quickly and that can absolutely make you throw in the towel and end up fatter than when you started

    *voice of experience*

    Yeah to be honest it is something id want to stick with, but i dont want to go straight into less than 50gs so thought id ease myself in at around 70g first, what do you think of my macros above?

    What's your current weight .. because that determines what your protein and fat macros should be set to as minimums and then you can choose how to slot in the rest

    as a minimum you should aim for your protein at 0.64-0.82g per lb of bodyweight and fat at 0.35g per lb of bodyweight

    I weigh 8.7st not too sure what that is in pounds
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    fferbz wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    fferbz wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If you wish to go low-carb is this something you are going to stick with for life

    If it is join the low-carb group

    If you're thinking quick fix then avoid it .. because low-carb can be one of the most frustrating ways to hit a calorie defecit .. you lose water weight quickly but as soon as you snap it comes back equally quickly and that can absolutely make you throw in the towel and end up fatter than when you started

    *voice of experience*

    Yeah to be honest it is something id want to stick with, but i dont want to go straight into less than 50gs so thought id ease myself in at around 70g first, what do you think of my macros above?

    What's your current weight .. because that determines what your protein and fat macros should be set to as minimums and then you can choose how to slot in the rest

    as a minimum you should aim for your protein at 0.64-0.82g per lb of bodyweight and fat at 0.35g per lb of bodyweight

    I weigh 8.7st not too sure what that is in pounds


    there's 14lbs in a stone

    so minimum protein per day is 76g and minimum fat is 40g - please note the word MINIMUM
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    as a minimum you should aim for your protein at 0.64-0.82g per lb of bodyweight and fat at 0.35g per lb of bodyweight

    Where does this minimum fat recommendation originate from? I'm just wondering as I've seen quoted it a few times.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    you know I got it from sidesteel / sarah and can't remember the original papers that were linked .. I'm sure you could find them on a search

    a quick google pulled up this http://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/FFA_summary_rec_conclusion.pdf which might put some of it in perspective but doesn't give the actual percentage as a matter of bodyweight on initial skimming

    but when I use the figures against a bodyweight of 119lb and a presumed diet of minimum 1200 it works out about the same
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    you know I got it from sidesteel / sarah and can't remember the original papers that were linked .. I'm sure you could find them on a search

    a quick google pulled up this http://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/FFA_summary_rec_conclusion.pdf which might put some of it in perspective but doesn't give the actual percentage as a matter of bodyweight on initial skimming

    Thanks. I will have another hunt later. I did a quick search earlier but most of the official guidelines I found appear to be sticking to the outdated 'cut as much fat as possible' advice, or expressing it as a percentage that clearly doesn't apply to LCHF.
    The idea of it being based on bodyweight or LBM, as the protein requirements are, makes more sense.
  • saboorina
    saboorina Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for asking. I've been wondering the same thing. My doc put me on a low carb diet, but never said how much carbs is considered low carb.
    I'm currently at 212 pounds. So what should be my percentages for the micros?
    I see, if I did the math correctly, I need a min of 136 g of protien, amd 74 of fats.