Low carb diet help!



  • saboorina
    saboorina Posts: 26 Member
    So, if I figured right it would be as follows
    20% carbs 35% protien and 45% fats

    Does that sound reasonable?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited June 2015
    So, how does a 19 year old decide to start a low carb diet for life? If the answer is because you googled it and it is the latest fashion, are you sure you want to base your life on google? And your eating choices on what is the latest "thing"?
    Check here, this might help you decide if this is such a good idea or not:
    Why is a 19 year old with no weight issues even counting calories and carbs? I know it is a weird thing to ask considering I am on this site too, but you are 19. And normal weight. Calorie counting, carb counting etc, are not "normal" for someone your age without weight or health issues.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Water weight is 10-15lbs

    seems very high. Even at 5g water per g glycogen 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) would be the effect of eliminating it all and that doesn't happen. There's less than a pound in the liver for example.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    saboorina wrote: »
    So, if I figured right it would be as follows
    20% carbs 35% protien and 45% fats

    Does that sound reasonable?

    yes, that's reasonable. 20% carbs has been used in long term studies.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member

    Low to lower carb can happen pretty easily. I just don't eat processed sugar heavy foods or pasta, white rice, white potatoes.

    I eat all sorts of vegetables that contain carbs. I eat health nut organic bread and enjoy dark chocolate 85% daily.

    It just keeps me between 60-80 carbs normally. Some days over or under a little. It is pretty easy.

    Some days I know I am going to do a run or long walk and eat a few more carbs.

    It gets down to your body and how your body deals with carbs / insulin functionality.

    Mine does not need as many carbs as others. I feel fine and have been on moderate carb for a year and a half. Lost lots of weight and become very fit!

    It is funny that people can be pushy about their flavor of diet. To some I limit carbs for no reason (I do have reasons), and some think I eat too many to be really be low carb.

    It works for me. There are some good scientific reasons it works for me. My blood tests and glucose meter are good witnesses to that end result.

    I hope you find your sweet spot with your macros. Find the nutrient mix you need inside the window of calories you should eat. And a food scale is a good thing no matter what nutrition plan you follow.

    The low carb group on here is good. They embrace you even if you eat 100
    Carbs a day !

    I may try a keto phase one time to see how it works for me.

  • mich19025
    mich19025 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm just on my way out of doing keto/low carb. To be honest I never lost any more than my pound a week that I was expecting on a calorie deficit anyway. It did get the scales moving though. Something that hasn't happened for years. I could never hit past the 10 st barrier. I actually quite enjoyed it and never found it restrictive. I never missed breads or rice etc. Just chocolate. I find carbs not to be bad per se but the sugar variety makes me want to binge. The reason i'm not doing it now? I wasn't consuming enough fibre in my diet. Combine that with moderate protein and the constipation is horrendous. Had I been a big lover of vegetables i'd be ok but im not. Please take a supplement or eat all your veggies and low carb fruit if you are going to go for it. I was really low carb, like 5%. I'm now like 25% or 88g but i'm back to reaching almost 25g of fibre per day instead of under 10g!
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    You don't need to low carb "for life" to use low carb to lose weight. As for water weight loss, I found it to be only about 1.5kg, not a lot.

    How much protein should you eat on a low carb diet? Somewhere between where you say "I can't eat one more piece of protein" and you're feeling weak due to the lack of protein. Also, it's related to your lean (ie not fat) body weight. You probably don't need to allow for your body needing more protein when you've got a lot of fat in your body, fat doesn't need protein to support itself.

    Don't forget that veges contain protein.
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    So, how does a 19 year old decide to start a low carb diet for life? If the answer is because you googled it and it is the latest fashion, are you sure you want to base your life on google? And your eating choices on what is the latest "thing"?
    Check here, this might help you decide if this is such a good idea or not:
    Why is a 19 year old with no weight issues even counting calories and carbs? I know it is a weird thing to ask considering I am on this site too, but you are 19. And normal weight. Calorie counting, carb counting etc, are not "normal" for someone your age without weight or health issues.

    Firstly i dont think my age has anything to do with it, i dont know why people comment on things like this putting down your decisions. I want to try a low carb diet because i want to drop my body fat and get lean.
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    Can i just add that i dont think im fat and im not unhappy with my body at all. Because when i seem to seek help on here and tell people my age and weight they tell me theres no need for me to diet and im at normal weight. The reason im on here is because i want to loose body fat and tone up! I want to make myself more lean hense why i want to go onto a low carb diet.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    fferbz wrote: »
    Can i just add that i dont think im fat and im not unhappy with my body at all. Because when i seem to seek help on here and tell people my age and weight they tell me theres no need for me to diet and im at normal weight. The reason im on here is because i want to loose body fat and tone up! I want to make myself more lean hense why i want to go onto a low carb diet.

    if you want to go low carb because that's what will work for you that's great

    but if you think it's the way to get lean, lose body fat and tone up you're wrong because that's from eating a calorie defecit and lifting heavy things

    however you choose to hit your defecit is up to you ...
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    fferbz wrote: »
    Can i just add that i dont think im fat and im not unhappy with my body at all. Because when i seem to seek help on here and tell people my age and weight they tell me theres no need for me to diet and im at normal weight. The reason im on here is because i want to loose body fat and tone up! I want to make myself more lean hense why i want to go onto a low carb diet.

    if you want to go low carb because that's what will work for you that's great

    but if you think it's the way to get lean, lose body fat and tone up you're wrong because that's from eating a calorie defecit and lifting heavy things

    however you choose to hit your defecit is up to you ...

    Would you not say 1200 calories per day is a carlorie defecit? I go to the gym once a day and lift heavy and also run 3.5km on the treadmil and spend around 5-7mins on the bike as a cool down. I thought taking this into account and the fact that i work 5 days of the week this would be a calorie defecit? Im not argueing just trying to find out others input as in new to macro counting etc
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    fferbz wrote: »

    Would you not say 1200 calories per day is a carlorie defecit? I go to the gym once a day and lift heavy and also run 3.5km on the treadmil and spend around 5-7mins on the bike as a cool down. I thought taking this into account and the fact that i work 5 days of the week this would be a calorie defecit?

    Sounds like you're doing fine. To lose fat you need to burn more fat than you eat or create. Reducing carbs facilitates burning fat, as does moderate intensity exercise.

    There are people who only own a hammer and insist that everything is a nail.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What did MFP give you as a calorie goal?

    You know that goal is without purposeful exercise - you should add back 50% of your exercise from MFP database / gym machine burns and eat that too

    1200 is the minimum for women - as a net figure

    I lost the majority of my weight at around 1560 plus exercise calories but then I kind of think I'm taller than you, I'm certainly much older

    All I'm saying is, and it's totally up to you as I have no issue with low carb if that's right for you, but if you have met your protein and fat macros as discussed earlier and met your basic nutritional goals you can eat the rest of your calories however you wish .. in carbs, in chocolate, in ice cream ... whatever makes you able to stick to your diet for life

    In the final analysis it's just about calories in < calories out to lose scale weight. For health meeting nutritional guidelines and exercising is important.

    Whether or not you stick to a low carb diet plan is personal choice within the whole CICO equation

    It took me a lot to throw away everything I thought I knew about dieting and just focus on CICO .. but it worked
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    fferbz wrote: »

    Would you not say 1200 calories per day is a carlorie defecit? I go to the gym once a day and lift heavy and also run 3.5km on the treadmil and spend around 5-7mins on the bike as a cool down. I thought taking this into account and the fact that i work 5 days of the week this would be a calorie defecit?

    Sounds like you're doing fine. To lose fat you need to burn more fat than you eat or create. Reducing carbs facilitates burning fat, as does moderate intensity exercise.

    There are people who only own a hammer and insist that everything is a nail.

    Thank you, i think im going to try the low carb macros i came up with out and see how it goes and adjust them accordingly, i suppose its just trial and error really :)
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What did MFP give you as a calorie goal?

    You know that goal is without purposeful exercise - you should add back 50% of your exercise from MFP database / gym machine burns and eat that too

    1200 is the minimum for women - as a net figure

    I lost the majority of my weight at around 1560 plus exercise calories but then I kind of think I'm taller than you, I'm certainly much older

    All I'm saying is, and it's totally up to you as I have no issue with low carb if that's right for you, but if you have met your protein and fat macros as discussed earlier and met your basic nutritional goals you can eat the rest of your calories however you wish .. in carbs, in chocolate, in ice cream ... whatever makes you able to stick to your diet for life

    In the final analysis it's just about calories in < calories out to lose scale weight. For health meeting nutritional guidelines and exercising is important.

    Whether or not you stick to a low carb diet plan is personal choice within the whole CICO equation

    It took me a lot to throw away everything I thought I knew about dieting and just focus on CICO .. but it worked

    Yeah i completely understand what your saying but like i said above i personally think its about trial and error for each individual, i was just looking for a rough starting point. I would up my calories but i think 1200 is fine as i dont find myself getting hungry or feel as if i need to eat more, if i did there is no way i would risk my health to loose abit of extra fat! I eat 1200 without logging my exercise as im comfortable with that and it fills me up adequatly. But as i carry on through my journey if i feel i need to up my intake i will definitley do it as health is the most important thing to me and main reason i do this :)
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    fferbz wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    So, how does a 19 year old decide to start a low carb diet for life? If the answer is because you googled it and it is the latest fashion, are you sure you want to base your life on google? And your eating choices on what is the latest "thing"?
    Check here, this might help you decide if this is such a good idea or not:
    Why is a 19 year old with no weight issues even counting calories and carbs? I know it is a weird thing to ask considering I am on this site too, but you are 19. And normal weight. Calorie counting, carb counting etc, are not "normal" for someone your age without weight or health issues.

    Firstly i dont think my age has anything to do with it, i dont know why people comment on things like this putting down your decisions. I want to try a low carb diet because i want to drop my body fat and get lean.

    In case it hasn't been mentioned already, there's a low-carb group on MFP where you'd find lots of positive support.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You don't need to low carb "for life" to use low carb to lose weight. As for water weight loss, I found it to be only about 1.5kg, not a lot.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    fferbz wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    So, how does a 19 year old decide to start a low carb diet for life? If the answer is because you googled it and it is the latest fashion, are you sure you want to base your life on google? And your eating choices on what is the latest "thing"?
    Check here, this might help you decide if this is such a good idea or not:
    Why is a 19 year old with no weight issues even counting calories and carbs? I know it is a weird thing to ask considering I am on this site too, but you are 19. And normal weight. Calorie counting, carb counting etc, are not "normal" for someone your age without weight or health issues.

    Firstly i dont think my age has anything to do with it, i dont know why people comment on things like this putting down your decisions. I want to try a low carb diet because i want to drop my body fat and get lean.

    In case it hasn't been mentioned already, there's a low-carb group on MFP where you'd find lots of positive support.

    Join this group.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    fferbz wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What did MFP give you as a calorie goal?

    You know that goal is without purposeful exercise - you should add back 50% of your exercise from MFP database / gym machine burns and eat that too

    1200 is the minimum for women - as a net figure

    I lost the majority of my weight at around 1560 plus exercise calories but then I kind of think I'm taller than you, I'm certainly much older

    All I'm saying is, and it's totally up to you as I have no issue with low carb if that's right for you, but if you have met your protein and fat macros as discussed earlier and met your basic nutritional goals you can eat the rest of your calories however you wish .. in carbs, in chocolate, in ice cream ... whatever makes you able to stick to your diet for life

    In the final analysis it's just about calories in < calories out to lose scale weight. For health meeting nutritional guidelines and exercising is important.

    Whether or not you stick to a low carb diet plan is personal choice within the whole CICO equation

    It took me a lot to throw away everything I thought I knew about dieting and just focus on CICO .. but it worked

    Yeah i completely understand what your saying but like i said above i personally think its about trial and error for each individual, i was just looking for a rough starting point. I would up my calories but i think 1200 is fine as i dont find myself getting hungry or feel as if i need to eat more, if i did there is no way i would risk my health to loose abit of extra fat! I eat 1200 without logging my exercise as im comfortable with that and it fills me up adequatly. But as i carry on through my journey if i feel i need to up my intake i will definitley do it as health is the most important thing to me and main reason i do this :)

    At your age (calorie needs decrease as you get older, fact of life) and being at a weight where you already feel fine, unless you are on bedrest for some reason or disabled to the point you cannot move and also extremely short, 1200 is a dangerously low number.
    If your goal is to get a leaner look, then you need to focus on training, not on how to lose more.
    The reason I mentioned your age to begin with in a previous question, is because realistically a teenager who is already at a good weight, has both different goals and different needs than e.g. a middle aged person who has been overweight or obese for years. And realistically what is a tool that can help someone lose weight (calorie counting, experimenting with unusual macro combination to fight cravings or bad habits etc) is not necesserily helpful for someone who has completely different goals. If a 50 year old guy who has lots of weight to lose and health issues to
    fight with counts religiously calories and macros, this is a useful tool to get lose weight. When a 19 year old with no weight to lose spends time counting calories and macros, talks of very low calorie goals and restricting carbs, this is the beginning of a very unhealthy relationship with food.
  • fferbz
    fferbz Posts: 25 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What did MFP give you as a calorie goal?

    You know that goal is without purposeful exercise - you should add back 50% of your exercise from MFP database / gym machine burns and eat that too

    1200 is the minimum for women - as a net figure

    I lost the majority of my weight at around 1560 plus exercise calories but then I kind of think I'm taller than you, I'm certainly much older

    All I'm saying is, and it's totally up to you as I have no issue with low carb if that's right for you, but if you have met your protein and fat macros as discussed earlier and met your basic nutritional goals you can eat the rest of your calories however you wish .. in carbs, in chocolate, in ice cream ... whatever makes you able to stick to your diet for life

    In the final analysis it's just about calories in < calories out to lose scale weight. For health meeting nutritional guidelines and exercising is important.

    Whether or not you stick to a low carb diet plan is personal choice within the whole CICO equation

    It took me a lot to throw away everything I thought I knew about dieting and just focus on CICO .. but it worked
    fferbz wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    So, how does a 19 year old decide to start a low carb diet for life? If the answer is because you googled it and it is the latest fashion, are you sure you want to base your life on google? And your eating choices on what is the latest "thing"?
    Check here, this might help you decide if this is such a good idea or not:
    Why is a 19 year old with no weight issues even counting calories and carbs? I know it is a weird thing to ask considering I am on this site too, but you are 19. And normal weight. Calorie counting, carb counting etc, are not "normal" for someone your age without weight or health issues.

    Firstly i dont think my age has anything to do with it, i dont know why people comment on things like this putting down your decisions. I want to try a low carb diet because i want to drop my body fat and get lean.

    In case it hasn't been mentioned already, there's a low-carb group on MFP where you'd find lots of positive support.

    Thank you ill check it out