Looking to get serious.



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.

    For someone who is "looking to get serious" and wants to "enjoy the journey and do it right for the final time." you're not really looking at things objectively. You seem to be taking the victim role here. Take control over your nutrition, diet, exercise plan, and do what works best for you! You think the people who are bodybuilders put the responsibility of their routine on someone else? Or did they take responsibility for their diet and actually LEARN what works for them? They educated themselves on nutrition, they educated themselves through trial and error on eating styles, they educated themselves through consistent failure and refused to give up.

    No one diet fits all.
    Alright LOOK. I was graced with a naturally athletic body that I could eat anything and do whatever. Then I joined the Army and after 3 years I suddenly came down with a medical disorder and started stress eating and eventually they kicked me out. So after continually stress eating and never having learned what I should and shouldn't eat. Im here asking for help from others who have gained weight and wanted to lose it. I'm not here for eat in a deficit. Find what works for you. I'm here for GUIDANCE. For REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES on what people tried and had the best luck with. Apparently you must have had luck. What worked for you. What are u currently doing? Must be doing more then eating whatever you want and remaining in a deficit. IF you are that doesn't work for everyone. Where do I start where all I have to do is tweak it to fit me instead of starting over fresh. Its called learning from others failures.

    what if i told you... that's the advice i got and i DID find what worked for me? Every single answer from every single individual here will be different. We are all different.

    I am a vegetarian and have been my entire life. What worked for me? Eating the $h!t i like but less of it.

    What makes you think if you've " generic crap I've read and tried and failed at." that you'll succeed by doing it again? That is essentially what you're asking for. Hey guys, i know i've tried and failed in the past just doing what other people said worked for them and eating foods that worked for them, but can i try it again?

    Honestly, I am done. I have been on MFP for 4 years and i HAVE reached my goals. I stick around to help others reach theirs. But if you refuse to read any of the information we've given and want to be stubborn, your success or failure is up to you. good luck.

    I got the same advice and it worked for me too. I suspect that this advice puts too much responsibility on the OP and she doesn't like that. Once I realized that the only thing I had to do was eat fewer calories I also realized that it completely stripped away any excuses. I can't blame the diet or demonize any macronutrient or decide that it "doesn't work for me." This is it and demanding to have your hand held, OP, will get you absolutely nowhere.

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    edited June 2015
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    And if you think eat in a deficit and eat what works for you is supportive and encouraging then I'll be nice and say. I'm not on here looking for generic "supportive and encouraging answers" Like in my previous post. I want REAL, trial and error results that others tried. I'm not looking to waste years finding what works for me because in the end I'll always default to my past ways when things get hard because nothing has worked for me in the past. I want someone to say heres what worked for me so I can tell myself on day 3, 4, or 5 when *kitten* gets hard and cravings set in " hey this worked for them. Lets try this another week before we tweak it and see how it goes". Like I said I'm not a nutritionist so ask me what to eat and lose weight and Ill tell you generic crap I've read and tried and failed at.

    Hehehehehe this is going to be fuuuuuuuun!

    ETA: But seriously. Read the previous answers, if you aren't able to see how their REAL advice works, then you're obviously not ready.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.

    For someone who is "looking to get serious" and wants to "enjoy the journey and do it right for the final time." you're not really looking at things objectively. You seem to be taking the victim role here. Take control over your nutrition, diet, exercise plan, and do what works best for you! You think the people who are bodybuilders put the responsibility of their routine on someone else? Or did they take responsibility for their diet and actually LEARN what works for them? They educated themselves on nutrition, they educated themselves through trial and error on eating styles, they educated themselves through consistent failure and refused to give up.

    No one diet fits all.
    Alright LOOK. I was graced with a naturally athletic body that I could eat anything and do whatever. Then I joined the Army and after 3 years I suddenly came down with a medical disorder and started stress eating and eventually they kicked me out. So after continually stress eating and never having learned what I should and shouldn't eat. Im here asking for help from others who have gained weight and wanted to lose it. I'm not here for eat in a deficit. Find what works for you. I'm here for GUIDANCE. For REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES on what people tried and had the best luck with. Apparently you must have had luck. What worked for you. What are u currently doing? Must be doing more then eating whatever you want and remaining in a deficit. IF you are that doesn't work for everyone. Where do I start where all I have to do is tweak it to fit me instead of starting over fresh. Its called learning from others failures.

    what if i told you... that's the advice i got and i DID find what worked for me? Every single answer from every single individual here will be different. We are all different.

    I am a vegetarian and have been my entire life. What worked for me? Eating the $h!t i like but less of it.

    What makes you think if you've " generic crap I've read and tried and failed at." that you'll succeed by doing it again? That is essentially what you're asking for. Hey guys, i know i've tried and failed in the past just doing what other people said worked for them and eating foods that worked for them, but can i try it again?

    Honestly, I am done. I have been on MFP for 4 years and i HAVE reached my goals. I stick around to help others reach theirs. But if you refuse to read any of the information we've given and want to be stubborn, your success or failure is up to you. good luck.

    I got the same advice and it worked for me too. I suspect that this advice puts too much responsibility on the OP and she doesn't like that. Once I realized that the only thing I had to do was eat fewer calories I also realized that it completely stripped away any excuses. I can't blame the diet or demonize any macronutrient or decide that it "doesn't work for me." This is it and demanding to have your hand held, OP, will get you absolutely nowhere.
    This and this.

    People want to be force fed reasons why they can't do it, without sucking it up and doing the work.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply, but my personal preference is what got me into this mess. I am not a nutritionist and all my doctor told me was to stick to 1500 calories and find a diet that works for me...which isn't the least bit helpful

    I'm not a nutritionist either, but I can tell you what worked for me. I got a food scale and started playing around with my allotted calories (1700 calories when I started). I tried 100 calories for breakfast, 500 calories for lunch, and 900 calories for dinner, and 200 calories for a snack. I was starving right after breakfast, so I adjusted that number up.

    I logged everything using a food scale and started to notice I was not hitting the recommended Fat/Carb/Protein ratios that MyFitnessPal recommends. It defaults to 20% Protein, 50% carb, 30% fat. I noticed that I tended to go way under on protein, so I started to look at which foods I eat are higher in protein and eat more of those.

    In order to maximize the amount of fat you lose while minimizing the amount of muscle you lose you will want to start a strength training program. I recommend Stronglifts 5X5 or similar.

    One thing I can say for sure, body type does not matter. Excess abdominal fat increases risk of things like insulin sensitivity, but the fact that you carry fat in your thighs does not mean that you should be on a particular weight loss diet or fitness program.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.

    For someone who is "looking to get serious" and wants to "enjoy the journey and do it right for the final time." you're not really looking at things objectively. You seem to be taking the victim role here. Take control over your nutrition, diet, exercise plan, and do what works best for you! You think the people who are bodybuilders put the responsibility of their routine on someone else? Or did they take responsibility for their diet and actually LEARN what works for them? They educated themselves on nutrition, they educated themselves through trial and error on eating styles, they educated themselves through consistent failure and refused to give up.

    No one diet fits all.
    Alright LOOK. I was graced with a naturally athletic body that I could eat anything and do whatever. Then I joined the Army and after 3 years I suddenly came down with a medical disorder and started stress eating and eventually they kicked me out. So after continually stress eating and never having learned what I should and shouldn't eat. Im here asking for help from others who have gained weight and wanted to lose it. I'm not here for eat in a deficit. Find what works for you. I'm here for GUIDANCE. For REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES on what people tried and had the best luck with. Apparently you must have had luck. What worked for you. What are u currently doing? Must be doing more then eating whatever you want and remaining in a deficit. IF you are that doesn't work for everyone. Where do I start where all I have to do is tweak it to fit me instead of starting over fresh. Its called learning from others failures.

    what if i told you... that's the advice i got and i DID find what worked for me? Every single answer from every single individual here will be different. We are all different.

    I am a vegetarian and have been my entire life. What worked for me? Eating the $h!t i like but less of it.

    What makes you think if you've " generic crap I've read and tried and failed at." that you'll succeed by doing it again? That is essentially what you're asking for. Hey guys, i know i've tried and failed in the past just doing what other people said worked for them and eating foods that worked for them, but can i try it again?

    Honestly, I am done. I have been on MFP for 4 years and i HAVE reached my goals. I stick around to help others reach theirs. But if you refuse to read any of the information we've given and want to be stubborn, your success or failure is up to you. good luck.

    I got the same advice and it worked for me too. I suspect that this advice puts too much responsibility on the OP and she doesn't like that. Once I realized that the only thing I had to do was eat fewer calories I also realized that it completely stripped away any excuses. I can't blame the diet or demonize any macronutrient or decide that it "doesn't work for me." This is it and demanding to have your hand held, OP, will get you absolutely nowhere.

  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    I'm pretty sure she deleted her account, so everyone just chill out and go home.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited June 2015
    malibu927 wrote: »
    The only thing that matters to weight loss is that you're in a calorie deficit. Everything else--type of diet, foods eaten, meal frequency, types of exercise--is personal preference.


    And OP you need to take accountability for Yourself and figure out what works for You. Weight loss is about calories, math and eating at a calorie deficit. But it's on You to run Your numbers and figure out what Your deficit will be. It's also on You to figure out what (if any) exercise You'll want to do. It's also on You to experiment with different foods to see which ones keep You feeling fuller, which ones don't, which ones aren't worth it to You for the calories etc etc.

    Everyone loses weight because they eat at a calorie deficit. However, there's a lot of secondary factors that are going to unique to each individual and it's up to each of us to figure those out. No one can hold our hand and walk us through that part.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    I'm pretty sure she deleted her account, so everyone just chill out and go home.

    Aw, well that’s disappointing! And a total slap in the face to everyone who put in the time to help. Gotta love it.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I'm pretty sure she deleted her account, so everyone just chill out and go home.
    But she was ready.

  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure she deleted her account, so everyone just chill out and go home.

    Aw, well that’s disappointing! And a total slap in the face to everyone who put in the time to help. Gotta love it.

    It's kind of sad cause she's probably frustrated with what she heard, when it was pretty much what she needed to hear. Everyone is different, and there's no magic cure.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hah. Maybe others like her are reading. Oh well. She's got a good start on Jillian Michaels shred.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you are serious about it and are looking for some kind of guidance and you have VA benefits, look into the MOVE! program. It might be what you need to head into the right direction. They also have some PDF's on their site that will help.


    Also you have received a lot of great advice and all I can add to it is to try to have an open mind when taking it. Nobody can tell you what to eat and what not to eat. It all depends on what you like and what you are able to eat. If you feel that there are certain foods that trigger a binge then don't eat them. If you are still finding that you are eating emotionally then you need to find ways to handle those emotions that don't involve food. Take a walk, pick up a new hobby, talk to a friend, anything that you can do to replace the emotional eating when you recognize it.

  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I guess talking to a dietitian was too much of a bother?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I guess talking to a dietitian was too much of a bother?
    Hell, following the simple math I gave her was too much of a bother. I guess she wanted meal plans. And probably a cook.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm pretty sure she deleted her account, so everyone just chill out and go home.

    Ugh, this is what happens when it takes me awhile to finish a reply because I am looking for information for the OP.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I guess talking to a dietitian was too much of a bother?
    Hell, following the simple math I gave her was too much of a bother. I guess she wanted meal plans. And probably a cook.

    True, but since she didn't want to take anyone's advice here and wanted a Rx a dietitian would have given her a good plan to follow, which in the end would have been the same thing only more formalized in a meal plan. I would have told her the same thing as everyone else and I gather my fat around my waist too. Just eat less, hit your macros and micros minimums and eat what you feel is best otherwise.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    So I missed some fun after I went to work, huh? And for some of the least offensive answers possible.