Gym owner won't let me sign up?



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Well, you ARE dangerously thin, and he doesn't want the liability if you drop in his gym.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    who is dangerously thin? Are we FINALLY backto the start of the thread?
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I have a friend who has an eating disorder (not your story, but follow me). Many gym members complain that she should be banned because she is in danger of harming herself. In reality, these uneducated buffoons are uncomfortable looking at her and taking out their own insecurities on her without knowing her full situation. Anyway, even IF the gym denied her a membership she'd go somewhere else. It's her right, so they take her money and allow her membership. This owner is a fool. It sounds like discrimination even though it is under the guise of "your best interest". i'd give someone else my $. Screw him.

    I know right. I love it when my customers pass out with hundreds of lbs of weight over their head because they have an eating disorder and because they don't have enough strength to pull something like this. Screw my business and the liability your ED brings, I just wanna make sure that you know that I'm jealous of your awesome ED!!!!!!!

    I would, like, totally wanna BFF and personally train you if you had a huge thigh gap.

    Taunto -- I think I love you...OH! wait, can I say that on here? :~)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    who is dangerously thin? Are we FINALLY backto the start of the thread?
    Yeah, I bypassed all the crap below the OP. He's 97lbs at 5'7"... no bueno.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've recently tried joining this gym that's the only gym local to me, I wanted to begin a lifting programme and put on some size and gain some muscle mass. Take into account I find it very very hard to put weight on, anyway when I went into the gym and told the manager what my goals was he took some measurements and did a little exam on me and weighed me and stuff and told me that my weight was dangerously low to be messing with weight's and basically said i wasn't healthy.. yet he knowns nothing about my struggles in that part of my life. anyway he told me i weighed 97-98 pounds and i'm 5ft 7 (18 years old) and i myself couldn't believe that i was that low? before you say I'm anoreix or crap like that I'm not, I'm an ectomorph and I eat anywhere from 3000-3500 calories a day and that used to consist of milk shakes/cookies/harbio's/jaffa cakes/cakes/chocolate/energy drinks all sorts of crap, but I've cleaned up my diet now to fresh fruits/veg/lean meats/ complex carbs (brown rice) and calorie dense foods like almond butter/nuts/olive oil/porridge. what should i do? should i just stay at home and try and put weight on if i can and see if he let's me join? how much weight should i gain before he let's me use his gym?

    Eating 3500 calories a day, 5'7 100 lbs, and not gaining weight?

    Unlikely. I think you may be seriously overestimating your caloric intake. Open up your diary.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    who is dangerously thin? Are we FINALLY backto the start of the thread?

    Yes, some of us are here to talk about OP's issue.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've recently tried joining this gym that's the only gym local to me, I wanted to begin a lifting programme and put on some size and gain some muscle mass. Take into account I find it very very hard to put weight on, anyway when I went into the gym and told the manager what my goals was he took some measurements and did a little exam on me and weighed me and stuff and told me that my weight was dangerously low to be messing with weight's and basically said i wasn't healthy.. yet he knowns nothing about my struggles in that part of my life. anyway he told me i weighed 97-98 pounds and i'm 5ft 7 (18 years old) and i myself couldn't believe that i was that low? before you say I'm anoreix or crap like that I'm not, I'm an ectomorph and I eat anywhere from 3000-3500 calories a day and that used to consist of milk shakes/cookies/harbio's/jaffa cakes/cakes/chocolate/energy drinks all sorts of crap, but I've cleaned up my diet now to fresh fruits/veg/lean meats/ complex carbs (brown rice) and calorie dense foods like almond butter/nuts/olive oil/porridge. what should i do? should i just stay at home and try and put weight on if i can and see if he let's me join? how much weight should i gain before he let's me use his gym?

    Isn't an ectomorph more prone to injury due to having fragile bones? He may be concerned with your well-being. Talk to your doctor about a safe exercise regimen.

    FYI people, "ectomorph" is a term dreamed up by some silly 1950s psychologist.

    There's no such thing as ectomorph, mesomorph, etc. Somatotypes are all just silly fiction.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    OP I hope you gain your weight and accomplish your goals.That's why I got in thi sthread. Everyone else quoted me. I didn't ask for that. Go OP! Go!
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Unfortunately as a business owner who must have to pay incredible insurance premiums, he is looking out for the best interest of his business. Hope you that can put on the size you need . Good luck!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have a friend who has an eating disorder (not your story, but follow me). Many gym members complain that she should be banned because she is in danger of harming herself. In reality, these uneducated buffoons are uncomfortable looking at her and taking out their own insecurities on her without knowing her full situation. Anyway, even IF the gym denied her a membership she'd go somewhere else. It's her right, so they take her money and allow her membership. This owner is a fool. It sounds like discrimination even though it is under the guise of "your best interest". i'd give someone else my $. Screw him.

    I know right. I love it when my customers pass out with hundreds of lbs of weight over their head because they have an eating disorder and because they don't have enough strength to pull something like this. Screw my business and the liability your ED brings, I just wanna make sure that you know that I'm jealous of your awesome ED!!!!!!!

    I would, like, totally wanna BFF and personally train you if you had a huge thigh gap.


    ha ha ha ha. Seriously. We are all so jealous.

    Anyway, before joining my gym, they give you a physical and if they say you aren't healthy, you need a doctors note to join. Did they take your blood pressure? Is it low? Is your heart rate super fast? being 5'7 and under 100 pounds is dangerously underweight. Maybe it's a liability issue. They don't want you suing them if you happen to pass out on a machine, etc.

    In any case, you should go see a doctor anyway to make sure you don't have an underlying disease that isn't presenting symptoms. If you were truly eating 3000 calories a day and not working out more than that, you should have been gaining weight...unless you have a stomach worm or something.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have a friend who has an eating disorder (not your story, but follow me). Many gym members complain that she should be banned because she is in danger of harming herself. In reality, these uneducated buffoons are uncomfortable looking at her and taking out their own insecurities on her without knowing her full situation. Anyway, even IF the gym denied her a membership she'd go somewhere else. It's her right, so they take her money and allow her membership. This owner is a fool. It sounds like discrimination even though it is under the guise of "your best interest". i'd give someone else my $. Screw him.

    I know right. I love it when my customers pass out with hundreds of lbs of weight over their head because they have an eating disorder and because they don't have enough strength to pull something like this. Screw my business and the liability your ED brings, I just wanna make sure that you know that I'm jealous of your awesome ED!!!!!!!

    I would, like, totally wanna BFF and personally train you if you had a huge thigh gap.


    Hey, taunto...
    you clearly misunderstood my post. I worry about my friend. She knows she has an issue. She works out "for her head". She doesn't have or want a personal trainer and you are about as bright as the other members who prejudge without all the info. I bet you'd deny an obese person a seat next to you on aspin bike because they might sweat all over you. My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom. If my friend wants to die on a cardio machine itis her right and the gym can stil make her membership dues. Ethical or not. Everyone is so perfect and critical. Sorry I even bothered. I guess you are on MFP because you are just PERFECT. perfectly closed minded.

    Freedom doesn't give you the right to membership of any private business. A bank can deny you an account. A credit card can deny you credit. A country club can deny you access even if you have the money for it. If a gym only wants healthy people working out on their property, they have every right to do so. She isn't being discriminated against because people are jealous of her mental issues. People are uncomfortable because she has mental issues.
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    Right, I'd say to open the diary, and re-check the calories your taking in. I'm the same height as you, and was 84lbs at my worst (14 years old) my Doc at that point told me to gain weight.

    98lbs does seem a bit on the light side, the gym owner is right in terms of his business liability, don't take it as offence, but he has to protect his business...

    As said, open up the diary, and check you are actually hitting those calories, I thought I was for a while, turned out I was under eating.
  • If you are trying to gain weight, try drinking ensure. It has helped my hubby, who is in the same boat, gain 20 pounds. It was recommended by his nutritionist and he says its really good. He also drinks protein shakes as well, which was also recommended.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Try Googling "NERD FITNESS" for some good strength routines you can follow at home, if you are not already aware of that site, it's pretty good.
    Seconded. Try the beginner body weight workout.

    And it wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor. Maybe they'll have some suggestions.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom.

    Did you fail government class? You have the FREEDOM to speak your mind, to practice or not practice religion, etc., without the threat of punishment by the government. You do NOT have the freedom to work out in someone else's gym, any more than you have the freedom to walk into someone else's home and eat their food.
  • Myxalplyx
    Myxalplyx Posts: 129 Member
    There is a LOT of information on the internet for you. Take this for example -->

    I never even heard of an ectomorph but it is hella interesting to read about it. Use the information and post up your results. Thanks for enlightening some of us on this condition. I never would of thought it was possible.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    If this is real...please get professional help

    If this is not real... please get professional help.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I have a friend who has an eating disorder (not your story, but follow me). Many gym members complain that she should be banned because she is in danger of harming herself. In reality, these uneducated buffoons are uncomfortable looking at her and taking out their own insecurities on her without knowing her full situation. Anyway, even IF the gym denied her a membership she'd go somewhere else. It's her right, so they take her money and allow her membership. This owner is a fool. It sounds like discrimination even though it is under the guise of "your best interest". i'd give someone else my $. Screw him.

    I know right. I love it when my customers pass out with hundreds of lbs of weight over their head because they have an eating disorder and because they don't have enough strength to pull something like this. Screw my business and the liability your ED brings, I just wanna make sure that you know that I'm jealous of your awesome ED!!!!!!!

    I would, like, totally wanna BFF and personally train you if you had a huge thigh gap.


    Hey, taunto...
    you clearly misunderstood my post. I worry about my friend. She knows she has an issue. She works out "for her head". She doesn't have or want a personal trainer and you are about as bright as the other members who prejudge without all the info. I bet you'd deny an obese person a seat next to you on aspin bike because they might sweat all over you. My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom. If my friend wants to die on a cardio machine itis her right and the gym can stil make her membership dues. Ethical or not. Everyone is so perfect and critical. Sorry I even bothered. I guess you are on MFP because you are just PERFECT. perfectly closed minded.

    If your friend wants to die on a cardio machines, that may be her right, but not in a gym that is fully aware of what the repercussions will be if she does die.

    Secondly, people are always so quick to spout off that we have freedom in America, you have as much freedom as the Government allows you to have. I have never assumed that I have all this freedom, because in reality we do not. Sorry to burst your bubble and I am not perfect. I am sure that people who have commented are not also, they just have common sense.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    You're not an ectomorph. You simply do not eat enough to exceed your current total daily energy expenditure.

    Eat more. Much more. I would recommend 6 meals a day, plenty of carbs.

    Cut down all planned cardio to as close to zero as possible.

    You don't need a gym for the time being - get a basic set of adjustable weights, barbell, bench and chin up bar and get cracking yourself.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Ditto on the see a Doctor suggestion.

    Perhaps even a nutritionist.

    If your eating is under control and a Doctor gives you the healthy thumbs up? Go back to the gym and speak privately with the owner/manager.