Obsessed with my weight loss

My friends seem to think that I'm obessed with loosing weight. We eat at a diner twice a week and I always order oatmeal or egg beaters and I ask the waitress lots of questions like how many oz of cheese and to use cooking spray because I need to log it accurately. And I try to log it while Im waiting for the food to arrive. I cant believe that that one of them acutally said," I'm worried about you And your becoming obsessed" while she was eating her pancakes, cheese eggs, hashbrowns and sausage. I want to be healthy and fit. maybe I should stop going for breakfast with them. Has anyone eles experienced this? how did you handel it.


  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    hey lady... no shame in tryin to take care of yourself. Some people have different lifestyles and that's okay. I'm the same way when I go out to eat. I care about what i put in my body... and at diners you really never know what they use to cook.. You're not alone... i ask a ton of questions when i eat out too and I try to log it before i eat. Hopefully you're friends can embrace your healthy lifestyle soon... but in the meantime keep doin what you're doin.

    p.s. If I have to eat at a diner I get oatmeal and eggs too. And coffee hold the creamer.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    That word obsessed I always hear it.. Co-workers, in laws, I tell them not obsessed, They laugh because I eat an apple
    for dessert while they eat cakes and pies.
    Funny how unhealthy people do not like people that want to be healthy.
    Wake up everyday thinking how can I be fitter today. That includes eating healthy.
  • st0dad
    st0dad Posts: 23
    My friends never showed concern; instead they'd try to tempt me with unhealthy food knowing I'm weak-willed.

    One time we were playing boardgames and one friend showed up with cookies and said "want one?" I replied "no thanks," and then another suddenly held out lindor truffles, "what about these?" "...No, no thanks." and then my other friend held out another bag of a different type of truffles, "and theeeeese?"

    I gave in and had the bag of milk chocolate. They laughed at me. I'm sure they were just messing around, but I felt so pathetic and awful. I decided I wasn't going to make a big deal of my diet, but I wasn't going to let them treat me like I'm a bad person for wanting to like how I look in my body and feeling good.

    A good way to look at it is the last sentence you posted, about them "worried" while devouring fattening pancakes. The three men who did that to me are all out of shape and fat. When I am at optimal health, and they offer me chocolates, I can eat one and not feel awful because they'll all be looking at me and saying "Wow, she looks great"

    Your friends aren't concerned as much as they are annoyed. They probably find your questions irritating. TOO BAD. When you look better than they do, they might decide they want to know how many calories they're consuming in a single sitting, too!
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    I am the same way unless its a special night/dinner out. I still try to pick the healthiest thing on the menu and usually MFP has the time of restaurant we are at in it. Anyways my husband says similar things... that it annoys him that I am obsessive with logging... But he more so says I'm silly... Don't let your friends get to you. They may just feel guilty about their mindless eating. Most people don't understand the commitment and dedication it takes to get 'that body' ! I'm logging over 6 months strong now and don't plan on letting other people dictate my life. Have fun with your friends and continue to be the GOOD example Setter. You are not doing anything wrong... I track cals to make sure I am fueling my body properly. Thats what you can tell them, better yet why not challenge them to track for a day to see how much they are really eating. MFP teaches portion control as well as cal counting! Your awesome keep going!!!

    *Its a lifestyle not a diet anyways....
  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
    Do what is best for yourself, and surround yourself with others that support your efforts.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    hell i do the same thing when i order out particularly at this health food spot that i love! i will ask them what type of protein they use, how many scoops, etc. it is not being obsessed.. you're looking out for your health and as you mentioned i want to be able to log as accurately as possible!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    My friends never showed concern; instead they'd try to tempt me with unhealthy food knowing I'm weak-willed.

    One time we were playing boardgames and one friend showed up with cookies and said "want one?" I replied "no thanks," and then another suddenly held out lindor truffles, "what about these?" "...No, no thanks." and then my other friend held out another bag of a different type of truffles, "and theeeeese?"

    I gave in and had the bag of milk chocolate. They laughed at me. I'm sure they were just messing around, but I felt so pathetic and awful. I decided I wasn't going to make a big deal of my diet, but I wasn't going to let them treat me like I'm a bad person for wanting to like how I look in my body and feeling good.

    A good way to look at it is the last sentence you posted, about them "worried" while devouring fattening pancakes. The three men who did that to me are all out of shape and fat. When I am at optimal health, and they offer me chocolates, I can eat one and not feel awful because they'll all be looking at me and saying "Wow, she looks great"

    Your friends aren't concerned as much as they are annoyed. They probably find your questions irritating. TOO BAD. When you look better than they do, they might decide they want to know how many calories they're consuming in a single sitting, too!

    Thanks, great story!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!! I love MFP! Where I know I will get support and motivation!
  • wcugirl04
    wcugirl04 Posts: 26 Member
    I understand completely! I have lately gotten into the pattern of obsessing over exercise, (maybe I wouldn't call it obsessing, but it is very important to me). I also eat mostly healthy and log in every single day. However, if I do eat something that is not great for me, my first thoughts are,,well now I need to schedule an extra session. My friends are supportive in that they are always telling me how much better I look, but then when I tell them I am going to be late for card night because I have to finish up my workout, they give me a hard time. All the while Im thinking to my self, my body didn't start changing because I was slacking. If I was still slacking, I would still be obese. Bottom line is, you have to do what works for you. There are nights when I want to cuddle on the couch with my hubby, but if I still need to fit in my workout, that comes first. (then we can cuddle) I have always tried all of my life to please other people, but I know no matter what, I need this for myself. No shame in it!!! Good luck girl!!:smile:
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Tell your friends you are dedicated, not obsessed. See if that makes a difference in how they treat you. If not, keep on doing your thing anyway. I like how you continue to go out and hang out with your friends instead of being one of those "Oh no, I can't eat out" kind of people.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    There's nothing wrong with ordering a healthy option when you go out, but having worked in the service industry, I don't think it's appropriate to interrogate your server about minutiae. A question or two is okay, but you have to understand that the server probably doesn't know. They're often really busy, and they don't have time to go interrogate the cook who may or may not speak English and probably doesn't have time for it either. It's annoying for everyone, and it's really not necessary to lose weight. I've found that going by the ingredients and guesstimating has been just as effective for me. As far as your diet and weight loss goals, it doesn't make you obsessed, but you should be more sensitive to the people around you. Your friends may be embarrassed that you are being a difficult patron.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    There's nothing wrong with ordering a healthy option when you go out, but having worked in the service industry, I don't think it's appropriate to interrogate your server about minutiae. A question or two is okay, but you have to understand that the server probably doesn't know. They're often really busy, and they don't have time to go interrogate the cook who may or may not speak English and probably doesn't have time for it either. It's annoying for everyone, and it's really not necessary to lose weight. I've found that going by the ingredients and guesstimating has been just as effective for me. As far as your diet and weight loss goals, it doesn't make you obsessed, but you should be more sensitive to the people around you. Your friends may be embarrassed that you are being a difficult patron.
    I agree.
  • mkevans
    mkevans Posts: 9 Member
    I hear that all time...I always consider the person or people saying it and its usually unhealthy people!!!
  • Beautyandthebeef
    I know where you're coming from has happened to me too. And I have bartended and served much in the past so I also feel like I am being a pain, and am gonna agree with posickle. What I have started to do is make sure I know where I am going, look up the menu online and see the healthy options and things I can substitute to make it healthier (like sub broccoli for mac and cheese for example). If I know where I am going does not have a menu with nutrition facts available online I decide what I am going to have before I even go. I have had the "obsessed" comments from people and usually it is from people who have never really been aware of what they were eating. Don't let it discourage you! Losing weight is important to you and keep doing what you got to!!
  • randee95
    randee95 Posts: 13 Member
    I think some people are not ready to eat healthy so they use their own insecurity in their poor eating habits and take it out on you. Just keep doing what you're doing! I wouldn't stop going out with them though, because friends are one of life's greatest joys :)
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    I would continue with the questions, but refrain from logging while out with them. You probably know what you're going to order anyway & it shouldn't be too hard to remember until you have some logging time alone.
  • nak1a
    nak1a Posts: 69 Member
    my sister is on this journey with me and she called me obsessed yesterday. i go a little harder than her when it comes to diet. i am very strict and read everything and i'm always on mfp (like i am now) but its just part of my personality. when i do something, i like to do my best and be the best so as far as I am concerned its a healthy obsession. :)
  • gaterbear
    gaterbear Posts: 68
    I agree. Not only can it create a difficult situation for the staff to me it would be rude to have a friend posting and interrigating folks when in a social (and public) setting. Chose healthy items and try not to let your food choice control your life to the point it interfers with your relationship with others. You are more than what you eat and record. Just the humble opinion of an old (70) man who has fought the weight issue all my life. Former WW lecturer, teacher who is saddened to see so many people on MFP letting their weight control issues mess with their personality, health, and total well-being. You are much more than that number on the scale or tape measure. :smile:
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I agree. Not only can it create a difficult situation for the staff to me it would be rude to have a friend posting and interrigating folks when in a social (and public) setting. Chose healthy items and try not to let your food choice control your life to the point it interfers with your relationship with others. You are more than what you eat and record. Just the humble opinion of an old (70) man who has fought the weight issue all my life. Former WW lecturer, teacher who is saddened to see so many people on MFP letting their weight control issues mess with their personality, health, and total well-being. You are much more than that number on the scale or tape measure. :smile:
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member