Obsessed with my weight loss



  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    "Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe dedicated." ~ Unknown
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I would say I was like that at first, but I was also trying to learn portion control and how much was a portion and so on. So till I got that down I did the same thing.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    I got called that by my mom just this morning! I'm sure most of the people I know feel that way too, even though I do have my splurge days.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you didn't eat there twice a week, I'd say you were obsessed. But since you eat there pretty often, you would of course want to be fairly accurate.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    ^^^^ Beat me to it
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    There's nothing wrong with ordering a healthy option when you go out, but having worked in the service industry, I don't think it's appropriate to interrogate your server about minutiae. A question or two is okay, but you have to understand that the server probably doesn't know. They're often really busy, and they don't have time to go interrogate the cook who may or may not speak English and probably doesn't have time for it either. It's annoying for everyone, and it's really not necessary to lose weight. I've found that going by the ingredients and guesstimating has been just as effective for me. As far as your diet and weight loss goals, it doesn't make you obsessed, but you should be more sensitive to the people around you. Your friends may be embarrassed that you are being a difficult patron.

    ..and this are words of wisdom:
    I agree. Not only can it create a difficult situation for the staff to me it would be rude to have a friend posting and interrigating folks when in a social (and public) setting. Chose healthy items and try not to let your food choice control your life to the point it interfers with your relationship with others. You are more than what you eat and record. Just the humble opinion of an old (70) man who has fought the weight issue all my life. Former WW lecturer, teacher who is saddened to see so many people on MFP letting their weight control issues mess with their personality, health, and total well-being. You are much more than that number on the scale or tape measure.
  • michellechawner
    My boyfriend and I fight every other day over it. He keeps saying "it's ok to indulge every once in awhile!" But I see him 3 times a week and all he wants is junk food - i keep telling him once in a while yes but all 3 times when I see you you want to go out and eat horrible food and it bothers me that he doesn't support me. While waiting I usually log my food and he's all you're obsessed with adding in all your calories, just enjoy yourself.

    It's been extremely frustrating but lately he hasn't mentioned it because i finally told him to just take a long walk off a short pier and I wasn't going to let him bring me down because I'm doing what I need to my health and medical issues. He needs to hit rock bottom before his health gets to him, but that's his issue, not mine. His father died young and his family has all sorts of health issues, but at his age he thinks he's invincible.

    Just keep on keeping on and you'll be ok.
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    That's not being obsessed. That's being in Control. You have control over your food. They clearly do not.

    Keep eating with them. It may eventually rub off on them.
  • Jusjerzy
    Jusjerzy Posts: 26 Member
    I get that all the time! If I'm eating out I tend to log while waiting for the food as well......my reply to my 16 year old daughter the last time she said "mom, your obsessed" was "I'm really not obsessed........I'm old and if I don't log it now, I won't remember what it was later".....nothing wrong with trying to be accurate with logging!!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    There's nothing wrong with ordering a healthy option when you go out, but having worked in the service industry, I don't think it's appropriate to interrogate your server about minutiae. A question or two is okay, but you have to understand that the server probably doesn't know. They're often really busy, and they don't have time to go interrogate the cook who may or may not speak English and probably doesn't have time for it either. It's annoying for everyone, and it's really not necessary to lose weight. I've found that going by the ingredients and guesstimating has been just as effective for me. As far as your diet and weight loss goals, it doesn't make you obsessed, but you should be more sensitive to the people around you. Your friends may be embarrassed that you are being a difficult patron.

    ..and this are words of wisdom:
    I agree. Not only can it create a difficult situation for the staff to me it would be rude to have a friend posting and interrigating folks when in a social (and public) setting. Chose healthy items and try not to let your food choice control your life to the point it interfers with your relationship with others. You are more than what you eat and record. Just the humble opinion of an old (70) man who has fought the weight issue all my life. Former WW lecturer, teacher who is saddened to see so many people on MFP letting their weight control issues mess with their personality, health, and total well-being. You are much more than that number on the scale or tape measure.

    My sentiments exactly!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    My friends seem to think that I'm obessed with loosing weight. We eat at a diner twice a week and I always order oatmeal or egg beaters and I ask the waitress lots of questions like how many oz of cheese and to use cooking spray because I need to log it accurately. And I try to log it while Im waiting for the food to arrive. I cant believe that that one of them acutally said," I'm worried about you And your becoming obsessed" while she was eating her pancakes, cheese eggs, hashbrowns and sausage. I want to be healthy and fit. maybe I should stop going for breakfast with them. Has anyone eles experienced this? how did you handel it.

    to me this does sound a little obsessed. first, how do you know that the information you are getting from the waitress and cooking staff is accurate? and how do you know that your preparation requests are being followed?

    when i go out with my friends i try and chose healthy options for me to eat, and always get a salad or some veggies. but i don't let it control me. and i usually don't log my meal until after i leave. it's rude to meet up with your friends and play on your phone.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I forced myself to become obsessed over it... the way I work is once I become obsessed over it I become successful over it. I do the same thing when I'm out to eat, and its pretty embarassing the looks I get, mainly because I know what their thinking when their staring :p why is the "fat" girl obsessing over what is in her food :p But I continue because I know its working :)
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    It's called envy....they have it. Don't let them get you down. You are perfectly within your rights to eat what you like and log your food....congrats on your willpower and success. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for it. But if you haven't spoken up to your friends I would say something along the lines of the following:

    "While I appreciate and value your input, my eating choices and decision to log my food are important to me. I have a strong committment to being healthy and would like you to be supportive of that."

    If they still can't be supportive after that, you just need to say hey, because you guys can't accept my healthy lifestyle, I'm going to have to say adios.

    P.S. I've gotten these same comments from friends and family and my parents have also made it very clear they don't believe I can do this. I now use this as more incentive to prove them wrong. Believe in yourself. Willpower is an awesome thing!
  • iamkass
    iamkass Posts: 122 Member
    Why are people assuming her friends are fat, jealous, terrible people? Maybe they just want her to chill the f*** out.

    I agree with what a lot of people are saying:

    1. Order something healthy and don't ask too many questions/make too many modifications.
    a. the answers are probably wrong because every cook is different (and they certainly won't pull out the tablespoons for you)
    b. if you are extra picky, more chances are that you'll piss off a waitress/cook and they'll fatten up your order on purpose
    2. Don't be playing on your phone (it's rude)

    Furthermore, if you are eating at this place twice a week, why are you always asking questions? Find something that works for you and order that everytime.
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    My friends never showed concern; instead they'd try to tempt me with unhealthy food knowing I'm weak-willed.

    One time we were playing boardgames and one friend showed up with cookies and said "want one?" I replied "no thanks," and then another suddenly held out lindor truffles, "what about these?" "...No, no thanks." and then my other friend held out another bag of a different type of truffles, "and theeeeese?"

    I gave in and had the bag of milk chocolate. They laughed at me. I'm sure they were just messing around, but I felt so pathetic and awful. I decided I wasn't going to make a big deal of my diet, but I wasn't going to let them treat me like I'm a bad person for wanting to like how I look in my body and feeling good.

    A good way to look at it is the last sentence you posted, about them "worried" while devouring fattening pancakes. The three men who did that to me are all out of shape and fat. When I am at optimal health, and they offer me chocolates, I can eat one and not feel awful because they'll all be looking at me and saying "Wow, she looks great"

    Your friends aren't concerned as much as they are annoyed. They probably find your questions irritating. TOO BAD. When you look better than they do, they might decide they want to know how many calories they're consuming in a single sitting, too!

    That's messed up of your friends to do. I would've turned around and walked out the door. If they're trying to sabotage you like that, it probably won't be the last time. I would drop them or at least make them understand that they're supposed to be supportive in some way as my friend, and maybe not shove unhealthy snacks in my face. Losing weight and eating healthier is hard enough. Not cool!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    My friends seem to think that I'm obessed with loosing weight. We eat at a diner twice a week and I always order oatmeal or egg beaters and I ask the waitress lots of questions like how many oz of cheese and to use cooking spray because I need to log it accurately. And I try to log it while Im waiting for the food to arrive. I cant believe that that one of them acutally said," I'm worried about you And your becoming obsessed" while she was eating her pancakes, cheese eggs, hashbrowns and sausage. I want to be healthy and fit. maybe I should stop going for breakfast with them. Has anyone eles experienced this? how did you handel it.

    to me this does sound a little obsessed. first, how do you know that the information you are getting from the waitress and cooking staff is accurate? and how do you know that your preparation requests are being followed?

    when i go out with my friends i try and chose healthy options for me to eat, and always get a salad or some veggies. but i don't let it control me. and i usually don't log my meal until after i leave. it's rude to meet up with your friends and play on your phone.

    ^^ What he said. I missed the part about the cooking spray & logging right away. My reading skills need improving.:tongue:
    Speed reading at it's worst.
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    Yes, this has happened to both me and my husband. People sometimes laugh at our efforts, reminding us that whatever we're doing didn't work before. People sometimes try to tempt, or tell us how we're eating isn't healthy, or that it's annoying that we ask the waiter/ess questions when we go out to dinner, or they'll come across as 'worried and concerned' that we are obsessed. I once walked in on a friend going through the drawers in my bedroom because she was 'worried' I might be using drugs to lose weight. People sometimes go weird places in their head, especially if they think your change might somehow effect them or your relationship with them, or are sincerely concerned for your safety.

    I like what one person said about just doing what works and then hanging with folks who can support your efforts. If you find no one can support your efforts then you might want to question your methods. Plus, what we're doing here, those of us that are trying to find a new and better way, is akin to learning to walk. So it takes trial and error, patience, focus and repetition. Someday, maybe it'll come second nature, and no one, even us, will hardly notice our efforts. And, I think it helps to hang
    ( mostly) with folks who help us stay upright, at least 'til we get our balance.
  • gpiercebutler
    gpiercebutler Posts: 15 Member
    Just putting my 2c in. There is a fine line between dedication and obsession. It is impossible to tell the difference from the outside. I work as a teacher and have done support type roles before I went into teaching. Often obsession over one thing is because people feel it is the only thing they can control.

    Maybe spend a bit of time genuinely thinking about whether your friends have a point. If they do it doesn't mean you should stop losing just make sure you're putting as much energy into being happy outside of weight loss
  • littlebrownbat3
    littlebrownbat3 Posts: 54 Member
    My friends never showed concern; instead they'd try to tempt me with unhealthy food knowing I'm weak-willed.

    One time we were playing boardgames and one friend showed up with cookies and said "want one?" I replied "no thanks," and then another suddenly held out lindor truffles, "what about these?" "...No, no thanks." and then my other friend held out another bag of a different type of truffles, "and theeeeese?"

    I gave in and had the bag of milk chocolate. They laughed at me. I'm sure they were just messing around, but I felt so pathetic and awful. I decided I wasn't going to make a big deal of my diet, but I wasn't going to let them treat me like I'm a bad person for wanting to like how I look in my body and feeling good.

    A good way to look at it is the last sentence you posted, about them "worried" while devouring fattening pancakes. The three men who did that to me are all out of shape and fat. When I am at optimal health, and they offer me chocolates, I can eat one and not feel awful because they'll all be looking at me and saying "Wow, she looks great"

    Your friends aren't concerned as much as they are annoyed. They probably find your questions irritating. TOO BAD. When you look better than they do, they might decide they want to know how many calories they're consuming in a single sitting, too!

    That's messed up of your friends to do. I would've turned around and walked out the door. If they're trying to sabotage you like that, it probably won't be the last time. I would drop them or at least make them understand that they're supposed to be supportive in some way as my friend, and maybe not shove unhealthy snacks in my face. Losing weight and eating healthier is hard enough. Not cool!

    This, I read the whole thread to be sure no one else had gotten to it. Friends that do that are not friends. They're jerks.
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    I agree about not logging in the restaurant. And, as a former waitress, out of consideration of others, I usually try to keep questions to a minimum so I don't hold everyone up. If it's a busy place, I sometimes call ahead to ask questions about the menu (you can often check them out ahead of time online). It does help if you get to know certain places, you can order 'the usual' next time you go.