People with kids-when do you exercise and for how long?



  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    This is what i used to do before I just got too tired from the sleep deprivation of my 8 month old not sleeping through the night, now having teeth ad being sick at the same time....I need sleep before i can start up again.

    5am: wake up/get kids ready.
    5:30-7am: commute to work
    3:30-5 or 5:30- commute home (traffic and be a b*tch around here)
    5:30, pick up kids from daycare, get home
    6pm, start an oven dinner, slap it in
    6:30-7:30pm- attempt work out. Either weight lifting or turbo jam or cycleing
    7:30pm-finish dinner/eat/feed kids.
    8pm-bath time for everyone
    hubby starts bedtime routine while i take a shower
    kids down by 9pm and I crash

    I do usually have to dodge my 2 year old, sometimes she picks up my 3lb dumbells and exercises with me but not always. And sometimes I just have to turn off the workout because she just gets too in my way and starts to demand things like "up" and "Water" or "stickers". I can't get up any earlier, my 8 month old doesn't sleep through so this already kills me. I've been out of the routine for a few weeks now, just too tired and trying to make it through the days recently.
  • thatTOPSlady
    thatTOPSlady Posts: 199
    I loved your post :) It is so good to know we aren't alone in our frustrations!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    For those telling the OP to give up more sleep -- everyone makign the sleep vs. exercise decision should factor in the fact that sleep deprivation has similar physiological effects to lack of exercise -- up to and including weight gain. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep is a risk factor for obesity on its own -- and it has been found to cause metabolic changes that the exercise you get during that time may not fully erase. Sleep deprivation affects leptin, ghrelin, and cortisol levels, and decreases insulin sensitivity. Skipping sleep to exercise may lead to worse health that the increased exercise has to offset.

    To the OP:
    Work in as much as you can on breaks and at lunch -- a brisk 10 minute walk several times a day? Stair climbing? How do you get to work -- can you work some exercise into your commute? I started getting the bus at a different stop, further away, and that gets me about 30 minutes of activity every workday that I do that.
    I do my strength training at home after the kids after gone to bed (or before, now that I have a teenager). A set of interchangeable hand weights wasn't too expensive.
    I work activity into family time as much as possible. We go for walks, we go swimming, we hike in the state parks. If I go to something where I have to wait for them, I try to walk and keep moving during the wait.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Between my bf and I we have a 3, 6, 7, and 11 year old. I work from 8-4 5 days a week. I refuse to get up before 6 unless someone is paying me. I usually walk on my lunch hour and eat at my desk. Any other kind of exercise is done whenever I can squeeze it in. I have no gym membership and only a couple of dumbbells that are 20 lbs each. Lately my 7 year old has started racing me. It's like my very own version of sprinting.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Sounds Kinda selfish your missing out on 10.5 hrs of your toddlers life everyday and you are concerned on when you can workout

    Yeah, I wish I could have those 10.5 hours back every day. Unfortunately, my daughter is super demanding and expects to be fed and clothed every day and live somewhere with a roof over her head so I have to work. Thanks for the extra kick to the gut though. I guess you can find sanctimonious people bashing working mothers on every kind of forum.

    I absolutely LOVE your classy yet stinging response to that comment.
    **steps on soapbox**
    Just to point out: your life doesn't end when you have children, it becomes so much more fulfilling. And even though you love your children, you still need adult time away from them (to shower, to poop, to exercise, to drink wine, etc)
    To even type the word "selfish" in reference to parenting says a lot about the typist; parents are some of the most selfless people on earth. Every thing they do (including losing weight and getting healthier) is for their children, to be around them longer, to set a good example, to enhance their lives...

    Of course, there are some terrible parents out there. But I could never see a parent who is trying to better themselves and (in turn) better the quality of life for their children as a terrible or "selfish" parent
    **steps off soapbox**
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:55a and I'm out the door on Mon & Fri to run by 5:15a. Tue/Wed/Thurs I'm still up at 5a, but I work out at the house for 45-60min.

    It can be hard, but you can find balance! Good luck!!
  • cclarkcts
    cclarkcts Posts: 97
    Mommy of 3 with Full Time Job
    on lunch
    late at night

    Dont sweat the rude one!
    Do yo thang!

    Same Here!
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I guess i'm one of those selfish working moms too :p

    I'm a single mom, I work 7am-5pm, get him from daycare around 530, go home and eat something, get to the gym by 630, work out until 745, get home and eat a snack and then he goes to bed!

    On weekends when I don't work, the gym childcare is open 8-1pm so I usually go between 11am-1pm :) and/or work out with him going roller skating or on a hike
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    When my kids were little I would get home from work, feed us all quickly, give them a bath, and stick them in the stroller. If they fell asleep, great, if not, I would read to them when we got home and they would go to bed. Then I would clean up, shower, make lunches, and go to bed. At that time, my husband was going to school evenings and working overnights. That is what I found to work for me. Also, if you want to do speed work, the local track is great. The little ones can play in the middle while you run the track.

    When my husband stopped working nights, I started getting up pre-dawn and running before work. I've been out as early as 3:30 to get a long run in.

    Now, my kids are older and they come to the gym with me in the evenings. I will still get up pre-dawn to do cardio. There is something very peaceful about running when it is so quiet I like to think I set a good example by bringing them along all those years.

    Long story short - you have to be flexible. What works today may not work tomorrow. But, if it is important to you, you will find a way to do it.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    In addition to working out after my kid's bedtime on weekdays, I work in some more unconventional workouts with my son on the weekends. We have a laundry dance party (exactly what it sounds like, just dance around while doing laundry or any other housework) or I walk or shoot baskets at the park while he rides his bike.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    lol... you are not alone in these bathroom workouts. I also throw in push ups against the counter. Lunges sometimes, but usually I do those @ home. It's now 1:56pm pacific time & I have already completed 8 sets of pushups, 2 sets of squats & the day isn't over yet. You can do this. These bathroom workouts help save time and will give you a great behind.
  • deactivatefat
    deactivatefat Posts: 17 Member
    Work full time, school full time and a 17 month princess. I try to do the 30 day shred before she wakes up in the morning or after she wakes up and sometimes at night after she is sleep. at night I rotate between insanity, hip hop abs, brazil butt lift or turbo fire. On my work breaks I take a walk outside everyday. Nicer days her dad and I will go to the park.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    5:30am While hubby and kids are asleep.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    I have a three year old and a four and a half year old. I work full time and am a full time mom/wife on top of it. I know how hard it is to squeeze in some time to work out, especially after running around all day! I usually put my younger one to bed about 7:30 - 7:45. Then I ride a stationary bike while my older one watches her one show. I used to hate having to work out while my kids were awake becuase I already don't get to see them so much during the day, but now that I am used to it and it's just part of my routine, I really actually enjoy it and look forward to it. Besides, the alternative is to either get up early (NO WAY!!!) or do it after my older one goes to bed and by that time I am too exhausted and just want to relax. Good luck! You just need to find what works for you.