What was your 'no more!' Moment



  • Solkre2
    Solkre2 Posts: 29 Member
    I was taking 2 blood sugar pills, and a Victoza shot. 100% because of weight and not exercising. It was BS and I put a stop to it.
  • salynch50
    salynch50 Posts: 7 Member
    My moment was when I had a back spasm and I could not walk 3 months ago. I gained 50 lbs in the last year because my Back/hips have been getting worst over the last 10 years and exercising was impossible the last 3 years.

    I was a bodybuilder for iver 20 years, taught aerobics daily, was a personal trainer, advent runner, running 6 miles 5 times a week. It is hard to see yourself this way. I have a 15 year old son with autism, and up until recently, he consumed all of my time and energy and slowly I have become 100lbs overweight. I realize, I may never be able to maintain that level of activity again, but getting control of my weight will definitely alleviate some of my hip/back problems., by the way I had my son when I was 39, so you do the math. I

    I have a predisposition for diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid cancer and high cholesterol, my mother, grandmother and 5 of my siblings has one or more of these illnesses. I am the youngest of 7 and my brother died at 50 from complications of his brittle diabetes. So far, I have been blessed not to have any of those chronic illnesses. It is now or never to work on my wellness.

    I lost 80lbs after my first son (who is 35) and kept it off until 5 years ago as my back/hips got worst and my activity level decreased. I eat fairly well having excellent blood pressure, cholesterol level and blood sugar levels, but after years of working out for sometimes 4+ hours a day, my body rejects any attempts of low level activity. I also think my stress levels are off the chart as I am a therapist during the day and come home to manage my son with autism/as perfects.
  • soozquu
    soozquu Posts: 66 Member
    Mine wasn't a single that's it moment. It was more a series of events over about 8 months.

    1. I went on a cruise with 12 members of my family (never again, but that's a different story lol). Everything on the cruise was too small... chairs, the shower, the room. I had trouble walking around the ship. I had trouble walking around the ports we stopped at.

    2. I saw pictures of myself from the cruise. It ... wasn't pretty.

    3. Two months later, I started a new job after not working for a few years (which is the time frame I gained almost all my weight.) I couldn't make it through the day without being in severe pain. (The job requires being on your feet most of the day.) I had to sit down almost hourly. I was taking handfuls of otc pain meds.

    4. Three months into the new job, I was having severe knee pain. One of my knees was having trouble supporting my weight. So I went to my doctor. She insisted I get on the scale (I had been refusing to be weighed for 3 years.) She had be stand on the scale backwards so I didn't have to look at the number. We went back to the exam room, she put my chart on the table then left the room for a minute. And like a gory accident you know you shouldn't look at, but can't help stare at anyway, I looked at my weight. It was about 100 pounds heavier than I had guessed I weighed.

    5. My doctor ordered some blood tests. When the results came back, there were some issues. Back into the doctor's office a week later and my doctor explained, in firm, simple to understand language (yet was somehow completely non judgemental), exactly what my health problems were currently, and what I would be facing soon if I didn't get my weight under control.

    6. This is a big one --- My doctor didn't just say "lose weight" and then shove me out of the office. She refered me to a registered dietician and to a doctor that specialized in treating morbidly obese patients. Both these new providers were extremely non judgemental, but they didn't mince words about how serious my health issues were. My dietician introduced me to MFP. She talked with me about nutrition. She helped me set up food plans with foods I would actually eat. She was (and still is) extremely supportive. She cheered my small victories while gently pushing me to make bigger changes.

    7. So there I was. 7 months after my cruise. Still as fat and unhealthy as ever. But now I was no longer in denial about my weight and health issues. I joined MFP and weight watchers. I started going to meetings regularily. I didn't use my irregular work schedule as an excuse to miss meetings or to not log my food. I bought a digital scale and took advantage of my love of tech (and of my mild ocd - I am a completionist and love all things list related) and embraced the changed I had to make in my life. I focused not on losing weight (like I did on all other diets in the past) but instead on making changes that I felt I would be able to live with for the rest of my life.

  • silagh
    silagh Posts: 1 Member
    I've been avoiding mirrors and full body pictures for a while. The scale has been too high for too long. But just now. A load of laundry basket is too wide to fit through the door. My gut is now so big that sideways through the door with the laundry basket scraped my hand. ENOUGH!
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    I didn't realize I had been gaining weight til I saw a former boss after several months. Not one to sugar coat anything, she says to me "Aw Nick, you got fat. You need to lose weight." I wasn't offended cause I knew it was true...but at the time I was just too depressed to care.

    4 months ago I ended up in the hospital for depression/anxiety issues, and it made me realize that I needed to make changes in my life and start better taking care of myself. Weight loss wasn't a priority I just wanted to be healthier...so I quit drinking, started lifting again, and stopped eating so much crap.

    Those changes combined with meds and therapy, and I'm feeling better than I ever have.