Difference between c-section stomach and any other stomach?



  • jvs125
    jvs125 Posts: 223 Member
    My first C-section was an emergency and second was planned. Two totally different experiences.

    But my doc was amazing. It's right that they don't cut through muscle but they have to move it to get the baby out. I said it wrong on my previous post. My doc found that difficult with me. Then, she said that because I so evidently put lots of hard work in those muscles, she put a stitch in to help them stay together properly while healing (which is not something they do automatically).

    Recovery can be difficult but being fit prior to and during pregnancy makes all the difference (as well as the birth itself - again emergency vs planned are two different things).
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    jaga13 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    If you want to laugh about all this: after my 2nd c-section, my OB kindly informed me he used dermabond to glue me back together. GLUE. He said I would have to gently roll away the excess glue myself. I decided I would go to the grave with that glue - I am way too squeamish for any of that - he wanted me to like, TOUCH the incision area?? Somehow it is all gone years later :)

    Ah yes, the glue. It's not so strong as they made it out to be. I had been on bed rest for a month so when the spinal wore off I was like "*kitten* yeah, WALKING!" So I walked the hospital for HOURS hipped up on pain medication.

    I popped the glue. Just in one corner but I was freaking the *kitten* out. The doctors just rolled their eyes at me though.

    If I wasn't already done with having children, I WOULD BE NOW.

    I'm actually contemplating a second. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?

    I'd probably have another section as well. I'll tell em to glue me extra good!

    Can I have some extra glue in a to-go container? Thanks!

    Lol. They sent me home with so many other supplies (cold packs, mesh undies, etc.) Seems like a dab of glue could be added to the bin.

    My first c-section was an unplanned emergency. I was a full grown adult, yet didn't realize that I would STILL need the mesh undies and pads...evidently you still bleed!

    Yeah it seems like if you have to deal with an incision site you shouldn't also have to deal with the other recovery issues.
  • Kimmy82109
    Kimmy82109 Posts: 44 Member

    There you go. That's what I'm currently stuck with. I've still got a long way to go in terms of my stomach but mine has always hung over since having a section 10 years ago. My stomach muscles at the bottom are shot. No feeling there either. So there you go :)

    This is truth. I've had 2 c sec in 2 yrs and have that wonderful flap lol. I was about 135 before kids and had flat stomach. Hate to say but the c sec ruined stomach and nothing has helped so far. Pretty sure a tummy tuck is the only way

  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    If you want to laugh about all this: after my 2nd c-section, my OB kindly informed me he used dermabond to glue me back together. GLUE. He said I would have to gently roll away the excess glue myself. I decided I would go to the grave with that glue - I am way too squeamish for any of that - he wanted me to like, TOUCH the incision area?? Somehow it is all gone years later :)

    Ah yes, the glue. It's not so strong as they made it out to be. I had been on bed rest for a month so when the spinal wore off I was like "*kitten* yeah, WALKING!" So I walked the hospital for HOURS hipped up on pain medication.

    I popped the glue. Just in one corner but I was freaking the *kitten* out. The doctors just rolled their eyes at me though.

    If I wasn't already done with having children, I WOULD BE NOW.

    I'm actually contemplating a second. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?

    I'd probably have another section as well. I'll tell em to glue me extra good!

    Can I have some extra glue in a to-go container? Thanks!

    Lol. They sent me home with so many other supplies (cold packs, mesh undies, etc.) Seems like a dab of glue could be added to the bin.

    My first c-section was an unplanned emergency. I was a full grown adult, yet didn't realize that I would STILL need the mesh undies and pads...evidently you still bleed!

    Yeah it seems like if you have to deal with an incision site you shouldn't also have to deal with the other recovery issues.

    I know, it was so unfair!!
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I had a bit of a scar tissue problem, because I ripped out the stitches on one side of my incision... Less than a week after my 'section, I got a pretty epic case of norovirus and had an uncontrollable hard-core abdominal workout. >_< It got better eventually, but for a while the scar (and fat distribution) was a bit uneven. I am pretty active, generally, and the scar tissue eventually broke up/stretched out/relaxed/whatever, and 5 years out, you can only see that the scar is really faded on the "good" side and really dark (and still has stitch/staple marks) on the "bad side."
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    Tell you what the worst thing is for me? The damn itching. It still itches now even after 10 years. :lol:
  • deloachkl
    deloachkl Posts: 17 Member
    cnebesnik wrote: »
    I'm new to mfp and this caught my attention. I've had three children all by c-section. It was only after the third surgery 11 months ago that I developed a little pooch at the scar. I hate it. My goal is to lose the last 10lbs but more importantly to tone up that area. It's almost lopsided. Does anyone have any suggestions? Does it ever go away?

    Mine is lopsided as well. If the surgeon doesn't close you up perfectly straight, I think you're just screwed.
  • temazur
    temazur Posts: 76 Member
    I don't have kids, but had a surgery much like a c-section (removal of a 5 lb tumor that was my left ovary), so the cut was pretty much the same, just longer a longer surgery. The doc even said once it was just like doing a c-section, just more involved once he was in there.

    They did a vertical incision on me. Before the surgery I had been using a rowing machine at home pretty hot and heavy. I wasn't anywhere near my optimal weight, but was in decent shape. After recovery, I hit the rower again pretty hard.

    End result is that I had a a stomach before and after the surgery, but it wasn't any larger after the surgery. It got quite a bit smaller, but part of that was just the removal of the problem itself. So, if you're worried and you like to work out, try out a rower. It's a great workout and will strengthen up that area over a reasonable amount of time.
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Tell you what the worst thing is for me? The damn itching. It still itches now even after 10 years. :lol:

    Yes! Weird isn't it
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Now I feel guilty about having good healing. People only know I have a scar when I tell them.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Now I feel guilty about having good healing. People only know I have a scar when I tell them.

    I think mine is so bad because I had to be re cut to stop the internal bleeding. It's like I've had an axe swung at me :lol:
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I had a c section 18 months ago. Up until a few months ago I would have agreed that c section stomachs do have a little extra fat... but now, with my calorie deficit and fat loss, I think there is no difference. But that's just my body.
  • lalangela
    lalangela Posts: 23 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »


    I take it all back. If I'm having a kid, I'm doing it the right way - by stealing one out of a jogging stroller at Williams-Sonoma.

    I really needed a laugh this afternoon, and this did it! haha
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    It can take up to two years for the muscle to completely recuperate.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I've had 3 c-sections in the span of 3 and half years. I think I had good surgeons because my scar is hardly noticeable - it's been almost 2.5 years since my last one. The scar tissue beneath the skin has gone away and the numbness has gone away too.

    I did lose all my pregnancy weight after each one and only gained 25-32 pounds each time so that may have helped. What I do have is that stretched out look even though my stomach is fairly flat. Oh and lots of fine white lines (stretch marks) all across my stretched out looking stomach. So I will never bare my tummy again. Not that I would at my age anymore :)
  • sweetd6
    sweetd6 Posts: 74 Member

    Three C-sections in the vertical position (my first C-section was in 1974, when they did the up and down one). This was taken at age 49 with my youngest son who was in the air force at the time. This was in 2001, so I am a lot older now and my stomach does not look like this anymore, but it was age, not the C-sections. Everyone is different though. Some women with natural deliveries have pooches, some don't, maybe genetics have a lot to do with it all.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    North44 wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    Kind of threadjack, but related...

    I'm childless, but I have C-section hips. Meaning that if hubs and I do ever have a sprog, that's going to be its only option for egress.

    Based on what @jvs125 said, am I correct in understanding that having strong abdominal muscles in advance of the pregnancy is advantageous for recovery post-surgery? Like, I might want to do some extra core work with that in mind?

    How do you know you have csection hips? It's what's on the inside that counts. I have very narrow hips and had 4 children one of whom weighed 9lbs 11 oz naturally.

    This. You can have narrow hips but have a wider pelvic opening than someone with wider hips. It's not that simple.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    They rarely do vertical now, even in emergencies. It's reserved for need to get them out right this second type of emergencies.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member

    There you go. That's what I'm currently stuck with. I've still got a long way to go in terms of my stomach but mine has always hung over since having a section 10 years ago. My stomach muscles at the bottom are shot. No feeling there either. So there you go :)

    I've had 3 c-sections, and my pouch is much, much worse than this. It will never go away on its own, I'd need surgery to correct it. There is nerve damage there for me as well - no feeling at all in that area.
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    I didn't have a c/s but still have the flap. Lucky f-ing me. My skin just is really prone to not being very elastic and carrying a huge child stretched me out. It's just the luck of the draw. And I had a so-called medical professional try and caution me into a c/s because my hips were too wide. Go figure that one. You ladies who went through that, though... I have mad respect for all of you.