Are there any calories you *don't* record



  • animelose2012
    anything diet i drink and anything i eat that is not a whole serving
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't ususally record my spices/herbs, I also don't record the odd nibble here and there - a spoonful of my son's breakfast cereal, or, a taste of DH whiskey.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Water or tea...sometimes I don't log a square of chocolate at the end of the day or a bite of cut up fruit (little bit of berries or cantelope for example). I know it's not a lot of calories.

    I also don't log sometimes if things are going to be complicated - like a buffett or family meal with little bites of lots of things. That just seems like too much work. But that's more like a break from logging a meal, rather than an everyday thing.
  • jennagoogles13
    Chewing gum. I really don't want to be that anal haha
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    Only very little things like sugar free gum and mints, herbs and spices, and when I taste test the soup I make! Fruits have too much sugar to not count. I do count the creamer stuff I put in the coffee because two or three cups a day add up.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    The only things I don't log are zero calorie items.

    Black Coffee
    Diet Sodas

    And sometimes I even log those. I'm too anal.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I record every little thing except lettuce and mustard on a sandwich. But I am 5'2'' and old, so losing weight is difficult. If I was a tall young man I would probably not be so obsessive.

    Lol I know what you mean. I am 5'2" also. I used to not have to record everything, but now it's a must.
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    I don't record my coffee creamer when I use it, which isn't every day. I also occasionally steal a hershey's kiss or three from a coworkers desk that I can't record for legal reasons, I never bother with spices or very low calorie condiments. I also don't record my water because I know i drink buckets of it all day. I am currently having a couple of off-the-record wasabi peas. After reading over my post, yikes... It's a wonder I've lost weight.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup! I don't log the little bit of almond milk I put in my coffee in the morning. I don't log if I add extra veg to a recipe. And occassionally if I do some extra project around the house on the weekend, I don't bother with logging a little treat (100 cal or less) because I figure I burned the excess and it comes out even.
  • Candice_Says
    Candice_Says Posts: 24 Member
    The splash of almond milk I use in my coffee or oatmeal - at 30 cals for an entire cup, I don't think a splash is of any consequence.

    Some veggies, if they are the snack in and of themselves. For example, I wouldn't count a few bites of raw broccoli, but I would count the aggregate calories in a salad.

    Sugar free chewing gum - if I counted these calories, I would be a basket case in under a week. I chew a lot of gum. It is my weight-loss and quit-smoking friend. Yeah, there are days when I can chew a whole pack or two, and that might end up being as many as 100 calories. But let's face it - I didn't get chubby by chewing too much Orbit :laugh:
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    herbs/spices, plain tea, Hot sauce doesn't get logged much, nor does mustard.
  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    if i use a 5 calorie crystal light packet in my water bottle (maybe 1-2 times a week) i tend to forget to log it. every time. whoops. aside from that, the only thing left out is the water i use to mix my protein powder, and/or put in soup/stew/etc. while cooking. i still log all of the water i drink on its own though.
  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    I never record the 1% milk I put in my coffee nor do I record the gum I chew.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I don't log anything that is zero calories. I put a splash of milk in my oatmeal when i have it about 3 times a week, i don't log it either. anything else, I log it.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I don't record my vitamins. I don't record the two or three baby carrots I eat while I'm waiting for dinner to cook. Or the six or seven wasabi peas I eat when I have the munchies. Or the single strawberry I had at lunch. I rarely record the lettuce on my sandwich or the spray of Pam in my frying pan.

    I also don't log the strength exercises I do at my desk while my officemate is at lunch. Or the extra-long shopping sessions on the weekends. Or standing at an auction all day on the occasional Saturday. Or scrubbing the bathtub when I can't stand it anymore. Or mowing my parents' lawn.

    It all evens out in the end.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    Raw vegetables off a veggie tray. Couldn't be bothered to spend the time to look up 4 baby carrots, 2 broccoli florets, 5 cherry tomatoes, etc. I also don't log cooking spray.
  • cclarkcts
    cclarkcts Posts: 97
    Water, Cooking spray, or chewing gum do not get logged.
  • intothepavement
    intothepavement Posts: 40 Member
    I don't log spices, or little nibbles here and there. But I've learned to start logging my coffee, even though i take it black, it's still, 5 calories I think for 2 cups, and i usually have 4 throughout the day.

    I figure there are a few calories in the spices I use, so I might as well log one of the two just because I should.

    Also, mustard and lettuce on sandwiches and things like that. I don't think anyone should log those. lol
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am sure , as I eat out a lot, I miss a lot. But I don't nibble anymore. I added up nibbles one day, and it was an extra 200 calories so I stopped. I am within 5 pounds of the bottom of my weight range. I try to record everything,coffee included. Definetly creamer, or any sauce including ketchup and salsa. That stuff adds up quickly.

    My sister records her weekly intake of gum and mints on monday. She buys a new roll of mints and a pack of gum every Monday morning and then just chews/eats at will.. it helps her to remember it's calories.

    I stop recording water after 8 glasses.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Mints, coffee, and iceberg lettuce.