Logging Food in Advance - Who does it? How?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    I log the night before, at least for half of the next day. I mean I pack my lunch so I have to at least get that done anyway. Breakfast is always the same, dinner is often the same. I leave a few hundred calories for dessert and a couple hundred to play with during the day. Every Monday I quick add well over my maintenance calories to Saturday, so I can watch my weekly deficit without doing maths, and be sure I can eat a decent amount on the weekends. Sometimes I quick add "x" amount of calories to certain days of the week if I know I'll want to eat more that day because of a work out or date planned.
  • cjcool88
    cjcool88 Posts: 188 Member
    I always try to do it on a daily basis, most of the time I wake up and log my breakfast and meal (if I prepared lunch and already know what I will eat) and mostly leave dinner without info, because most times I change what I want to eat for dinner...Breakfast and lunch, doens't changes a lot! This gives you the advantage to manage the calories and nutrients!
  • PShizle
    PShizle Posts: 48 Member
    I like logging during the morning time before the day begins then adjusting throughout the day to hit my macros... I may not be the one who logs a week in advance; although, I do see the positives for shopping purposes.
  • fishcat123
    fishcat123 Posts: 74 Member
    I do if I'm planning to go out or eat anything unusual, to figure out what is best to have during that meal or that day to stay under my calorie goal, or at least how much I'll go over. Sometimes I'll choose to deviate from my plan, but love having the control and knowing the calories in the food choices I make. Even when I eat more than I planned ahead this helps me stay in control - for example, I'll know that having that piece of cake will put me 300 calories above my goal for the day, so ok (for me) once in a while but it had better be delicious, and I will know not to have a second!
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    @slong4u There is a left pointing and a right pointing arrow at the top of your food journal in the blue 'tab' with today's date on it. And yes, I pre-log, then adjust and switch around some things during the day.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    edited June 2015
    Pretty much every single day, since I started. Sometimes I'll plan out a few days in advance. I *always* make sure I have a sizeable amount of calories etc listed for snacks, so I can adjust as the day goes on. I found it keeps me on track and my calories at/under goal when I know where I stand ahead of time.
  • PopeyeCT
    PopeyeCT Posts: 249 Member
    I like to do it if I'm going out to eat. I try to look up the menu online and pre-select things that will be within my calorie budget.

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    When I'm not following my coaches diet I plan and prep a week at a time. Same food everyday during the week. Weekends are more flexible but even they are planned a few days in advance!
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    Also a daily logger - I find it helpful in keeping things in balance.
  • nataliebordeauxx
    nataliebordeauxx Posts: 94 Member
    On Sunday aka Prep Day, I plan and enter all my breakfasts, snacks, and lunches for the week.

    Then every morning, I plan and enter my dinner for the night! It makes it completely effortless to nail all my macros. Then I just come home and E A T!

    With NO stress and MUCH success, I have to say this is the way to go (for me, at least!) B)
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I pre log some items the night before.
  • daphykiwi
    daphykiwi Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    I do that too. It helps me to stay on track. And it leaves no room for extra and it saves time! I don't think that it is a compulsive disorder. It's just like planning your schedule. It is a way of being organized and having somenthing to look forward to( like "Yeah high carb day tomorrow ^_^).
    Also, by pre-logging my food I can readjust my meals if something doesn't fit my macro rather than discovering it at the end of the day when I already ate all the food ^_^