Less hungry now on cardio days

ive been at this for about 6 months. Wanted to lose 27 pounds. At first I did a ton of cardio. Then I cut back on cardio bc I realized that I actually ended up eating more bc working out left me so hungry. Then I made the shift to lifting and I love it, I'm addicted. A lot less cardio, although still doing a few HIIT circuit classes. Then last week I was on prednisone for just two days and the scale jumped up five to six pounds (what?!?!). Could it actually be water? Anyway, I'm trying to get that back off and the last five pounds to goal weight so I thought I'd add back in some intense cardio days still lifting 3 days a week. And I feel like that ravenous hungry from cardio that I used to feel isn't really there anymore. Anyone else? I wonder why...also has anyone packed on the water from a Med like that? When will it come off (2-3 pounds have, but I stopped taking it 4 days ago). Wow this is all very random. My apologies.


  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    I was just on Prednisone as well and although I didn't weigh myself, I definitely was retaining water- swollen hands and feet. I had a tapered dose over 4 days. I would expect it takes some time for your body to overcome the drug side effects.
    I just started back up on the cardio after an injury. I now do my workouts first thing in the morning, and definetly am noticing that I'm more hungry through the day.
    I would try to not get too hung up on the scale # and focus on how you feel and how your body looks.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    You can actually use cardio strategically to DECREASE hunger by exercising first when you're hungry. Then wait for the hunger to come back. Then eat until you're not-hungry. I've found that this works way better than any other cardio timing.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I generally don't get ravenously hungry straight after exercise - but I DO feel much hungrier the next day so I have to remember that and allow myself the 'eating exercise calories back' the next day instead.
  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    edited June 2015
    prednisone is awful for gaining weight. A friend of mine has a young daughter who had to take steroids for a few weeks for a medical issue, she was such a tiny little thing and she just ballooned pretty much over night. It was quite scary to see, but once she stopped the meds she returned to normal fairly quickly.

    Try not to worry too much. Just keep doing what you are doing
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I am scrupulous about fueling workouts, so they dont tend to leave me hungry. I find going to the gym I can eat less overall becayse im in the gym, away from food and I drink more water. I might have a hunger overall, but I cant think of it. one of the advantages I will have are the eatback calories if needed.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    A few years ago my doctor put me on prednisone for arthritic symptoms. For whatever reason I actually lost weight on the med. The only time I get over the top hungry after a cardio workout is when I run. Other cardio doesn't make me that hungry. I lift as well and my hunger level is a little higher than normal about an hour or so after I lift
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    I've been going to the gym regularly since November 2014, doing strength/resistance twice a week and running three times per week. I make sure I have a snack (normally 2 granola bars and a yoghurt) about an hour before doing either and I think it helps not only with the workout but with the hunger pangs afterwards. Otherwise going six hours between meals and with a workout would make me ravenous and more likely to binge thank cook a decent meal.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ljk0615 wrote: »
    ive been at this for about 6 months. Wanted to lose 27 pounds. At first I did a ton of cardio. Then I cut back on cardio bc I realized that I actually ended up eating more bc working out left me so hungry. Then I made the shift to lifting and I love it, I'm addicted. A lot less cardio, although still doing a few HIIT circuit classes. Then last week I was on prednisone for just two days and the scale jumped up five to six pounds (what?!?!). Could it actually be water? Anyway, I'm trying to get that back off and the last five pounds to goal weight so I thought I'd add back in some intense cardio days still lifting 3 days a week. And I feel like that ravenous hungry from cardio that I used to feel isn't really there anymore. Anyone else? I wonder why...also has anyone packed on the water from a Med like that? When will it come off (2-3 pounds have, but I stopped taking it 4 days ago). Wow this is all very random. My apologies.

    yes .. any jump in scale that quickly must by it's very nature be water weight - steroids are famous for it

    don't worry unduly - give it a couple of weeks

    the lack of appetite is interesting though