Calorie Counting Question

if I'm always under my calories everyday, plus doing cardio everyday while still eating clean. Will I lose weight? I have the odd piece of junk food here and there but I'm always still under my calories for the day. Will I lose weight this way?

Thank Yoy


  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    if I'm always under my calories everyday, plus doing cardio everyday while still eating clean. Will I lose weight? I have the odd piece of junk food here and there but I'm always still under my calories for the day. Will I lose weight this way?

    Thank Yoy

    If you are truly at a calorie deficit you have to lose weight. It doesn't matter what you eat. That being said you have to make sure you are ACTUALLY at a deficit.
  • artsbysimon
    artsbysimon Posts: 14 Member
    Technically speaking if you are under your calorie count and do cardio you should lose weight but if you start eating junk food that has fat content you body may refuse shed pounds because it is already get fat from outside and will not use the reserve.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member

    I didn't create this flowchart, but it is very helpful. If you have trouble losing, look at this and try what it recommends.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Technically speaking if you are under your calorie count and do cardio you should lose weight but if you start eating junk food that has fat content you body may refuse shed pounds because it is already get fat from outside and will not use the reserve.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    edited June 2015
    Technically speaking if you are under your calorie count and do cardio you should lose weight but if you start eating junk food that has fat content you body may refuse shed pounds because it is already get fat from outside and will not use the reserve.

    Eating "junk food" will not cause you to stop losing if you're in a calorie deficit. I eat ice cream every night and I've lost 60+ pounds. Dietary fat only causes weight gain if you eat more than you burn.

    OP, if you're under your calories you'll lose weight. But how much under are we talking? Hundreds of calories under may cause some health concerns down the line.
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    Technically speaking if you are under your calorie count and do cardio you should lose weight but if you start eating junk food that has fat content you body may refuse shed pounds because it is already get fat from outside and will not use the reserve.

    This isn't true. I know plenty of people on here who eat whatever they want and lose weight as long as they are in a calorie deficit, myself included. Fat is not your enemy. Your body will not "refuse to shed pounds because it is already getting fat".

    Eating foods with bad nutrients constantly would be bad for your general health though, but treats are nothing to worry about.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    I eat good 90% of the week, I don't eat mcdonalds or anything like. Maybe a random beef patty here and there but for the most part I'm eating clean. I usually do 30 min on an elliptical everyday and some weight lifting here and there, I take a protein shake daily and don't eat within 3 hours of sleeping. My goal is to lose another 15-20lbs by July 17th. I've already lost about 10lbs, I just want to ensure I'm doing everything right. Mfp says I can eat 2100 calories a day, I'm usually around the 1500 range.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I eat good 90% of the week, I don't eat mcdonalds or anything like. Maybe a random beef patty here and there but for the most part I'm eating clean. I usually do 30 min on an elliptical everyday and some weight lifting here and there, I take a protein shake daily and don't eat within 3 hours of sleeping. My goal is to lose another 15-20lbs by July 17th. I've already lost about 10lbs, I just want to ensure I'm doing everything right. Mfp says I can eat 2100 calories a day, I'm usually around the 1500 range.

    Eating McDonalds has nothing to do with weight gain or loss.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    15-20 pounds in five weeks is not a sustainable goal. You're losing fat, but at that low of an intake you're most likely also losing muscle and depriving your body of nutrients it needs.

    Eat the amount MFP tells you. What and when you eat have no bearing on weight loss.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    But isn't it good to always be under your goal when it comes to losing weight? If I'm given 2100 calories to eat and I eat 2100 calories, won't I just maintain my current weight? If I eat over 2100 I will gain and if I eat under 2100 I will lose, am I wrong? I'm new to this and am really just trying to drop pounds lol
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Technically speaking if you are under your calorie count and do cardio you should lose weight but if you start eating junk food that has fat content you body may refuse shed pounds because it is already get fat from outside and will not use the reserve.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    But isn't it good to always be under your goal when it comes to losing weight? If I'm given 2100 calories to eat and I eat 2100 calories, won't I just maintain my current weight? If I eat over 2100 I will gain and if I eat under 2100 I will lose, am I wrong? I'm new to this and am really just trying to drop pounds lol

    Unless you set your goal to maintain, your calorie deficit has already been deducted. So if you set to lose a pound a week, your maintenance would be 2600 calories.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    I set my goal to lose weight, currently at 203 with a goal weight of 175. I started at 214. My calorie goal per day is 2114. I eat around 1500 a day, I didn't realize this app already calculated the deficit. Can someone give more explanation as to how it works? Again, I'm new to this.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    What you eat doesn't matter, it's how much.

    People's brains seem to explode when I tell them I lost weight eating McDonald's and other "junk" every now and then.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    I'll give you an example of a typical day for me.

    Breakfast - 2 Large Egg Spinach Omelette.
    Lunch - 6 Inch Turkey Sub.
    Snack - Protein Shake.
    Dinner - Chicken Breast, Asparagus and Broccoli.
    Exercise - 30 Minute Elliptical workout.
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    My doctor wants me to eat around 1200 calories per day, but MFP says 1840. I try to eat between 1200-1500. Who else has that problem?
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited June 2015
    What you eat doesn't matter, it's how much.

    People's brains seem to explode when I tell them I lost weight eating McDonald's and other "junk" every now and then.

    My experience is that they don't believe it and don't want to. No head explosion.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    My doctor wants me to eat around 1200 calories per day, but MFP says 1840. I try to eat between 1200-1500. Who else has that problem?

    We aren't doctors. If you have a question about his/her judgement you are better off asking him rather than internet randoms.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    I guess i'll just keep doing what i'm doing, maybe eat more healthy snacks for more calories but healthier foods. Almonds, fruits, veggies, etc etc.
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    My doctor wants me to eat around 1200 calories per day, but MFP says 1840. I try to eat between 1200-1500. Who else has that problem?
    Speaking for myself...but NOT giving you advice against what your Doctor says: In my experience over the years, 'most' doctors know so little about weight loss.