I need your help-I want to quit smoking.



  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I am a smoker – and I hate it. I would love to quit but cold turkey never worked for me. My smoking habits are so bad that I will smoke one in the parking lot of the gym before going in and the first thing I do coming out is smoke. I hike on the weekends, I jog on the treadmill, I do not have a problem running out of breath, HOWEVER, this is not me encouraging smoking at ALL! I’m sure if I wasn’t a smoker, I could be doing so much more.

    I found the only thing to work for me is seeing the doctor. My doctor prescribed me wellbutirin, which is generally used to treat depression, however when taking a certain dose, it contains the same chemical used in Chantix but waaaaaayyyy cheaper! After about 3 weeks of taking the medication I noticed something. Usually when I run out of cigarettes after work, the first thing I do before heading home is stop at a store to pick up a pack and have a smoke on the way home, but while on this medication, I thought twice about it and said…I don’t really feel like smoking right now, so I would get in my car and head home. Then when I passed up 3-4 stores on the way home without picking up a pack of cigs…I knew for sure this medication was working. It took away the desire for me to NEED to smoke. It was a weird feeling, like I felt like, wait a minute – its been 3 hours, I should feel the need to smoke right now, but that feeling was not there – IT WAS GREAT!!
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford the medication on a regular basis but will try it again asap because it worked.

    Long story short, talk with your doctor if you run out of options. Cold turkey is not for everyone. This medication I was taking is not for everyone, but your doctor could help you find what is right for you. GOOD LUCK!