milk vs soy???



  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Wow soy causing asthma, breast in boys, violent outrages.... Hmmmm my children are on high soy diets and so are most of the children in our veggie kids group. None of the kids have behavior problems, they are all honor students, very well-mannered, and not one of the boys have breast. I don't have any friends who by culture are on high soy diets who have any of those problems either. Makes me wonder how much is propaganda because if more people drink soy less drink cows milk which means less beef, less animal abuse, less profit. I also have never seen a warning which the law would require, that says soy is not say for anyone but adults. Never seen anything or heard anything from our peditricians both of which are well know doctors who have written books on many illness related to children, that says it causes cancer. My eldest was once diagnosed with asthma (we opted out of accepting this as she had nothing but a seasonal cough/cold which we took her to 3 doctors in all and 2 out of 3 said not asthma) and in fact high mucus creating foods-i.e. DAIRY can aggrevate asthma.
    Soy does have small amounts of estrogen-natural estrogen. If it did cause boobs, there would be a ton of men with boobs all over asia and india both of which countries consume lots of soy.
    My brothers would both have breast as well, as we grew up eating tons of soy and none of us ever had behavior problems and were all gifted students. Hmmm still I'll be sure to ask the children's nutritionist and the peditrician if there is any medical merit to the notion children should not be given soy.
    Heck my kids and their pals even eat soy ice cream and the love it.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    My daughter and I drink rice milk and almond milk, since there seems to be no controversy with those.

    The kids love rice milk too. It doesn't cook as well but they like it. We'll have to try almond milk. They love coconut milk too.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    My naturopathic doctor says soy is not good, and is also a highly allergic food. The Canadian Pediatric Society also does not recommend soy as a subsitute for cow's dairy in the case of milk allergy, because the concurrence of milk allergy and soy allergy are extremely high. I think that data on the net praising soy might be out of date, for when I started my study of natural foods in the early 90's soy was, back then, considered a "super food".

    This discussion prompted me to get rid of my cream in my coffee (I had slipped back into a bad habit after having company) - it was the nudge I needed - thanks! :flowerforyou:

    I will still drink the occassional soy latte, and like to eat ice cream at least once in the summer, so I use moderation. Daily yogurts, glasses of milk, cheese in the fridge - those days are long gone...
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I'll have to clarify that with the kid's pediatrician and nutrician. My children have substituted soy since they stopped breastmilk (well the baby still hasn't but she drinks soy) for school and daycare a note was needed from the MD and Nutritionist so that they would not be given the cow milk state requires. Soy enriched with vitamin D is a state approved substitute. Babies allergic to cow's milk formula get soy from the state wic program nationwide as well. So not to argue but I just don't think they state would give infants soy if it was proven dangerous. Nor would my kid's peditricians sign consents stating this was the best substitute nor would the school's nutritionist give the o.k. We are also vegetarian so my children have their own nutritionist to make sure their needs are met. We also belong to several groups and the children are all fed soy and rice milk. They are all fine, they are pretty much all above average academically and if I must say so myself my girls are gorgeous. We personally have NEVER had problems with soy and in fact soy is also one of the best things to happen to me. When I drank milk I was always barfing and bloated, I had migraines and let's not get into my bowels. I was always naseaus. Most people of color (no matter race) are lactose intolerant. Mostly because a cow's milk is not the closest match to the human race for milk from the mammal world lol. I never understood why people would even give their children a cow's milk. Who decided this was the best choice and that our bodies could digest it. Yet it seems crazy to say we would get milk from say a chimp or baboon although biologically they match humans closest and probably the milk would digest best. (just something I thought about lol:wink: ) If I had a choice other than my own milk, I'd rather have a chimp lol! There is a reason though, on a serious note, that humans have so much difficulty digesting dairy and I think in the media MILK from a cow as opposed from a soy bean has MORE negative-steroids, causes lactose intolerance, recalls for pesticides, recalls due to contamination, lame cows, mad cow disease, and the list goes on. All I have heard about soy is allergy, has natural estrogen and that is all the negative I have had or it wouldn't be on the shelfs in every major and minor grocery.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I swear my son's asthma was caused by him drinking soy. We were afraid that he would be allergic to milk and wanted to avoid that route. I deeply regret it now after spending thousands on medical bills due to congestion and malnutrition.

    If your child was malnutrioned I seriously doubt soy or cow's milk even was the problem. Cow milk can aggrevate congestion I do know that only because when my little one was sick once they put ice cream and cow milk as no-no's on her list of foods to avoid and listed this as the reason.
    I have never heard or read or been told of ANY kind of milk causing asthma or malnutrition. If your hcild couldn't breathe and was starving(malnutrioned) I'd be looking into other things. No offense
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Lol soy won't cause your son to grow breast. The amount of soy which does have natural estrogen you would have to ingest to change a person's hormonal balance can't even possibly be consumed in a sitting.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    a note was needed from the MD and Nutritionist so that they would not be given the cow milk state requires. Soy enriched with vitamin D is a state approved substitute.

    You needed a note so that your child wasn't given milk at school?? :noway: I would think a parent's request would be good enough! Did I read that right? I am just wondering, because my daughter drinks rice/almond milk. She's 1 yr old, so I haven't had to deal with schools yet.
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