Gaining max Muscle & min Fat

Newbie to training. Just learned about Macros. Started 5'8" 167 Lbs of predominantly fat. Dropped 20 lbs and leared quickly muscle loss is a rotten side consequence of core deficit. Hence have learned to calculate core maintenance and started a surplus diet using 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fats to promote gaining maximum muscle and minimal fat. But I have cholesterol issues. So two questions. A) where can I get strong protein recipes with low cholesterol. And B) is the 1 gram of protein per 1 lb body weight the basis for calculating macros ratios or is there a coomon ratio which body building pros or at least very serious amateurs use to gain pure (or at least as pure as possible muscle. Thanks everyone in advance.


  • BradW99
    BradW99 Posts: 103 Member
    1) no idea about recipes, sorry.
    2) generally we'll go with 1-1.2g per pound.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Bulking inevitably comes with some fat gain.... How much will depend on your overall caloric surplus, not the amount of protein you eat
  • codsterlaing95
    codsterlaing95 Posts: 221 Member
    Gain 2 lbs/month (.5/wk) is what I've heard and read is safe to ensure max muscle and min fat.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    For recipes, you're going to need to focus on lean protein, which will likely mean more volume of food (many people will encourage fattier cuts of meat during a bulk to help add calories).

    No specific recipes, but there are lots of good recipe sites such as Try searching for lean protein sources as ingredients: chicken, turkey, beans, lentils, egg whites, etc.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Check out and its forums. Lot of pro (IFBB, WFBB) gainers actively use the site.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    first - you are not going to gain "pure muscle" and there is going to be some fat gain, which you need to accept. You can minimize the fat gain by shooting for about .5 pound per week gain.

    second - do you know your current body fat%?

    third - what is your lifting regimen?
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Also, you should do some research on cholesterol. Its now thought that dietary cholesterol has a minimal effect, if any, on your body's cholesterol levels. Don't fear the eggs for a solid protein source.
  • stringsnthings
    stringsnthings Posts: 11 Member
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together

    PB/Chocolate powder + a banana. Trust me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together

    that's really not that many calories....
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together

    that's really not that many calories....

    Yeah, I would need a big ole fat dose or 2 of peanut butter added to that in order to call it breakfast. Especially for someone looking to gain weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together

    that's really not that many calories....

    Yeah, I would need a big ole fat dose or 2 of peanut butter added to that in order to call it breakfast. Especially for someone looking to gain weight.

    oats one serving is like 200 cals + protein powder 90 cals + strawberries 25 cals = maybe 315 cals for breakfast???
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    When bulking protein is actually less important than when cutting. eating 0.8 to 1.0 grams per lb of lean body mass is enough. If you don't know your BF% maybe aim for 0.7-0.8 grams per lb of bodyweight
  • draftsman28
    draftsman28 Posts: 98 Member
    Buff Dudes on youtube have a few videos on preparing food and recipes. I like their idea of cooking a few #'s of chicken in a crock pot to have for lunches throughout the week.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Buff Dudes on youtube have a few videos on preparing food and recipes. I like their idea of cooking a few #'s of chicken in a crock pot to have for lunches throughout the week.

    Good point, I do this. I'll buy 10lbs of chicken breast and cook it in the crockpot (usually with lots of chili powder and cumin, sometimes with a beer for flavoring). I can top salads with it, make pulled chicken sandwiches, tacos, burritos, mix it in spaghetti sauce, whatever. Super convenient. I just portion it out and freeze in individual servings. It would be cheaper to use a whole chicken, but I'm lazy and like the boneless/skinless chicken breasts.
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    first - you are not going to gain "pure muscle" and there is going to be some fat gain, which you need to accept. You can minimize the fat gain by shooting for about .5 pound per week gain.

    second - do you know your current body fat%?

    third - what is your lifting regimen?

    Yup. Nobody has a 100% p-ratio. You will gain a bit of fat OP. The trick is to cut a lot slower next time. 15% deficit is about the max before you will drop muscle. You are almost guaranteed to drop muscle cutting into the single digit bodyfat percentages too. #struggleisreal
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    ceorpr wrote: »
    Newbie to training. Just learned about Macros. Started 5'8" 167 Lbs of predominantly fat. Dropped 20 lbs and leared quickly muscle loss is a rotten side consequence of core deficit. Hence have learned to calculate core maintenance and started a surplus diet using 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fats to promote gaining maximum muscle and minimal fat. But I have cholesterol issues. So two questions. A) where can I get strong protein recipes with low cholesterol. And B) is the 1 gram of protein per 1 lb body weight the basis for calculating macros ratios or is there a coomon ratio which body building pros or at least very serious amateurs use to gain pure (or at least as pure as possible muscle. Thanks everyone in advance.

    You'll very likely be fine with protein around 140g given that you will be in a caloric surplus.

    If I were you I would set your protein to around 140g, fats to around 55-65g, and the remainder in carbohydrate. From there evaluate satiety/performance and rate of weight gain when you decide how to make adjustments. Shoot for 2-3lbs/month if you'd rather err on the side of minimizing fat gain.

    I'd consider getting your cholesterol checked regularly.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I can't help with the recomp questions, since I'm still a newbie to that.

    What I can recommend for a recipe is chicken chili. Shred up some chicken baked in the oven with chili seasonings, and make the base of the chili with diced lower sodium/sodium free tomatoes (not that sodium is bad; I just like to add it in myself to taste), kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, and chili seasonings of your choosing. I generally do crushed red pepper, chili powder, cayenne pepper, salt to taste, black pepper, cumin if I have it, and some garlic powder. Cook some red and yellow onion in a pan until translucent and add those in. After a while, add in 1-2 cans of tomato paste, and simmer it until it reduces and thickens. Add in the cooked chicken near the end.

    Great as is, or over yellow/white rice if you want it.
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    BradW99 wrote: »
    1) no idea about recipes, sorry.
    2) generally we'll go with 1-1.2g per pound.
    Thanks fir the feedback
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the feedback
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    Gain 2 lbs/month (.5/wk) is what I've heard and read is safe to ensure max muscle and min fat.

    Terrific...this is what I've set my MyFitnessPal to help monitor. I was surprised to see my caloric intake spring to 2100. I've been staying under 1200. 2200 is nearly double. I feel full all the time and fear fat will dominate muscle gain.
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    For recipes, you're going to need to focus on lean protein, which will likely mean more volume of food (many people will encourage fattier cuts of meat during a bulk to help add calories).

    No specific recipes, but there are lots of good recipe sites such as Try searching for lean protein sources as ingredients: chicken, turkey, beans, lentils, egg whites, etc.

    Thanks for your feedback. Gratitude!!!
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    Check out and its forums. Lot of pro (IFBB, WFBB) gainers actively use the site.

    Massive thanks for the lead. Will certainly check it out!
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    first - you are not going to gain "pure muscle" and there is going to be some fat gain, which you need to accept. You can minimize the fat gain by shooting for about .5 pound per week gain.

    second - do you know your current body fat%?

    third - what is your lifting regimen?

    Thanks for the help. Your on the money and I've caught on to the fact fat is a simple fact as one gains muscle. Appreciate the .5 a week advice. Arrived at the same number through accidental calculation and your note builds my confidence I'm on the right track. I don't know m y current body fat.

    Other than seeing a doctor how does one calculate body fat?

    About regimen I'm on an alternating schedule between upper and lower body. Emphasis MWF on one and Tues Thurs the other. Then switch the next week.
    An6 additional thought are welcomed. Gratitude!
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Also, you should do some research on cholesterol. Its now thought that dietary cholesterol has a minimal effect, if any, on your body's cholesterol levels. Don't fear the eggs for a solid protein source.

    awesome input... did more research and even Consulted my Physician. Totally preached low cholesterol as my dad had heart disease. Wife found plant protein with no cholesterol. So gratitude for your thoughts.

  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together
    Tried your idea with Steel Cut Oats, 1 Tbl spn brown sugar, scoop of vanilla protein ...was so good thought I was cheating... didn't have chocolate on hand but can't wait to try you specific recipe. So thanks for helping think and branch out. Good Karma back at ya...Ceorpr
  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ndj197AND wrote: »
    here's my favorite breaksfast recipe: 1 cup oats with 1 scoop chocolate prot pwder and a cup of strawberries all mixed together. Chocolate and strawberries are awesome together

    that's really not that many calories....

    Yeah, I would need a big ole fat dose or 2 of peanut butter added to that in order to call it breakfast. Especially for someone looking to gain weight.

    oats one serving is like 200 cals + protein powder 90 cals + strawberries 25 cals = maybe 315 cals for breakfast???

    For me....Oats, Brown sugar vanilla protein scoop helped me meet my goals of 50% carbs, 30% protein & 20 fat as oats I've learned are caloried from carbs. AND my doc loves the oats idea as it helps my cholesterol issues. So again massive thanks for the idea. Running with it I've also added chicken to the oats. It's not for everyone but its much more tasty than it sounds, satisfying and total pushes my macros goals.

  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    When bulking protein is actually less important than when cutting. eating 0.8 to 1.0 grams per lb of lean body mass is enough. If you don't know your BF% maybe aim for 0.7-0.8 grams per lb of bodyweight

    Excellent input. Got my calculator out and got me to really think through good solid grams per body weight. Will use your benchmark and track for a while to see personal results. Appreciation!

  • ceorpr
    ceorpr Posts: 24 Member
    Buff Dudes on youtube have a few videos on preparing food and recipes. I like their idea of cooking a few #'s of chicken in a crock pot to have for lunches throughout the week.
    Crockpot! Of course....thanks. wife and I are very busy and this idea was top shelfm thanks sir!