What do you do while on vacation?



  • Pcarsley
    Pcarsley Posts: 13 Member
    fitchlets wrote: »
    I'm down almost 64 pounds since January 1. I really just want to eat whatever I want for the week, but so worried I would gain a ton of weight.

    You didn't lose it all in a week, neither will you gain it in a week. "Diets" per se are a bad idea, better to adopt a balanced, healthy lifestyle. We're only human and some of us don't just see food as fuel, on holiday experiencing local food and culture is a good thing, indeed continental culture revolves around the enjoyment of food with family & friends, why deprive yourself?
    I try to make relatively sensible choices but I'm on a break from work and from abstenance for a week or two.
    If I fancy a few beers or a tempting dessert, I'll have it. I read on another thread that calorie consumption is a continuum, not a daily thing.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    We call our vacation "bacation" because I make one bacon recipe per day.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,165 Member
    edited July 2015
    I started here mid-Feb with a goal to lose as much weight as I could on a NET 1250 cal diet by mid-June ... 4 months. I didn't really have a weight number in mind until I got to about mid-May and knew what would be possible.

    I stuck firmly to that goal and lost 15 kg. :)

    And then, mid-June ... I went on holidays. :smiley:

    While I was gone, I ate whatever I wanted to eat, and lots of it. But I also exercised a whole lot. In 3 weeks, I cycled about 390 km, including riding a century one day (161 km = 100 miles). I walked about 64 km, including a 9.5 km hike to the top of a mountain. And I went sea kayaking!

    Losing the weight prior to going on holiday allowed me to do those things much more easily than I would have if I had not lost the weight.

    I hoped I would not gain more than 5 kg, and I estimated that I might gain 2.5 kg, which would be all right.

    The day after I arrived home, I had gained 2.5 kg, but the next day I dropped 0.5 kg, and the following day I dropped 0.6 kg ... so I think some of that was water weight. By the end of the first week back, I was only 0.5 kg higher than I had been before the holiday, and by the end of the second week (now), I'm back to where I left off. :)

    I've got a new goal now ... the end of September. I'll reassess the situation then.

    But going on holiday and taking a break from calorie counting was OK. It did probably help that I was very active ... and that I got right back into it when I returned.

    BTW ... I made a few interesting discoveries when I was on holiday ...

    1) We don't have good donuts in Australia, so one of the things I enjoy when I go to Canada is eating donuts. The first one I had was a Krispy Kreme donut, and WOW was it ever sweet!! Like sickly sweet. I know on other occasions, I've packed away a whole pile of them and thought nothing of it ... this time I could only manage 2.

    2) There are no dill pickle potato chips in Australia, so that's another thing I go for when I get to Canada. But this time, I could barely finish the bag because while I like the flavour, they were so incredibly salty. Normally, I might go through 2 or 3 bags, this time I ate the one bag and that was it.

    In the 4 months prior to this trip, I have faithfully stuck to CI<CO, and in order to do that, I cut out most (but definitely not all) sweet treats. I also did not touch potato chips in all that time because they tend to be a trigger food for me. Generally speaking, I ate a reasonably healthy diet ....... and it seems to have changed my taste palate. While on holiday, I found myself craving veggies of all things!! :smiley:

  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited July 2015
    I always watch what I eat, but tend to focus on maintenance level then. However we tend to have very active holidays (hiking) and I continue logging
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,165 Member
    edited July 2015
    fitchlets wrote: »
    Just to update you all, I went on vacation for 6 days and ate everything and anything I wanted. I was up 8 pounds when I came back, lost those 8 pounds in 2 days and down another 3 from my lowest weight. I don't know if it got my metabolism in full swing or what, but I'm super excited about it. I did workout 4 of those 6 days, but I was eating a ton of calories too.

    If you flew, much of what you gained (and then lost quite quickly) was flight-induced water weight.

    But good job! Taking a short break from it all isn't the end of the world. :smiley:

  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    While on vacation, I don't want to be strict about my nutrition; so I'd be strict about my fitness instead. I'd vacation at a work farm or an adult camp. If you'd rather relax/lounge on vacation, then I'd suggest staying strict with your nutrition instead of your fitness but I believe that it's important to choose 1 of them, to either help at least maintain your current success or to counteract each other, in order to continue to potentially achieve your goals.