Starting again, but I HATE exercise. Need motivation.

I've been down the MFP route before and I always fail, so I'm starting again. The same issue always remains - I'm fine with eating well, but I HATE exercise.

I hate it in any shape or form - I hate sweating, I hate feeling so tired, I hate feeling like my lungs are going to burst, I hate the aching for days after.

However, I am going on a typical teen holiday to Ayia Napa in a month, and want to be any shape other than circular when I go, so I've started the 30 day shred. It hurts and it's hard and I ache alot, but seeing people's results has gotten me motivated.

I'm only on day 3, but my hatred for exercise is starting to kick in. I need motivation! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and vice versa!


  • karina23ortiz
    karina23ortiz Posts: 26 Member
    Losing weight is mainly about calories in vs calories out. With that said, you don't need to exercise to lose but exercising is going to benefit your physical fitness. You'll be a lot happier when you reach your goal weight if you incorporate exercise now. We all hate it when we start out. It's hard. Keep at it.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Just don't exercise. There's no reason at all that you need to exercise to lose weight. Over time, you might find the motivation to start exercising more as you lose more. I personally find Chipotle and chocolate motivating enough to get me moving when I don't feel like it. Just eat at your calorie goal and log accurately and you should be able to lose.
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    Weight loss is about calories - so if you truly hate exercise then don't exercise...

    However that being said, I don't think many of us started this journey thinking "I just love to exercise" because if we did, most of us wouldn't be here. So, in that frame of mind, find something you like! You don't need to do these super intense workouts right off the bat - 30 day shred sounds miserable to me too... and I work out 6 days a week most weeks. Why don't you start slower, with something a little more reasonable and work up to more advanced workouts? Try a bunch of things (twice, because the first time trying something new is awkward, always) and find out if you like any of them.

    Also, sometimes exercise is a little miserable... but you do it for the endorphins afterwards. For instance, I enjoy lifting weights but I don't really enjoy running, at least not as much. However, the endorphins & sense of accomplishment I get after a long run - well nothing compares! So I run, a couple times a week, even though during the actual run it's not like I'm loving every step.

    And sometimes you just need to grow up about it and force yourself to get to the gym... I guarantee to you that everyone here has had days where they just didn't feel like going, but they forced themselves anyways because they have bigger goals in mind.

    But you can lose weight by just eating at a deficit... the working out is what you do for the defined, look good in a bathing suit, look... and for your health too!
  • MrsBCoker
    MrsBCoker Posts: 3 Member
    So when I first started and lost 40 lbs I slowly introduced working out. I just started eating healthy and drinking water and then I started walking my dog around the neighborhood, which turned into walking with a friend. Then I decided to go to Zumba because i love dancing. I have tried zumba classes at three different gyms and each one is different so if you go one time to one gym and just aren't feeling it keep in mind the gym itself and the instructor can make a huge difference. Also when I signed up for Gold's I made sure they offered classes that i would enjoy going to. Classes are a great way to get an hour workout in without running on the treadmill or lifting weights with the guys and feeling uncomfortable.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    Find an exercise that you like...whether that is dancing around in your living room, taking a walk with friends (or by yourself), anything that requires movement will help you burn calories and you will look forward to exercise much more if you enjoy what you are doing. 30 day shred is hard and gets boring fast; I am currently doing JM Body Revolution and find it has much more variety and designed for non-exercisers in the beginning...look around, you can find something. Main thing is watch calories in vs. calories out; as long as you are eating reasonably and not excessively you will lose weight.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    edited June 2015
    Set out mini-rewards for yourself. After day 5, you get <small present> After day 10, <larger present>

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Am sure thyeve all told you either dont exercise and accept it will be slower and a less flexible jounrey or find something you like. Personally I like being stronger , faster and fitter because it contributes greatly to my health.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I've been down the MFP route before and I always fail, so I'm starting again. The same issue always remains - I'm fine with eating well, but I HATE exercise.

    I hate it in any shape or form - I hate sweating, I hate feeling so tired, I hate feeling like my lungs are going to burst, I hate the aching for days after.

    However, I am going on a typical teen holiday to Ayia Napa in a month, and want to be any shape other than circular when I go, so I've started the 30 day shred. It hurts and it's hard and I ache alot, but seeing people's results has gotten me motivated.

    I'm only on day 3, but my hatred for exercise is starting to kick in. I need motivation! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and vice versa!
    Then stop going to ridiculous extremes. If you feel like you're going to die, and still hurt days after, you're doing too much too soon. You don't need motivation, you need patience.
  • Nyappykim
    Nyappykim Posts: 57 Member
    As I've seen almost a bajillion times on these forums, you gotta start off with baby steps. Don't push yourself to the point your chest is going to burst or that you're aching for days. Start off slow, and as the days go by, add in more duration or effort and soon enough, you'll see your endurance during workouts improving.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Yes start out slow. My first time on the treadmill I did 10 min. The next was 12 and then 15 and now I can do 30 min without feeling like I'm going to die. Do I like getting up and going to work out? Not really but I feel good after I've done it and it keeps me motivated on my journey. I also feel like it makes up for any errors I could have in my food log.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    I've been down the MFP route before and I always fail, so I'm starting again. The same issue always remains - I'm fine with eating well, but I HATE exercise.

    I hate it in any shape or form - I hate sweating, I hate feeling so tired, I hate feeling like my lungs are going to burst, I hate the aching for days after.

    However, I am going on a typical teen holiday to Ayia Napa in a month, and want to be any shape other than circular when I go, so I've started the 30 day shred. It hurts and it's hard and I ache alot, but seeing people's results has gotten me motivated.

    I'm only on day 3, but my hatred for exercise is starting to kick in. I need motivation! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and vice versa!
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. But not exercising also means that your body won't change much in composition either. If muscle isn't activated, it gets reduced along with fat.
    More than likely you hate exercise because you're not fit enough for it or haven't found anything that appeals to you. You DON'T have to do exercises you don't like. Try dancing. Or Double dutch. Or Hip hop.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I've been down the MFP route before and I always fail, so I'm starting again. The same issue always remains - I'm fine with eating well, but I HATE exercise.

    I hate it in any shape or form - I hate sweating, I hate feeling so tired, I hate feeling like my lungs are going to burst, I hate the aching for days after.

    However, I am going on a typical teen holiday to Ayia Napa in a month, and want to be any shape other than circular when I go, so I've started the 30 day shred. It hurts and it's hard and I ache alot, but seeing people's results has gotten me motivated.

    I'm only on day 3, but my hatred for exercise is starting to kick in. I need motivation! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated and vice versa!

    I'm really sorry to be the cold water in your face, but if you are looking to change your shape, you should have started three or four months ago, at least. There's not much of a change in your body you're going to see in just one month. 30 Day Shred is a good program for beginners, but don't expect anything earth-shattering.

    This doesn't mean you shouldn't continue with it, because any exercise is better than none. Just don't have unrealistic expectations. Significant physical changes take several months to show through.
  • runrascal
    runrascal Posts: 53 Member
    I hate gyms! I hate being indoors to exercise full stop. I walk, sail, kayak... I do weights by lifting and digging heavy stuff in my garden. It's all about activity not special "exercise". If you can build in activity to your day like walking further to work, taking the stairs, walking about at work if you have a desk job, then it is easy to do and takes no special effort, no special clothes and no extra money! Good luck and keep at it!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I hate 'exercise', but I love being able to move around.

    Finding walking for miles easier because I've done it regularly and built up my strength

    not aching for days after lifting a bag of sand after work is better as I've been to the gym, lifted weights and slowly built up some muscles

    going out on a bike and understanding how to change gears and keep cadence, the technical stuff that makes riding easier, so that I can go up hills and not feel like my lungs are going to burst, and ENJOY the landscape around me.

    going dancing every week, getting hot and sweaty but laughing all the while.

    I don't 'exercise' per se, but I do 'activity' - 'exercise' by stealth. It's good for my health, my heart, and my mental well-being.

    You may hate exercise, but just losing weight isn't going to make your lungs feel any less like bursting. Find an activity you like to do - you don't have to sweat!!!
  • TanishaDominique
    TanishaDominique Posts: 24 Member
    I'm really sorry to be the cold water in your face, but if you are looking to change your shape, you should have started three or four months ago, at least. There's not much of a change in your body you're going to see in just one month. 30 Day Shred is a good program for beginners, but don't expect anything earth-shattering.

    This doesn't mean you shouldn't continue with it, because any exercise is better than none. Just don't have unrealistic expectations. Significant physical changes take several months to show through.

    To be fair, I like my body to a certain extent. I just wanted to cut down on my belly and hips by an inch or so. From results of people with similar body types to me doing the 30DS, it seems like a realistic goal.
  • TanishaDominique
    TanishaDominique Posts: 24 Member
    You guys are right though - I've been seeing exercise as that awful, strenuous thing when really it's just a bit of what i do everyday, just more. :)