'coming out' on weight....actual weight and photo's....admitting this is how big I've become



  • Goooosfraba333
    Goooosfraba333 Posts: 51 Member
    Holy crap you're smokin'! Seriously, those curves...I'm a little jealous! But I know the feeling....I also want to lose about 60 pounds and can understand the anxiety that can come from BDD. I sometimes cant leave the house unless my clothes are baggy enough to hide everything.
  • susanJ1966
    susanJ1966 Posts: 6 Member
    Are you sure your scales are accurate? I'm 184lbs, same height and I am waaaay bigger than you.

    I wish all the jealous people would stop hating on OP's choice of/reasons for body photos. Sadly a lot of young people don't know how beautiful they are. I speak as a mum of teenage girls.
  • tanny684
    tanny684 Posts: 196 Member
    susanJ1966 wrote: »
    Are you sure your scales are accurate? I'm 184lbs, same height and I am waaaay bigger than you.

    I wish all the jealous people would stop hating on OP's choice of/reasons for body photos. Sadly a lot of young people don't know how beautiful they are. I speak as a mum of teenage girls.

    I'm actually bigger than 220lbs, I'm 222.....hehe my maths is bad. Thanks for your post. Ironically, my breasts are the cause of my weight gain. They were the same size when I was slim and 154lbs, and the attention I got was too much for me. I stopped leaving the house and started eating. I've always felt ridiculed and ashamed of my breasts. But they are real and part of me and made up of fat same as the fat on my thighs or my backside. I can't imagine people saying ''thinly veiled thigh shot''. It's not my fault I have a huge bust and I don't feel I should be ashamed of that. I can change my size but I can't change my shape....fat or thin I have always been curvy with very large breasts.

    It happens in real life also. This strange aggressive response to my breasts. I do wonder why they provoke such a reaction? I hand on heart honestly could not care what people dress like or how big their boobs/any other part of their body is. Frankly it's none of my business. I hope people realise before they comment however that your judgement does affect people. I spent years of my life afraid to leave the house because of comments and stares. I'm in my 30's and wasted my entire youth on being ashamed of a body shape I can't change even if I tried. It's a shame a lot of younger girls may have to go through what I did.
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    You are beautiful! Take it one day at a time with working on yourself. Do it for you and no one else. Little habit changes go a long way. At least it has in the past for me. Good luck on your journey, you got this!
  • kastephens11
    kastephens11 Posts: 57 Member
    I had the same mind set as you. I didn't believe how big I was truly getting. I had a different image in my mind and would ignore the proof in pictures that I was getting bigger. But now I came to terms that I need to drop this weight. I jumped to a whopping 245, but at 5'8' the weight was a little easier to hide. I'm looking to lose 100lbs now. I got a long journey ahead of me, but I'm ready for it! Good luck! :smile: