help! Not losing any more weight?

Hello, this past month I've started adjusting my diet and easily went from 140 to 134. I added in some exercise and now am at 129. However I can't seem to get any further. I log anywhere from 1,000-1,200 calories on here and workout 5-6 days/week. I also have a fitbit and keep track of my steps. I eat alot of veggies, some fruit, eggs usually for breakfast, greek yogurt for snacks, meats, and occasional treats (dark chocolate, dark chocolate covered fruit). I avoid eating too much bread/pasta and my only dairy comes from my yogurt. I dont understand why I can't shed anymore weight??


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    What weight are you trying to get to? What is your height? Weight loss tends to slow since your deficit gets very tight when you get lower in weight.

    You're trending very low on your intake (if you are accurately weighing), so you potentially rising malnutrition.

    @lemonlionheart created this flowchart that answers a lot of the typical "stall" questions.k2wd50f99sxj.jpg
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited June 2015
    Give it time. You've lost what? 11 lbs in a month or has it been longer?. :flowerforyou:

    Some weeks you will lose. Some you won't. There might even be weeks you gain a bit (TOM water retention is always fun).

    Just be patient.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    How are you keeping track of your food? Are you using a food scale?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    How long has it been since you lost weight? 11 pounds in a month is amazing progress. You can't expect that to be the norm, as a lot of the initial loss is water weight. Your losses now should be about .5-1 pound per week since you're at a low weight barring your height.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Your Fitbit burn is TDEE. If you eat at a reasonable deficit from that, you wil lose weight.

    Connect your accounts:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Set your goal to .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight:

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group:
  • smithac96
    smithac96 Posts: 9 Member
    @bpetrosky Im 5'3 and my goal weight is 120. I usually eat most my calories, however after my workouts sometimes at the end of the day when I complete my log it tells me Im under
    @Liftng4Lis I use size charts to determine most of my portions (size of a 3 oz steak, etc) I measure other things such as fruit and veggies in measuring cups
    @editorgrrl only .5 a week? Originally I set my goal at 2 per week
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    @editorgrrl only .5 a week? Originally I set my goal at 2 per week

    2 lbs. a week is an appropriate goal for someone who's 100 lbs. overweight. You weigh 129 lbs. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient. The smaller deficit will also help you transition to maintenance.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    @bpetrosky Im 5'3 and my goal weight is 120. I usually eat most my calories, however after my workouts sometimes at the end of the day when I complete my log it tells me Im under
    @Liftng4Lis I use size charts to determine most of my portions (size of a 3 oz steak, etc) I measure other things such as fruit and veggies in measuring cups
    @editorgrrl only .5 a week? Originally I set my goal at 2 per week

    2lb/week would be way too aggressive for you, that's for people that are very overweight. Once you're a healthy weight, 0.5-1lb/week is a good goal.

    If you're not weighing your food, you may be eating a lot more than you think. Try weighing the portions you would have eaten for a few days and see how many calories you're actually eating, it's probably a lot more than 1000-1200.
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    Hello, this past month I've started adjusting my diet and easily went from 140 to 134. I added in some exercise and now am at 129. However I can't seem to get any further. I log anywhere from 1,000-1,200 calories on here and workout 5-6 days/week. I also have a fitbit and keep track of my steps. I eat alot of veggies, some fruit, eggs usually for breakfast, greek yogurt for snacks, meats, and occasional treats (dark chocolate, dark chocolate covered fruit). I avoid eating too much bread/pasta and my only dairy comes from my yogurt. I dont understand why I can't shed anymore weight??

    Without know your stats my bet is you've successfully managed to put your metabolism in the crapper.

    You may need to look at reverse dieting for a short while to help heal your body and then restart at a more appropriate intake for your goals.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member

    Without know your stats my bet is you've successfully managed to put your metabolism in the crapper.

    Me precise thought. Why why why do people always try to eat as little as they possibly can?

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    With nine pounds to lose, choosing 2 pounds per week will accelerate muscle loss and potentially leave you looking "skinny fat" (plus, as MFP's floor for calories is 1200, you wouldn't be hitting that amount anyway). You're also going to need to tighten up your logging by either cutting your portions down. A food scale will do wonders for you in seeing exactly how much you're eating.

    These threads are great to read:
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    Hello, this past month I've started adjusting my diet and easily went from 140 to 134. I added in some exercise and now am at 129. However I can't seem to get any further. I log anywhere from 1,000-1,200 calories on here and workout 5-6 days/week. I also have a fitbit and keep track of my steps. I eat alot of veggies, some fruit, eggs usually for breakfast, greek yogurt for snacks, meats, and occasional treats (dark chocolate, dark chocolate covered fruit). I avoid eating too much bread/pasta and my only dairy comes from my yogurt. I dont understand why I can't shed anymore weight??

    Without know your stats my bet is you've successfully managed to put your metabolism in the crapper.

    You may need to look at reverse dieting for a short while to help heal your body and then restart at a more appropriate intake for your goals.

    I second this possibility, especially if you're not eating back your exercise calories. It's a strange paradox that you have to sometimes eat more to lose weight, but if you don't eat enough to maintain your body, your body will rebel.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    Hello, this past month I've started adjusting my diet and easily went from 140 to 134. I added in some exercise and now am at 129. However I can't seem to get any further. I log anywhere from 1,000-1,200 calories on here and workout 5-6 days/week. I also have a fitbit and keep track of my steps. I eat alot of veggies, some fruit, eggs usually for breakfast, greek yogurt for snacks, meats, and occasional treats (dark chocolate, dark chocolate covered fruit). I avoid eating too much bread/pasta and my only dairy comes from my yogurt. I dont understand why I can't shed anymore weight??

    Without know your stats my bet is you've successfully managed to put your metabolism in the crapper.

    You may need to look at reverse dieting for a short while to help heal your body and then restart at a more appropriate intake for your goals.

    If she were truly eating 1000-1200 calories, she'd be losing weight. It take much longer than a month for metabolic adaptation to happen.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    i have lost 51lbs in around 20 months. my loss has slowed but i am around 15lbs from where i should be. i am noticing i have to be really accurate in weighing and activity or i stay where i am. i have been at 145 for around a month now after losing 4lbs. it seems to be this way. my target is .5lbs per week mostly my deficit is around 300 per day which is manageable.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    What weight are you trying to get to? What is your height? Weight loss tends to slow since your deficit gets very tight when you get lower in weight.

    You're trending very low on your intake (if you are accurately weighing), so you potentially rising malnutrition.

    @lemonlionheart created this flowchart that answers a lot of the typical "stall" questions.k2wd50f99sxj.jpg

    I <3 this.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    Hello, this past month I've started adjusting my diet and easily went from 140 to 134. I added in some exercise and now am at 129. However I can't seem to get any further. I log anywhere from 1,000-1,200 calories on here and workout 5-6 days/week. I also have a fitbit and keep track of my steps. I eat alot of veggies, some fruit, eggs usually for breakfast, greek yogurt for snacks, meats, and occasional treats (dark chocolate, dark chocolate covered fruit). I avoid eating too much bread/pasta and my only dairy comes from my yogurt. I dont understand why I can't shed anymore weight??

    Without know your stats my bet is you've successfully managed to put your metabolism in the crapper.

    You may need to look at reverse dieting for a short while to help heal your body and then restart at a more appropriate intake for your goals.

    A month is a little too short a timeframe for this to happen, I think, but by undereating like this she is possibly on her way.

    OP, reset your goal to something safer, say 0.5lb/week, and tighten up your logging. Try eating back half of your exercise calories and adjust up or down after a few weeks if you need to. Also, if you haven't started a resistance/weight program, that will do wonders for your body shape, way WAY more than just dieting and cardio alone.

  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    i am around 15lbs from where i should be. i am noticing i have to be really accurate in weighing and activity or i stay where i am. i have been at 145 for around a month now after losing 4lbs. it seems to be this way. my target is .5lbs per week mostly my deficit is around 300 per day which is manageable.


    OP, make your diary public for personalized advice, but the smaller you are the smaller the margin of error. You will maintain unless you log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Logging is simple, but it ain't easy. Logging works.
  • smithac96
    smithac96 Posts: 9 Member
    I changed my weight loss goal to .5/week and that shot me up to eating 1600 calories a day. Will I need to up my portions? My portions right now are used on a small plate (not a dinner plate) 1/2 is veggies, 1/4 is meat, and 1/4 is a carb of some kind. That's how my plate is for lunch and dinner (unless I just have a salad). Then my snacks would be 1/2 cup of grapes or berries, a greek yogurt cup, and if Im still under my calorie intake I usually eat another greek yogurt since theyre high in protein. Even with that Im eating when I dont feel hungry simply to hit my calorie intake.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited June 2015
    smithac96 wrote: »
    I changed my weight loss goal to .5/week and that shot me up to eating 1600 calories a day. Will I need to up my portions? My portions right now are used on a small plate (not a dinner plate) 1/2 is veggies, 1/4 is meat, and 1/4 is a carb of some kind. That's how my plate is for lunch and dinner (unless I just have a salad). Then my snacks would be 1/2 cup of grapes or berries, a greek yogurt cup, and if Im still under my calorie intake I usually eat another greek yogurt since theyre high in protein. Even with that Im eating when I dont feel hungry simply to hit my calorie intake.

    You need to start weighing stuff or you can't know for sure how many calories you're eating. Some people are fine without weighing their food, but if you're not losing weight the way you think you should be, your calorie estimations are probably off.

    Has anyone got a link to that video with the guy that showed a cup of various foods and the massive difference between how much that amount should weigh and how much that amount actually weighed?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    smithac96 wrote: »
    I changed my weight loss goal to .5/week and that shot me up to eating 1600 calories a day. Will I need to up my portions? My portions right now are used on a small plate (not a dinner plate) 1/2 is veggies, 1/4 is meat, and 1/4 is a carb of some kind. That's how my plate is for lunch and dinner (unless I just have a salad). Then my snacks would be 1/2 cup of grapes or berries, a greek yogurt cup, and if Im still under my calorie intake I usually eat another greek yogurt since theyre high in protein. Even with that Im eating when I dont feel hungry simply to hit my calorie intake.