Online dating



  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    wolfsbayne wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    wolfsbayne wrote: »
    I only had one bad one. He was just a complainer. That was several years ago before I met my late I'm trying it out again and so far, I've gotten quite a few messages from men in their twenties. Some looking for sex and some trying to get me to see that age is just a number. A few messages from married/involved men looking for something on the side. There's also a few that are gentlemen.

    Well age is just a number when both parties are an adult. Actually my worse date I wrote about in another thread was a date of someone six years older than me.

    Well, for me, that's not necessarily true. I'm a widow with an adult child and two children at home. Someone in their twenties would not be able to understand the dynamic of my family nor relate to most of my experiences. Plus, I'm not going to date someone so close in age to my adult son. That said, I did give a 27 year old a chance and ugh! He attached himself to me like white on rice and made me very uncomfortable.

    this is generally the case, i think its not necessarily the age that is the issue, its the maturity and most importantly if your both in similar places, (in terms of life/life exp/goals etc) a 27yr old might not have the same outlook, same needs and wants, he might not have parental experience (not that he is to become the parent but he might not be able to deal with the situations that kids bring up)

    So age might be an arbitrary number but it’s still as useful barometer.

    Wow… first serious post on here.

  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    In answer to your question, the guys that reject me are of average looks/look worse in person. Not sure if it's based solely on my/their looks or personalities not meshing. And I don't know if anything would have ended up in a relationship but I'd probably give at least a second date (first date jitters can be rough). I've pretty much resigned myself to ending up an old maid with my dogs. I don't handle rejection well lol :/