Bad experience at the gym and feeling discouraged



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Eff 'em. Report the behavior to management and laugh all the way to personal fitness.

    You're better than them.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    I'd be judging them that they are standing around talking crap about people rather than sorting themselves out. Then again you can lose the weight, they'll always be b!tches!

    Love it!!!!
  • AChildAtHeart
    AChildAtHeart Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2015
    These sound like a bunch of low self esteem losers who build themselves up by cutting down others. Don't let them affect you. They can't interfere with your own healthy activities unless you allow it. Complain, but also tune them out or choose how to react to them. Instead of letting them make you feel bad, choose to feel bad for them that they have such a pathetic life instead of doing something healthy like you are. Getting angry or upset only wastes your valuable energy that you could throw into your workout. They're not worth your time!
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I would 100% report them to the staff. If someone is talking about at the gym, that's ridiculous.
  • getfitjelly
    getfitjelly Posts: 1 Member
    I feel exactly how you feel. They're probably just miserable people. Which is sad to have to beat someone up in order to build yourself up. I normally just go in their with my headphones blasting in my ear and do my thing. Forget what anyone else says. You're beautiful. Atleast you're trying to better your health and your body unlike some other people out there that won't even step foot in a gym just cause.
  • cosmiqrecovery
    cosmiqrecovery Posts: 171 Member
    if they have the breath left in them to talk *kitten* that loud, they're doing the gym wrong. three months from now you'll be strong enough to kick their noodly *kitten*.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    I would make some smart *kitten* remark such as, "when you work more than your mouth you actually sweat"

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with this, for the most part I have found people at the gym to be helpful and supportive. Don't let a few b!tches deter you from your goals!
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    You should ask yourself what advise you would give to someone you really care about in the same situation as yourself. I find we know what we should say when we are sticking up for someone else but we never seem to apply it to ourselves. Hold your head high and enjoy your workout. People that are so caught up in other peoples lives must have nothing of their own to look forward to. How sad for them.
  • Justinelovezumba32
    Justinelovezumba32 Posts: 25 Member
    With the way my mouth is set up, I would handle them myself. May not be the best way to go, but it's letting them know, yeah *kitten* I hear you talking! Let your haters be your motivators! Good luck on your journey. Btw, they are probably jealous of your beauty!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Screw them, you are the awesome one. Having been you a couple of years ago when I started I used to find the machine in the darkest corner and hope I wouldn't experience exactly what you unfortunately did as I know I'd have been hurt and also angry. If its any consolation, if I see larger people giving it their all in the gym now I always think how fantastic it is as I know how much courage it took me. The only reason I don't say anything is that they don't know where I started so it'd sound really patronising and also if someone had said anything to me I'd have been incredibly self-conscious thatI'd been noticed and also would have wondered if they being sarcastic and having a laugh at my expense. But ignore them, do your thing and I'll pretty much guarantee they'll quit before you do. <3
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I think you should report them, because it'd be a good thing for you to do, to feel like you can take some kind of action.

    I know some people get more out of toughing it out in difficult environments, and if you feel like you want to do that, go for it. But it's also ok to find a place that feels safer and more comfortable to work out in, until you feel more confident about what you're doing. Some gyms just have terrible atmospheres. Some are more welcoming/awesome.

    I really like community centres, which tend to have a good mix of people of all ages and sizes.
  • Northernlight03
    Northernlight03 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Don't let them stop you working out and keep it up girl!! When you have achieved your goal they will be like "wow look at the girl...she lost so much weight" and you can hold your head high and be proud they didn't stop you
  • BeFitBri2
    BeFitBri2 Posts: 35 Member
    My advice is to just put some ear buds in, blast your favorite music and get into your own world and forget everyone around you. I am very shy and don't like being around groups of people I don't know so when I go into the gym I just try to focus and forget the people around me. You're doing great, girl. Women like that don't belong in the gym. The gym is supposed to be an uplifting and encouraging environment. If the problem continues you may consider speaking with gym staff and explain to them the rude behavior of that group of people. Best of luck to you!
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Those types are always around - but .....headphones can be a major help. If I don't have headphones in, that invites pretty much anything....headphones on...eyes on target and just ignore. If it gets too bad, report it. Just remember you can only control YOU (not them) so mind your business and they see it doesn't phase you....they typically let up and focus on someone else. I've even worn headphones just to wear them - even w/out the music on.
  • leannefullarton
    leannefullarton Posts: 2 Member
    Yes definitely complain! they have no excuse for this and bullying isn't tolerated anywhere (or at least shouldn't be) you're there on your own doing you thing and working hard at it and shouldn't feel discouraged because some bored girls have nothing better to do!
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    eff them, focus on your workout, they are not worth your time
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    I'm sorry that you've had to go through this. Definitely report them to staff. But you also need to stand up to these women. You don't have to talk to them but I would do something like go work out closer to them. Let them see you sweat. Let them see that their words are wasted. If you let them bully you then they are going to do it to someone else when you are gone.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    People talk about me all the time at my new gym. I see them looking at me and leaning in and talking to their gym partners. But its usually because I am covered in sweat! I'm there for an hour and a half most days. They usually get there and leave while I am still there. They see me lifting weights like a man and I don't talk to anyone. That time is my time! I go in and do my thing; I don't have time to worry about them...they aren't important. I know it's tough when you're worried about it....but you'll have to get into the mindset ...that, this is your time and don't be so concerned about those other people. When they've gone and fallen off and you don't see them in months or they talk about the wrong person and someone actually puts them in their place....poof! They will be gone.
    Concentrate on you! You are the most important person...what you think matters...what you tell yourself is the "gospel" ... so treat yourself right and enjoy your gym time...focus on what you came there to do and nothing less! :)
    Good luck!!
  • Xo_c_e_b_xo
    Xo_c_e_b_xo Posts: 70 Member
    Unfortunately there are nasty people everywhere nowadays, as everyone else said speak to management and if it persists then ask for your money back or tell them you want to leave because of them.
    Some people just don't live in the real
    World .... Gyms are not just for skinnys they are for anyone that wants to try and get fit.
    How dare they judge you when you're clearly trying to lose weight and putting serious work in !

    Feel free to add me if you need any support x
  • shedthesweater
    shedthesweater Posts: 279 Member
    TomBristow wrote: »
    You're not alone. I was at a gym class about 6 months ago, and it was a Boxfit class, which I've actually been doing for about 5 years on and off so I knew what I was doing.

    Anyway, I hadn't been in a few months and this random guy comes up to me and says "You're going to struggle today. You're going to hate this". I had no idea who he was - but he was saying it in a way as if he was trying to get under my skin.

    I still haven't forgotten it and I can't wait to get fit and prove him wrong.

    Yes, I will struggle with you here being negative, this is what I would have said to the jerk.