For those who are coffee drinkers?

If you had to give up your coffee for an entire month and could only replace it with plain water how miserable would you be?


  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Unless I had medical reasons for staying away from coffee, I would not give it up, because I enjoy it (I drink it black). I would probably be miserable for the first week and then be fine though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'd get over it, but I don't know why anyone would have to or want to do such a thing. Coffee actually has some health benefits and is rich in antioxidants.
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I always used to think I could stop drinking coffee anytime I wanted and it wouldn't bother me at all. However, in the winter I had to do a 2 day stress test and was not allowed to drink coffee for those 2 days and I have to say, I noticed it.
  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    What?! No coffee!? I will give it up in the end times, if I have to!
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I had to give up coffee and soy completely due to hormonal issues. I didn't get headaches, but I miss the coffee SO much!!! I love the taste of coffee. I switched to mate and/or guayaki so I still get some caffeine, but it is so not the same... : (
  • karrie830
    karrie830 Posts: 8 Member
    The first couple of days getting through the caffeine withdrawals would be a little rough, but I could do it I have done it in the past, and then slowly slipped back into my coffee addiction. I know caffeine is bad for me, but it taste so good.
  • roselemonade
    roselemonade Posts: 53 Member
    I probably wouldn't notice.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you had to give up your coffee for an entire month and could only replace it with plain water how miserable would you be?

    I'd feel it for a day or two, nothing severe, just a morning habit suddenly not there. Been there done that.

    If you'd asked me the same question in the 80's when I was drinking 5 or 10 cups of office coffee swill (often blends with large % of cheaper, higher caffeine, robusta beans)... I'd be cranky for a lot longer. I know that because I decided to break my cheap coffee dependence and quit cold turkey.

    Good arabica coffee beans have less caffeine than cheap robusta / robusta blend coffees. About half in fact.

    When I did start drinking coffee again I made my own from freshly ground beans and never looked back. One decent coffee in the morning is all I really need but if a triple tall Americano finds its way into my cup mid-day I will not complain. :smile:

    The real answer to your question is... I wouldn't give up coffee because failing having health issues specific to coffee/caffeine, I don't believe there is any benefit to giving up my one, sometimes two, good cups of coffee.

    Coffee has nutrient and health value. Good coffee is even a source of niacin - little known fact.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    The first week would be rough. Really really rough. I've done it before, not something I would like to repeat.
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    I'd miss it. I've had to go coffee-free in the past, but just for a week or two, for health reasons, and I missed it. I limited my coffee a lot more in my pregnancies and missed it then too. Miserable might be stretching it a bit but I'd be a bit pouty.

    It's the same as I would feel about excluding anything I like to consume regularly. Like tea, or chocolate, or rice...
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you had to give up your coffee for an entire month and could only replace it with plain water how miserable would you be?

    That's a good one.

    Where I come from we are known for our coffees (flat whites and caffe lattes are most popular) and it features so prominently in the local's lives it has actually won coffee competitions in the land of coffee (Italy) I guess because of how it has become so culturally distinct. Sort of like how black coffee in America is so culturally distinct it has become a culture on its own.

    When I went to live in the US for a while I literally had to give up caffe lattes because no offence to American coffees and its obviously just a preference here but the caffe lattes I had in multiple states I lived and visited, recommended by locals and by food sites were just horrible. Some were bearable but the coffees were very weak, too milky and the size of the coffees just ensured that even with a triple shot you were still put to sleep by what tasted like warm milk.

    I switched to American style coffee and learnt to enjoy and appreciate America's distinct style of coffee. Starbucks doesn't count - they make disgusting coffee. I also had the opportunity to try other culture's coffees during my exploration in search of an alternative. Its like going to China and complaining they make crap burgers. :smiley:

    So no caffe lattes for more than a month was really painful. But coffee is just coffee, I'd just replace one poison with another.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I gave it up for about 12 days for a backpacking trip. Didn't want to mess with carrying it and making it in the morning. I weaned myself off of it over about a week.

    I wan't very miserable but I was way out of my normal routine.

    I did miss it, though, and got some as soon as I could back at base camp.

    I suppose I could have done it for a month if'n I had to. I have considered giving it up as a lenten penance but have never actually pulled the trigger on that one.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    y u do dis
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I had to try this for a bit, and I still can't really talk about it.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I'm pretty sure I'd having a raging headache if I gave it up...
    I did give it up with my first pregnancy - not by choice, but because the smell of it made me want to puke up my guts (as did a lot of other smells, I had very intense aversions with my first pregnancy).

    I've gone in waves of drinking too much to just a cup a day. I certainly drink a lot more when I'm at work vs. when I'm at home. I like to sip coffee all day while I'm at work. At home, I'm too busy to drink it other than a cup first thing in the morning.

  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    I gave it up for each of my 3 pregnancies. It was hell the first month or so each time. I pretty much had an order to hubby, as soon as baby is out there better be a coffee waiting for me :smiley:
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I'd have a rocking caffeine withdrawal headache for several days, which would really suck. Plus I'd really miss sitting down to drink it in peace. I've pretty much trained my kids to leave me alone while I'm drinking my coffee.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I like coffee but that's not my primary source of caffeine. I have primarily as a treat every few days.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'd be a pretty sad panda.