


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    My husband and I have been training people for over 20 years and this is a common practice with people who struggle with weight management. Mathematically, it would make sense; however, that is NOT how your body works. Under eating during the week so you can over eat on the weekend is an example of a dieting eating disorder. (Go to a local Weight Watcher meeting and you'll see the insanity of people not eating/drinking all day and peeing multiple times before weigh-ins... only to sit down and gorge on whatever diet treats they have hidden in their purse before the meeting.)

    I'm not saying you can never have a "cheat meal" - then again, if you plan for it, it's not a cheat - but what I am saying is that you should NEVER limit good food and calories you need for the sake of over eating junk you don't. That's a recipe for metabolic disaster.

    Please post your source references for these assertions

    Particularly when OP clearly stated she would be eating 1400 calories a day on the lower days to save for the weekend ..which is clearly adequate for her to meet nutritional macros and micros
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    My husband and I have been training people for over 20 years and this is a common practice with people who struggle with weight management. Mathematically, it would make sense; however, that is NOT how your body works. Under eating during the week so you can over eat on the weekend is an example of a dieting eating disorder. (Go to a local Weight Watcher meeting and you'll see the insanity of people not eating/drinking all day and peeing multiple times before weigh-ins... only to sit down and gorge on whatever diet treats they have hidden in their purse before the meeting.)

    I'm not saying you can never have a "cheat meal" - then again, if you plan for it, it's not a cheat - but what I am saying is that you should NEVER limit good food and calories you need for the sake of over eating junk you don't. That's a recipe for metabolic disaster.

    Really not seeing how eating 1400 on weekdays and 2k each day on the weekend lands in eating disorder territory.

    I do this kind of thing all the time. It's not disordered.

    If you're calling my pizza and pasta junk I'm gonna have to disagree. lol.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    @fitchickarw actually I'm rather confused by your self-positioning as an expert in this when you are posting incorrect information as above and logging burns of over 900 for 80 mins cardio as a self-proclaimed fit are you measuring that kind of burn?
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited June 2015
    bmchenry02 wrote: »
    so those of you that are doing this are you also watching your macros? I think I would go crazy.
    I try and hit my calorie and macro goals on a daily basis (although I learned from other MFP's that I'm not hitting them like I thought I was) and enjoy a treat meal once a week and usually one small treat throughout the week (like a few dove chocolates or scoop of ice cream with the kiddos).
    I keep an index card in front of my computer with various calorie-macro data that I can see at a glance. I eat between 1200-1500 calories a day, depending upon how hungry I am.

    I'm using the MFP default macro mix of 50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein.

    Two of the amounts I have on the card are:
    1330 calories = 166g carbs, 44g fat, 67g protein
    1500 calories = 188g, 50g, 75g

    I try to hit the protein and fat gram goals for whatever calories I'm eating that day. Carbs fill in whatever calories I don't get from protein or fat.

    I view the macros as a rough guide and I try to get near the gram amounts for fat and protein. If I don't, it's no big deal.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Protein and fat should be viewed as a minimum really

    Protein at 0.64-0.82g per lb bodyweight
    Fat at 0.35Gg per lb of bodyweight

  • carole4000
    carole4000 Posts: 50 Member
    Jillian Michaels suggests spreading out calories over the week with low days and a high day so at the end of the week your calorie total is still the same for the whole. :o
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    My husband and I have been training people for over 20 years and this is a common practice with people who struggle with weight management. Mathematically, it would make sense; however, that is NOT how your body works. Under eating during the week so you can over eat on the weekend is an example of a dieting eating disorder. (Go to a local Weight Watcher meeting and you'll see the insanity of people not eating/drinking all day and peeing multiple times before weigh-ins... only to sit down and gorge on whatever diet treats they have hidden in their purse before the meeting.)

    I'm not saying you can never have a "cheat meal" - then again, if you plan for it, it's not a cheat - but what I am saying is that you should NEVER limit good food and calories you need for the sake of over eating junk you don't. That's a recipe for metabolic disaster.

    Man, I am so sick of people acting like this is disordered eating or bingeing. Every thread where this gets asked, someone comes on and acts like its a horrible thing to do.

    In reality, this can HELP some people with disordered eating. Rather than stick to an exact amount every day-regardless of hunger signals and personal preference-eating this way allows flexibility in dietary choices.

    Disordered eating would be forcing myself to eat the same amount every day. Disordered eating would be letting food control your life to an extent that you can't live a little on the weekends.

    Eating this way has basically stopped my issues with bingeing; and allows me to lose weight, lift, run and still enjoy my life. And my metabolism sure doesn't seem damaged when I'm losing over 1lb/week AVERAGING 2100 calories.