Substitutes for Baking Obsession



    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member

    If you think about it they are both very similar. You start out with a white powder and end up feeling like **** because you consumed the whole thing.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Horizon broadening time. Cooking is my hobby. I love it. No less so now since I can look for ways to make incredibly tasty food that falls within calorie limits. Baking is only a subset of cooking. Get cooking.

    For example, did you know shredded raw beets make a fantastic Asian slaw? Neither did I until night before last. I had a raw beet in the fridge so I googled "raw beet recipes" and all sorts of raw beet salads showed up. I dress a shredded beet with ginger, rice vinegar, etc. and it was wonderful. One day I had an eggplant that needed using and a previously baked sweet potato. So, not expecting to find anything I googled "eggplant sweet potato recipes" and discovered eggplant/sweet potato curry. Again, who knew?

    Have a ball with cooking and adjusting recipes to keep your calories within limits.
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160

    I own a beautiful KitchenAid that is getting no loving now I'm trying to lose weight! Thanks for the tips! :happy:
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    Another vote for ChocolateCoveredKatie. The cookie pie is to-die-for!