You are fat says the woman driving down the street.



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    But the title of your OP says the woman called you fat. Did I miss something?
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    But the title of your OP says the woman called you fat. Did I miss something?

    Fat was in there somewhere, It all ran together, the insults was flying, but yes, she did call me fat.

  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    edited June 2015
    This is the offending look, my shorts are tied tight because I run with my phone on me and I don't want it to fall down, you can see how hot is was with a sports bra on, can you imagine a shirt too?

  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    It look a lot for me to post that picture.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I would in no uncertain terms tell her where to stuff her attitude and what to do with her big loud mouth. Wouldn't be the first time I let some noisy jerk have it right back lol.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Frigging awesome job there OP!

    Sunscreen yes? Lol. Just be careful of that. (Australian....highest rate of skin cancer in the world)

    Curious...did she have a passenger?
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    It look a lot for me to post that picture.

    Good for you!

    She's just dumb. Let yourself feel annoyed/pissed/sad for a while then try to move on. That's my method, anyway. :)
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    edited June 2015
    mrsbaldee wrote: »
    Frigging awesome job there OP!

    Sunscreen yes? Lol. Just be careful of that. (Australian....highest rate of skin cancer in the world)

    Curious...did she have a passenger?

    Yes, she did have an older fellow with her, he looked to be in his 60's, I honestly couldn't tell you how old she was, my husband said she looked like a Meth head, she did look strung out and that's where I went with the insults, The guy driving went on in the store despite him seeing myself and my husband approaching, he looked at us and just left her there alone. I would honestly NEVER say something to someone who didn't start yelling stuff at me first.

  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks guys to all of you for being so awesome, I appreciate everyone's input. You guys really rock!! :heart:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    lol did you call her a crack ho? because that would be excellent. XD
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    I haven't had this happen, but I would blow kisses and wink.

    Nothing upsets angry people more than absurd happiness.


    The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief. - William Shakespeare
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I was just wondering if it was her partner and she got a bit stupid about it. I always wonder why people waste their energy on being like that.

    It's all on her regardless, not you. She was probably in a frame of mind that anyone was going to cop it. Happened to be you this time. Brush it off. Move on.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If it makes u feel any better I have a story lol. I was driving back from a baby shower. right hand lane. doing the speed limit. just being all normal. Suddenly a busted down hooptie pulls in behind me and this wild crazy looking woman starts honking at me. So uhhh whatever, I change lanes. She follows and continues. I change lanes again. She does it again. still honking. NO clue who this is. Didn't cut anyone off in traffic, nothing like that. random weirdo. Soooo I just keep driving straight to the police station. Soon as she catches sight of it she's off like a bat out of hell. I chilled in that area a few minutes then went back home. Still don't know wtf that weirdo's problem was.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    If it makes u feel any better I have a story lol. I was driving back from a baby shower. right hand lane. doing the speed limit. just being all normal. Suddenly a busted down hooptie pulls in behind me and this wild crazy looking woman starts honking at me. So uhhh whatever, I change lanes. She follows and continues. I change lanes again. She does it again. still honking. NO clue who this is. Didn't cut anyone off in traffic, nothing like that. random weirdo. Soooo I just keep driving straight to the police station. Soon as she catches sight of it she's off like a bat out of hell. I chilled in that area a few minutes then went back home. Still don't know wtf that weirdo's problem was.

    Lol, you gave me a chuckle, I could so visualize that in my head! :)

  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    I'm getting older. I was reading "hoop tie" instead of "hooptie". D'oh!
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    edited June 2015
    gothchiq wrote: »
    lol did you call her a crack ho? because that would be excellent. XD

    I didn't really call her one of those, I poked fun at her teeth instead, I was wrong for that, now mine are going to fall out. But you know how it is, once you get out of that type of situation you start replaying everything that you could have said if you had been fast on your feet, Mine would have been, "Do you have a ski mask? Cause that just nasty (your face)"... Of course, I could only spew cuss words, my husband however was very amicable, which surprises me since he's an officer, but he said that he didn't want to come and bail me out of jail. I'm sure that would have been very embarrassing for him, "what was she arrested for?" "assault" "why?" "because she called me fat" But for the record, I've never been to jail :)

  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    I think you're pretty.

    Thank you.

  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited June 2015
    There are sports bras made as underwear and sports bras that are optionally outerwear. I trusted the OP to know the difference!!!!

    EDIT: as clearly she does!

    Hey, OP, I took the most unflattering angle of myself I could devise for my progress pics. :) I find them inspiring in an angering sort of way. LOL!