You are fat says the woman driving down the street.



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I will seriously never stop being shocked by things like this.

    Look, I'm not the nicest person in the world. I'm quite blunt and don't have a great filter and sometimes when I'm mad I do say stuff to hurt a person's feelings. But never on my absolute bottom-of-the-barrel worst day ever would I say something *to a stranger* *about their physical appearance*.

    A person who acts like that must exist in a really poisonous mental and emotional place. OP, imagine how horrible you would have to feel before you would say something awful like that to someone. Now realize that the woman who said to you feels like that all of the time.

    This also ties back to socio--political-religious issues where females are seen as property and therefore anyone has the right to comment on your appearance since you are not a fully autonomous being.

    I WISH I had the confidence to show my jelly belly off the world, I really really do. We're about the same as far as our weight loss goals and where we're at but you are light years ahead of me when it comes to confidence, and I really respect you for that!!

    Since I'm super mean, I would probably have gone with, "Nobody likes you at all, do they?" as a reply. It's super mean because it's true.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I haven't had this happen, but I would blow kisses and wink.

    Nothing upsets angry people more than absurd happiness.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I think you're pretty.
  • intruhvurt
    intruhvurt Posts: 21 Member
    I wouldn't acknowledge any person who said this to me. You never know - that may be the wacko that has a gun and is willing to use it if confronted. Just walk away.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?
  • raregem99
    raregem99 Posts: 88 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    Oh please. Mothers can whip out their tits in public to feed their babies but she can't rock her sports bra Brandi Chastain style so as not to die of heart stroke? People are funny.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I would have flipped her the bird and told her to go eff herself.

    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    So because she didn't wear a shirt, she was asking to be insulted by a random stranger?
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    It sounds like it was really hot outside and you were dressed in a sports bra to deal with it. I don't see anything wrong with that. Maybe she was 'jealous' of you, not really commenting on your weight. Maybe you looked 'cute' in your bra. Totally silly that people are so concerned with what you're wearing.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    People have no sense of decency anymore. Why, just yesterday I was at the soda fountain and I saw a gentleman there who did not remove his hat!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Wait...did she say you were fat or just that you needed to wear a shirt?
    SIMAKRA Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Sillycat,

    next time something like this happens, the best is to smile and wave (nicely, not the finger) at them, that drives them really mad lol.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    That person was an idiot. Anyone who yells things at random strangers walking is usually a nut case. I know ita hard, but try to let this go.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Wait...did she say you were fat or just that you needed to wear a shirt?

    I was also wondering this. It couldve been a modesty thing. Maybe she was just offended by the op wearing a sport bra out doors and meant nothing weight related.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Wait...did she say you were fat or just that you needed to wear a shirt?

    I was also wondering this. It couldve been a modesty thing. Maybe she was just offended by the op wearing a sport bra out doors and meant nothing weight related.

    Yeah I mean, not that it's NICE to yell things at people...Just wondering if that is all she said.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    arditarose wrote: »
    Wait...did she say you were fat or just that you needed to wear a shirt?

    Now I want to know this, too.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Wait...did she say you were fat or just that you needed to wear a shirt?

    I was also wondering this. It couldve been a modesty thing. Maybe she was just offended by the op wearing a sport bra out doors and meant nothing weight related.

    Yeah I mean, not that it's NICE to yell things at people...Just wondering if that is all she said.

    Same here. I agree that its never okay to yell anything insulting at a stranger, but there are people who get really bent out of shape about modesty. So this lady couldve just been upset about the lack of a shirt and this whole thing isn't weight related at all.
  • ccourcha
    ccourcha Posts: 316 Member
    I always my beginning pick handy on my phone. Looking at yours, i would have pulled one up and showed them, then asked them if they are working on that that poor effing attitude that is making them ugly to other people
  • tretoptreece
    tretoptreece Posts: 425 Member
    Bras are meant to be worn UNDER clothing. Even on someone very thin and fit, this is really not appropriate attire unless at the gym or actively on a run.

    While her comments were meant-spirited, it sounds like you know that you shouldn't be dressed that way in public, right?

    So what you're saying is it's ok to wear a sports bra at a gym or outside running but not walking? Is that because no one will see you running by in your sports bra because you're running super fast? Or because no one will be paying attention to you at the gym because they have blinders on? I mean really? Seriously??! What is the difference?
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    Essentially, I was wearing a sports bra because it's 95 degrees where I am at. It's very hot and it's the only real time I can get exercise in. Yes, I was on a public road, they pulled in the parking lot where I was walking and decided to insult me, after I walked up to her car, my husband said Mam, that wasn't called for and she said well she needs to wear a shirt because that's just "NASTY". I am normally actively on a run, the day this happened I decided to walk, I actually waffled between wearing a shirt or not. It was too hot and I didn't want the excess heat on me. I was minding my own business as I was going through the parking lot. I used to wear sports bra's all the time, I was thinner yes, but with my 30 pound weight loss that I've had, I felt relatively good about wearing it, I've been wearing it, I guess I just ran into someone who I offended by the way I look.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Essentially, I was wearing a sports bra because it's 95 degrees where I am at. It's very hot and it's the only real time I can get exercise in. Yes, I was on a public road, they pulled in the parking lot where I was walking and decided to insult me, after I walked up to her car, my husband said Mam, that wasn't called for and she said well she needs to wear a shirt because that's just "NASTY". I am normally actively on a run, the day this happened I decided to walk, I actually waffled between wearing a shirt or not. It was too hot and I didn't want the excess heat on me. I was minding my own business as I was going through the parking lot. I used to wear sports bra's all the time, I was thinner yes, but with my 30 pound weight loss that I've had, I felt relatively good about wearing it, I've been wearing it, I guess I just ran into someone who I offended by the way I look.

    From the sounds of it, you didn't offend her. She is just dumb.